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zipsrowdy88 last won the day on October 31 2022

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  1. Wow, very interesting. CRAZY that a kid can go to Forman, pick up 15 grand, not make grades, then go back and keep the 15 grand. INSANE!
  2. I wonder where he plays in 25-26. Anyone have hints?
  3. Not sure if its been said in here but Jared Sullinger is back at Kent. Couldnt get the grades to get into Furman
  4. Thoughts on Finley today? Thought he did a lot well, WRs dropped a lot of his passes.
  5. Arkansas just lost their head coach, lol. I hope Brian and Tim get great experiences down south! Will be rooting for them.
  6. Has anyone updated in here to announce that Steele is at Oklahoma with a PWO now?
  7. Seems like we will travel to UTEP for a mid season MTE (multi team event). I assume that is when we are playing Yale due to it being in that date range. We will head to Wisconsin for a game in between NKU and that tourney it also looks like via D1D One of the better OOC schedule I’ve seen us cook up.
  8. Im really shocked we haven’t officially announced our MTE yet. I’ve heard that we are hosting one (meaning 3 teams come to Akron and basically round robin) but that was so long ago I’m wondering if that fell through. D1 Docket has a few games for us that are down in El Paso so im wondering if that is where we are going? Wondering if anyone else has heard anything.
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