Does anyone know what happened to Tribble at the end? I know he walked off the floor, but it didn't look good with him holding his head on the ground.
We had plenty of chances in the second half to take the lead back with us trading buckets and trading misses for almost 5 minutes. Just an ugly game, Trimble and Ali, especially Ali tried way to hard at forcing shots. Even though Ali had 8 points, it probably should have been 4 if it wasn't for a couple lucky rolls. PCCC played exceptional defense barely allowing Dawson to get any quality touches.
I think Aziz played better than he has recently, but he tries to be way to powerful when it isn't necessary like on the missed dunk. Against OU I remember he had an easy block but he tried so hard to swat it away to be a highlight play, he totally missed.
Wynn must be out with something because he didn't warm up, and wore a mask during warm ups, which I haven't seen before.
I don't think its time to jump to conclusions about this team since the home team (with fans) wins this matchup most of the time, but we need some depth on this team. A guy like Jermaine Marshall or Jaden Sayles would be pretty nice right now.