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Everything posted by Buckzip

  1. Like I said, he was never offered, but you believe what you want to believe.You probably watch MSNBC too and believe everything they say. Interesting that you say you don't care about that school, but you, along with one other, never miss a chance to post about that school. LOL. I am sure he is busy right now or he would have already chimed in with some childish name calling too. I apologize for making you upset. Please continue. I will not post anymore on this. Just wanted to keep you guys in the loop, because I could tell you were so concerned.
  2. McDermott was never offered. You should probably not believe everything you read. If you think McDermott is a better choice, you, and probably every fan not on this site, will just have to agree to disagree. You may want to compare resumes. Especially looking at McDermott record without his son. Carry on.
  3. I'm thinking every recruit that's offered a scholly, sneezes.
  4. Since you guys are so concerned, I can tell you that unless something changes tonight, the new coach will be Chris Holtmann from Butler. Sorry guys.
  5. Thanks for the update. Any news on our 2017 verbals that didn't sign?
  6. Tom Herman came from UT for his graduation. Cardale was very close to being out on his butt. Now he has a college degree and is in the NFL getting paid. Good for him.
  7. Whenever I see how late Taylor was drafted it boggles my mind.
  8. Wasn't Alleman a 4th or 5th round pick?' I don't believe he was an UDFA.
  9. Zook Hall lecture hall. Geesh those classes were boring. I didn't care about the art or any other part of it. They were almost as bad as MUM with Dr Hockman. He would talk about how only KSU grads could divide and multiply by 0 and not end up with 0. Then show his bare feet when the camera panned down. LOL
  10. I will say that one thing I don't miss since moving out of state is the pathetic ABJ. Swensons on the other hand...........First place I go when I come home.
  11. Thanks for the update. It's good to read something about this team.
  12. Except Gilbert got a big fat payday before quitting.
  13. A large portion of the stadium is closed off for renovations. That's why only 80,000+ are available. I apologize for giving facts when certain posters, not you, try to force their own agenda. Losing in the national semifinals to the eventual NC is really tanking. LMAO. Getting blown out in one game is not tanking. It's sucking. Losing your last however many games after a good start is tanking. BTW, isn't this an Akron board? I know one poster here searches every thread to see if there is any small mention of OSU so he can jump on it with his childish name calling, but why discuss a team that isn't a competitor of UA one tiny bit?
  14. Was Bryan Wagner pre Bowden? He would be high up there other wise. Well, and then there is the entire quitting thing.
  15. We went to the Acme Zip game every year when I was a kid. The Rubber Bowl would sell out and the atmosphere was fantastic. We would show up for the afternoon soccer match and then hang out before the football game. Always having the Golden Knights, or some other parachute team, landing on the 50 yard line was fun along with the fireworks. I never understood how they let that go away. It seems like yesterday I was taking my son to his first Akron game and he got to sit right behind the Akron bench and saw Charlie Frye close up and thought it was incredible that he saw the QB only a few feet away. Students always sucked as far as attendance goes. When I was a student I went to every game as long as I wasn't working and that was at the RB. I don't understand how these students that live on campus and have that beautiful stadium on campus won't go to games.
  16. A lot of TBD on there. Quite a few DL and we really need DL.
  17. Does anyone have a list of guys that aren't listed now, but are expected to be here in the summer? I don't mean the 2017 recruits, but the long list of guys that didn't sign or any potential transfers. I remember seeing we were supposed to sign 23-25 and it ended up being 13.
  18. Very nice, what happened to Bell?
  19. Any word on if Snodgrass will actually be on the team in the fall?
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