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Everything posted by Buckzip

  1. Yea, it seemed like a good strategic move to put Chapman in rather than let Woodson take the hits. Maybe Terry thinks he is fooling someone by saying it was just Woodson needed a rest.
  2. Beyond bizarre. It was an early game too. Absolutely no excuse for this BS.
  3. Absolutely a team win. All facets of the team contributed to this win.
  4. Hell of a win. The progrum is on the rise. Love seeing freshman play too.
  5. Too freaking easy. Now Marshall has momentum. The d is tired after a long drive. We need a long drive ending in a TD on this drive. Score points and give the defense rest. 3rd and 25 and 4th and 7 and they get the first down. Smh.
  6. Bowden should replay that hit at halftime to fire the team up. Please dont let up Terry. This lead is not big enough to try to coast. we need a lot more points along with the d playing tough.
  7. Is Woodson hurt or were they just playing Chapman because of his running? Dirty hit on Brown. Hope he's not too hurt. Need to keep up the pressure in the second half. No letdown.
  8. This was far more my point. The players you mentioned are the ones we need. The others we have, UA was their best offer.
  9. Not sure what's up with our S&C program but Boxen hasn't gotten any bigger since last season and Copeland is smaller. The only guy that got bigger is Williams whom went from LB size to DL size. Odd.
  10. Wisci is not elite of the elite. They are a good top 20 team but they aren't elite of the elite.
  11. I know. Recruiting is bad. I see all of these verbals and so many are all excited because so many are Akron kids. At this point, Akron is the best offer for most or all of them. I couldn't care less that they are Akron kids. If they can play I don't care where they are from. When akron starts getting the majority of their recruits that had REAL offers from legit D1 teams such as Cincy, Marshall, Toledo, bottom tier B1G, etc. then that will be impressive. Right now, we are the best offer for the majority of our recruits. Until that changes Akron will continue to get stomped by these teams.
  12. Fans turning on each other because some really think UA can compete with the big boys every year and are disappointed every year.
  13. You're improving. Most Wisci trolls are better than you. You need to step up your game. But like I said, you're improving.
  14. The thing about trolls is that if their team wins they will come back to rub it in. When their team loses, they are never heard from again. I remember UW fans talking smack a couple of years ago and 59-0 later none of them returned...LMAO.
  15. Come on LV you are a better troll than this. You need to pick up your game. I miss the Bert days at Wisci. There was never a more troll worthy coach.
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