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Posts posted by a-zip

  1. 6 hours ago, Let'sGoZips94 said:


    To echo some of the posts/sentiments I saw on the KSUcks and other MAC boards...


    ThE mAc DiDn'T sEnD tHeIr BeSt To ThE nCaA tOuRnAmEnT


    Michael Jordan Reaction GIF

    Young teams take time to develop and mature.  That's what we did.  Great coaching.  Look out next year!!

    • Like 2
  2. 2 hours ago, TheZipCat said:

    You're like taking what we're saying, and going to an absurd extreme. We're at like a 2, and you're taking it to a ten.

    No one here was saying "let's do away with the Z". We're saying: lets avoid bringing a lot of attention to the fact right now at this VERY moment...LITERALLY March 2022. Let's not have a major announcement in the Akron Beacon Journal Right next to an article about how Putin shelled 5,000 civilians to death in Kharkiv. Like if athletics is planning to go with a major "Z" promotion. Sweet...let's maybe not go hardcore with the announcement in March 2022. 


    It's really not that hard to understand.

    It's called sarcasm buddy.  Relax.

  3. 2 hours ago, TheZipCat said:

    I was in Tibet where I saw the Swastika everywhere...because it's an ancient symbol that was co-opted by Hitler, who ya know...The Swastika in any use other than that very specific, ancient, buddhist/hindu tradition; is...well...ya know.

    We're not saying the "Z" is offensive. We're pointing out that perhaps RIGHT NOW (like May 2022) would be a poor time to have a major, public, advertising announcement centered around branding the "Z", considering that Putin is genociding Ukrainians. It's not that the "Z" is offensive...it's that a couple of wingbat aggressive Russian apologists are using it as a symbol of legitimacy.

    So giant-middle finger to them, and lets try to get them to co-opt the script akron instead. ;)

    I understand but we already have a Z logo.  It's right in the middle of our basketball court.  No need for a major announcement, just keep what we have.  It is great looking.

    There is such a thing as a Zip gun.  Should we reconsider our name entirely?

    I am tired of all these teams having to re-brand re-name, recently The Redskins, The Indians.


    What about the Chiefs they have a arrowhead for a logo and play at Arrowhead Stadium.  

    What about the Cowboys.....hell cowboys killed Indians, how is that not offensive.  

    Buccaneers and Pirates raped and pillaged.  

    The Blackhawks name and logo are almost the same as the Redskins.

  4. 1 hour ago, LAZipFan said:

    My point was just that I would hate for us to go through a re-brand and then proudly unveil what could end up being the new swastika... and have a welter of coverage about Akron just rolling out its new Z focused logo as Putin was leveling Kyiv, killing tens of thousands, and using Z as the symbol of their victory or whatever.  


    We barely survived I-coach and the Scarphoon.  I sure as hell hope we don't bumble into an own goal like this.


    It's not canceling the letter 'z' (eye roll)- it's having the common sense to realize that this disaster in the middle of Europe will be going on for years (unless Putin gets smoked by a pissed off oligarch) and it would be beyond madness to willing opt to use a logo that is the same as the Russians. I'm all for ditching the script Akron if you can convince Putin to use that instead.


  5. George apparently does not have spellcheck.  Grammar and spelling for a journalist....nah.



    In what should come as a surprise to very few, former University of Akron football coach Tom Arth has land a job as pass game specialist with the Los Angeles Chargers, according to a report from ESPN.


  6. I know many of you don't care about "stars" or ratings but I do 😉

    247 MAC Recruiting


    We are not rated last in the MAC anymore

    We have the highest average player rating.  

    If you were to factor in the transfer players we have brought in I am guessing we would be near the top.  

    We also have the highest rated incoming player in Jacques-Louis (.876).  


    Imagine what this staff will do with a full year under their belts and wind at our backs!!!!!

    • Like 2
  7. 13 hours ago, LZIp said:

    Looks like it. Wow. I believe all 3 of these guys have nice offer lists. I can’t think of a single OL in the Arth era that had another FBS offer period! These guys are exciting, but kind of stinks we likely won’t benefit from them til a few years down the road. I like one more transfer to compliment the OL and address the “now”.

    Ryan Reynolds Wtf GIF

  8. 24 minutes ago, gozips19 said:

    I had this conversation with Bowden a number of years ago on how to recruit players from the South. He mentioned that back in the day there weren't a lot of smaller D1 schools in the South so many came up North to play ball. He would learn that a player he was recruiting would often have a father, uncle, cousin, etc that played in the MAC or similar conference that could vouch for the school and coach. That and offering playing time helps 😉

    That makes sense.  A little easier to sell than the weather angle 😉

  9. 2 hours ago, ZippyRulz said:


    Anyone who's lived in constant 92 degrees with 92% humidity knows it's no picnic, let alone practice football & play games in it. It's not often temps get this low before the end of football season in Nov.   If I was a FL/GA kid I would be looking north!


    Your car would be one of the few going north for the winter 😂

    • Haha 1
    • Confused 1
  10. 13 hours ago, Hilltopper said:

    There is going to he a committee formed to decide what our branding should look like. It will consist of a mixture of UA staff, long time season ticket holders and other marketing experts. Everything is on the table.

    Almost 70% like the Z on here, pretty strong.  I hope they are watching ZN.

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