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Posts posted by a-zip

  1. Bowden has signed some great recruits despite a selling point of "Three Consecutive 1-win seasons." And in year one, he had all of maybe 5 weeks to recruit?

    Now that we are officially out of the "dregs" column, I can't wait to see his Signing Day commits!

    Me too!! I certainly hope I am wrong with my speculations but it IS frustrating the community can't get out and help the cause for ONE game. The impact for a recruit to see a full, energetic stadium is huge when weighing where you want to play in your next 4 years. Also, I played for Coach Dennison and remember how pissed we all were in his treatment by UoA. It would have been nice to atleast have folks show their appreciation for him.

  2. Surely you'd agree that if we had the info equivalent of the JAR, it would be full.

    Actually, I am not sure I would agree with that. Where in our history has there ever been consistent sellouts regardless of the winning streaks or quality of the facility?

    As we all recognized, this past weekend had a lot to offer - Wagon Wheel, Can't State (10 miles away), a likely win, former players there and last but not least the honoring of Jim Dennison. Hell, the place should have been filled just to honor Coach D.

    It WAS the best weekend to bring recruits in. The expectation here was that this game at Infocision would be electric as it gets and the celebration after the win was going to be fun (since it has been a while). I am just saying I was disappointed, did not find it to be electric, and nobody outside of the players/coaches seemed that overjoyed about a win we have wanted for a looooong time. If I was a recruit - I would not have been wowed (outside of meeting Tressel and the Bowdens) and left my recruiting trip scratching my head a bit.

    The school is pulling out all the stops - building beautiful facilities, bringing in great coaches, using Bobby Bowdens and Jim Tressels, Lebron James, Terry Bowdens for their experience and name recognition. Seriously, these are extremely popular/influential people at UoA and I have to imagine 90% of the schools out there would KILL to have one of these guys let alone all of them in one place. In my mind, I think the administration are doing everything they can and doing it in a smart fashion. They are playing the cards they are dealt. All the players and coaches work just as hard as any other program in the country (if not harder). Why can't a population like Akron fill Infocision (29K) for ATLEAST one friggin day to at least make it look good to the recruits we all want. If the place was 3/4 full, loud and electric, choosing to play football at UoA is a pretty easy decision, especially compared to ANY MAC school.

    I am not trying to argue. My fear is this............when do the fickle Akron fans run out of excuses to not support the teams? When does the University say "we tried, it’s time to cut our losses". When do the Bowdens, Dambrots Tressels say.........I am out of here, this place is a graveyard. Then we are left with these state of the art facilities rotting in the middle of this beautiful campus that is being built. And, people want a new basketball arena :rolleyes: ?

  3. I seem to remember the JAR being pretty damn empty just a few years ago. Dambrot brought "winning" basketball to the JAR. Winning basketball has equaled better players and more wins. Guess what? The JAR is almost full at all the home games. The same thing will happen in football. Just look at Northern Illinois. They are in the middle of nowhere and they are packing their stadium. They didnt 5 or so years ago.


    Our basketball team has won as many games as any program in the NCAA in the last couple of years and the JAR (which is not that hard to fill) is NOT full......it should be. I am sure Coach Dambrot is disappointed too.

  4. +1.

    Most important thing to recruits should be winning, not crowd size and Iit looks like Bowden is turning the corner. If crowd size meant anything to recruits, Eastern Michigan would have been forced to drop football by now.

    Crowd size does not mean anything to recruits? Are you serious? Maybe to the recruits nobody wants but to the top recruits that would help us start getting the wins we all want - support and attendance does matter. This is the whole chicken and egg story all over again with regards to UoA support.

  5. I would be pretty bummed if I was TB around the crowd/support this weekend. It is a rivalry game, Wagon Wheel trophy, good chance of victory, weather wasn't horrible, we win the game and the crowd was lethargic. I almost felt sorry for the PA announcer and the players trying to get the crowd going in the 4th quarter. If I were a recruit, I would not have been impressed. Picture of players getting Wagon Wheel below - look at stands on BOTH sides.

    Picture too big to upload.....sry

  6. I saw a lot of attention around a tall kid and was told it was Chandler Kincaid the QB commit that is coming in Jan. There was also a kid with the name Swanson on his sweatshirt seemed to be with Kincaid, I looked him up on Rivals and he is a running back/D back from Aliquippa that was offered. It appeared the coaches had a lot of Love for these two kids before the game.

    GO ZIPS!!!

    I would be pretty bummed if I was TB around the crowd/support this weekend. It is a rivalry game, Wagon Wheel trophy, good chance of victory, weather wasn't horrible, we win the game and the crowd was lethargic. I almost felt sorry for the PA announcer and the players trying to get the crowd going in the 4th quarter. If I were a recruit, I would not have been impressed. Picture of players getting Wagon Wheel below - look at stands on BOTH sides.

  7. While all chair seating would certainly be nice, you're also talking about a pretty large expense. Plus the current seats are retractable and the facility is used for other things. Is this really worth it, especially as it would also reduce capacity?

