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WD UA 2015

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Everything posted by WD UA 2015

  1. The $13 price is if you pay for the whole year. Will cost $19 for the month to month plan. I signed up. Might be our only win this year.
  2. Not sure if this has been mentioned, but the game is only on flofootball live stream. Costs $13 to watch it. Edit- I see this was already talked about.
  3. I haven't been to a game in 3 years but I watch every game on tv. Got tired of people turning and staring at me like I'm a freak every time i'd yell or stomp my feet to make noise when we are on defense. Typical attitude i used to see is 'We like the Zips, but you're kind of a loser if you get THAT excited when cheering Akron on'. Seems it is acceptable to make noise only after a big play.
  4. We should have kept the guy that won a bowl game and beat a big ten team.
  5. Announces are driving me nuts. Last I checked IllinoiS has an S in it!
  6. He looks and talks like the coach from Friday Night Lights.
  7. Espn shows one 3 star. All the rest are no stars.
  8. Seems the best move is to have Milwee replaced first before they think about replacing Bowden. Obviously the weak link is the offense. We'd be winning more if that good defense had some help. Watched Zips football with Terry Bowden show. First time I've seen him in the show be vocally critical of the offensive ineptness and not make excuses.
  9. We know. Just kidding. She probably better than most of her male counterparts!
  10. My wife says " If we lose its because they let a woman be a ref LOL".
  11. Not sure Chapman is a good comparison to Nelson. Chapman flat out couldn't play the position. Nelson has consistency problems but still has a lot of talent.
  12. Bear says the Zippers are 6-1 ATS on conference underdog games with 3 outright wins. He's got the Zips covering, but losing the game. Hope he's not completely right!
  13. I remember TB's comments on preseason that there were one or two practices where Ramart pushed Nelson but that was about it. Kato has 2+ years left. Makes sense to keep him as the starter.
  14. Zips win convincingly. They often seem to show up in full force and focused when counted out or following an embarrassing loss.
  15. For some perspective- in 2015, the record was 3-5 on Oct 31st. We had lost to BG by 40 something points. Turned out to be a nice season.
  16. Just last week Tim Brando was saying Terry Bowden should get a P5 school job. There was discussion here about him possibly leaving, but he might be too old to go. Now we want him fired one game later. Event the best coached teams have letdown games. Alabama had one when they lost to ”the" osu a few years back in the cfb championship. osu had one last year against Iowa. Those are just a couple examples. Let's just see what happens next week. Weren't we supposed to get blown out by Ohio U last year?
  17. Saw that guy too. He had a paper scoreboard he updated in real time to show everyone around him. It looked the best day of his life at the end of the game as excited as he was. I still lol thinking about it.
  18. When I was a student we didn't need tickets. They just scanned my student id at the gate. Seems like a step in the wrong direction. This looked like a different team compared to the first 3 games. A case of the team thinking they can just show up and win vs miami. The players deserve some blame, but it's mostly on the coaches for not having them ready.
  19. That's hilarious. It's like something out of a comedy movie.
  20. That is a drawback. I'd like to listen to the radio broadcast while watching, but the delay makes it a problem.
  21. I'm guilty of most of the btn app belly aching last night. I stream all games to my 65" tv and never have any issues with espn, nbc, cbs or fox apps. All are 1080hd and never freeze.
  22. The btn2go app has the replay posted and it's available with your tv provider login. I don't see it on YouTube yet.
  23. That must have been awsome to see live!
  24. If only Espn, cbs, nbc had this game... I've seen maybe 50% of it. Btn2go......
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