KSU enrollment was up this fall, and has been pretty good overall (the all-campus decline is a larger issue that affects many of our public universities). What is our (UA) debt, almost 400 million? (operating deficits and infrastructure investment). Overall, I'm on the side of all of our public universities, except Ohio State, which neither needs nor solicits my support, though I was a graduate student there as well. Kent and Akron both did not get the development and operating support in the 1970s and 1980s when they really needed it. In the current circumstances, KSU and Akron (and 100s of others across the country) are trying to compete with enormous, historically well funded land-grant universities like Ohio State and Michigan and Penn State. Our "mid-majors" can't compete with very powerful athletics marketing and infrastructure that was put in place a century ago, so they tried and are trying to compete by offering more academic programs and better on-campus facilities (half of UA’s campus and the new engineering building at KSU come to mind). I can't condemn Kent or UA (Proenza, mostly) for making the effort to expand and improve these universities.