    I've been in the "show up more often and force the university to build something bigger" camp. This is definitely a key year. Nice article by Ridenour to spotlight the importance of fan support. Nice to list the increase in 5k+ games. 10 such games this season would be awesome.

    Would be cool to make the JAR a smaller version of Cameron Indoor which is actually not HUGE by today's standards but one of the most feared places to play. They look similar to me.


  8. My thoughts so far this year.....

    I am very pleased with the progress thus far. Although the effort has not translated in to wins, the guys are battling. Case in point - the Michigan game was a L but I would argue that it was one of the best showings a UoA football team has EVER displayed. Playing at the "big house" and battling to the last second should make us all proud and optimistic. Our lone W took every second to get.

    1- The schedule has been brutal, the results were to be expected but I would argue the scores are much better than expected

    Michigan - currently ranked 18

    N. Illinois - currently ranked 24

    Central Florida - currently in the "also receiving votes" rankings - ugly game for us

    James Madison - currently ranked 19 in FCS

    Bowling Green - we battled against a team that is averaging over 30 pts per game, the just lost to Mississippi State (SEC team) by 1

    Ohio - OK this was a mess but they are a good team

    2- Injuries - Hirschman and C.J. James out not sure about the rest but these are two key losses. Pohl is also hurt. I would argue that if Hirschman was healthy to come in to some of these games we may have another win or two.....it worked in the JMU game. There may be more of them I am not aware of.

    3- Recruits - the players TB is bringing in are good.......we just need more of them. It would certainly help recruiting if Infocision was packed......Nobody wants to play in a half empty stadium - even if it is a beautiful one. This is a "chicken & egg" dilemma we have always had at UoA.

    4- The jerseys are awesome......I love the new helmets...the all white unis with the gold "Z" helmet are winners....they look sharp.

    I am looking for 3 more wins for the remainder of the season. I am really hoping we spank the crap out of Can't State more than ever(I think TB realizes the importance of that game). I would like to predict the Can't State game will be a sellout.

  9. My question has always been "where at?" I asked this a couple of years ago(and got hammered for it) and I will ask again. Your options are to either put it west of Canal Park(and yes people will complain about that) or start knocking bulidings down. You are almost better off putting it on the old Central-Hower site.

    Perhaps you got hammered because your question "where at?" makes no sense. ;)

  10. I am not happy about the loss (the missed FG cost me the point spread :tomato: ) BUT, lets not forget that when everyone made their predictions for Ws and Ls, I think most picked this as a loss. So, in my humble opinion we are showing signs of life and I think we are going in the right directions.............

    Central Florida - beat Penn State, barely lost to South Carolina

    James Madison - a good team, would compete well in the MAC - we showed guts in the comeback

    Michigan - nothing more needs to be said - still so proud

    BG - most would have predicted a loss, they beat Tulsa and destroyed Can't State (who they outscored Can't State 24-0 over the final 34:40)

    Just trying to keep people off the ledge ;-)

  11. So proud of our guys....in the picture from the post above it actually appears as though he scored (knee not on the ground).

    I love the Z on the helmet, in fact I love the whole white uniform and the new helmet, they looked sharp - the boys seem to like it too cause they played their hearts out.

  12. @a-zip, I am developing more of an appreciation for the game of soccer. But the more you learn about a game, the more sensitive you get to flaws. I consider it a flaw when compelling evidence of a flop surfaces, and exclusion of a player for an upcoming game is not reversed. For example, I think that NASCAR also has lots of flaws. But when a race team "flopped" last Saturday to get another one of their drivers into the championship chase and NASCAR didn't get to see evidence of the flop until well after the race was over, they made retroactive penalties that took the driver from the flopping team out of the championship chase and reinstated a driver who would have qualified for the championship race if the other team hadn't taken a flop. I think that's a sensible and fair way for a professional sanctioning organization to operate, and that soccer would have more integrity if FIFA did something similar.

    I agree with you. I am suprised the U.S. did not make a bigger deal out of it (maybe they did) if the FIFA rule applies. I can't imagine better evidence than the video. All the same, we have been vindicated......U.S. moves on to the World Cup and Mexico is OUT!!!! I wonder if that has ever happened.

  13. I think your missing the topic of the original post. Faking an injury to draw a penalty, not bad calls by referees. All sports have bad calls, I think we can all agree to that.

    I see what you are saying based on the link I posted. I was simply addressing the comment in the original post about post game video evidence changing a call..........it is not going to happen and that is an issue in all sports. Let me finish my thoughts, I was in a hurry............

    Diving (faking injury) is an issue in every sport. Faking injury in the NFL is a Huge topic right now where players are trying to slow down these new fast paced offenses. The motives are a bit different from those of a soccer player but it is still deception to gain an advantage.

    FIFA and the MLS have have addressed the "diving" issue. FIFA Rule - I am not sure if the rules are the same in the World Cup but they should be. Based on what I have read.......if this had occurred in a MLS or FIFA game, they could review the play and actually give the yellow card to the Costa Rica player and take it away from the U.S. player. (Not sure what the rules are in the NCAA but since they are such a worthless POS governing body, I would say they have not addressed it).

    So Dave, hopefully you continue with your appreciation for the game, when played well it is a lot of fun.

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