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Cykron last won the day on December 10 2019

Cykron had the most liked content!

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  • Location
    Ames, Iowa
  • Interests
    Iowa State football and in-laws in the Akron area (in that order!)

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  1. This is the way that I saw it. And almost all the reflections by Georgia Southern fans were on their QB's failures. Very similar to the way he cost them the Wisconsin game in which they had an early lead in Madison.
  2. So, did they actually demolish and remove the Rubber Bowl in its entirety? Seems like they have been talking about it forever.
  3. Kyle just committed to Georgia Southern. I haven't talked to him directly about the reasons for leaving Buffalo or chosing Georgia Southern. However, I can think of more than 50 degree/reasons to do so.
  4. Hope Coach Moorhead knows. Bring Kyle back close to home for his final year.
  5. Well, who do you think you are? Me? Seriously, I was surprised to get the call. My only financial interactions with Akron have been: 1) buying tickets to the Iowa State game, 2) paying in advance for an entire tailgate lot, and 3) winning the 50/50 raffle. Somehow this must make me score high in the algorithm.
  6. Isn't the current problem more related to COVID and the extra year being given to 4 or 5 classes of student-athletes?
  7. Winston DeLattiboudere! That is a great name!
  8. I certainly hope not. There have been a few former blue blood programs that fired coaches who didn't reach the highest goals, such as Nebraska, who haven't been able to return even to those levels. A bunch of 9+ win seasons and frequent contention for the MAC championship would be awesome. Hope that will bring the crowd back too.
  9. Just had a very fun experience. Got a call from Akron, Ohio. It was Joe Moorhead inviting me to buy tickets! We talked for a while. He was chatty at first, then didn't say much more. So I gave him all my thoughts about Akron football. To his credit, he didn't dismiss or critique a single one of my ideas. Didn't even interrupt me once while I was talking. Classy guy. Go Zips!
  10. Nice that they got something right at the airport. Would have been better with him wearing some Akron gear and having some Akron swag in the background. Oh well, who cares. You got him!
  11. How humble and understated of you not to mention the Playoffs!
  12. Your fanbase's relation with Jason Taylor is fascinating. When we were at the Akron game in 2017, they did a feature ("15 miles to the HOF" or something like that). However, almost none of the Akron fans around us were even paying attention. I thought it was an incredible tribute and at the time I couldn't believe that your fans weren't jumping up and down about him. But I've learned that there are issues in your relationship with him.
  13. A coaching hire like this restores a little faith that college football may survive the escalating costs (money and otherwise) of the coaching carousel. This is the way it is supposed to be.
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