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Posts posted by a-zip

  1. I am as pissed as anyone BUT I am failing to understand why the NCAA would have any bias for NW - There is no attendance bump, Akron Soccer is much more prestigious than NW, we have higher profile players and a much better soccer pedigree. I could understand if this was football and there was a 50K+ bump in attendance and increased interest but that is not the case here. I want to be pissed at someone but I am not so sure it is the NCAA................I just hope Caleb stays.

  2. I have not read all the posts but I love this topic. When you have a great coach...........do what you have to do to keep him! The MAC has the reputation as being the "cradle of coaches" F that!Good coaches are the key and have been the foundation to every successful program you see on T.V. today. - Penn St was nothing before Paterno, Fla State was nothing before Bowden, Greg Schiano is making it happen at Rutgers (until JoePa retires) - in basketball it is exponential.I was hoping J.D. was the hot young coach to move us up and was ready to campaign to keep him at all cost but I have to say the new stadium is a nice line in the sand to make a change if we do not atleast win the MAC east.Unrelated to Zip FBall..........we have K.D. and I hope we do everything we can to match ANY offer he might get.

  3. He is good......Rank School Prev. W-L-T 1 Wake Forest (23) 575 1 5 - 0 - 0 2 SMU 552 4 5 - 0 - 1 3 Notre Dame 518 5 4 - 1 - 0 4 Maryland 490 8 4 - 1 - 0 5 St Johns 464 11 5 - 0 - 1 6 California 458 6 3 - 0 - 2 7 Connecticut 402 7 2 - 0 - 3 7 North Carolina 402 12 4 - 0 - 1 9 Northwestern 366 14 5 - 0 - 1 10 Akron 357 2 3 - 1 - 211 Illinois-Chicago 350 16 4 - 0 - 1 12 Creighton 322 3 3 - 1 - 0 13 Saint Louis 282 17 2 - 0 - 3 14 Indiana 265 19 3 - 1 - 2 15 Ohio State 229 10 4 - 1 - 1 16 Boston College 227 9 2 - 2 - 1 17 Loyola (Md.) 196 23 5 - 0 - 0 18 Dartmouth 167 25 3 - 1 - 0 19 Louisville 144 RV 5 - 0 - 120 Providence 127 RV 3 - 0 - 1 21 South Florida 114 21 2 - 1 - 1 22 Georgetown 94.5 20 5 - 1 - 0 23 UC Davis 59.5 RV 4 - 1 - 0 24 UC Santa Barbara 50 13 3 - 2 - 0 25 Duke 45 RV 3 - 2 - 0

  4. I know this is a bit picky but I would like to see the player's wearing their jerseys for the roster pictures. It looks much better than some of the outfits these guys come up with. At least make them all wear a blue and gold tie.Go ahead and rip me.....

  5. We smoke Notre Dame 3-0, yet ND stays in the top 10. If we'd have lost 3-0 to ND we wouldn't have seen the Top 25 for a month!
    I hear what you're saying about ND's incredible "poll buoyancy" Cap'n, but they DID beat Duke 4-1 the day after the 3-0 Zip win. Hey, I guess we should oot for them to stay highly ranked. This way, come NCAA tourney seeding/selection, it will go down as a true, undeniable quality win.
    Good point Johnnyzip. I am actually happy with the jump we took and I think it showed a lot of respect for our program. I agree with MDZip above also.....BC moves up to #2 in the polls going 1-1-0 to unranked teams?? How about SMU jumping 10 spots after beating Old Dominion (has not scored a goal in last 3 games) and UVA (who are usually good but unranked) :rolleyes:
    Folks, it sounds as if you are not familiar with the history of the NSCAA poll. :rolleyes: There are unwritten rules about voting. As I recall, all voters must select at least four schools from New England, including two Ivy League schools, (where did Brown go to? -- they were in the top-10), along with four ACC schools, and must place either Indiana or Notre Dame in the top-10, or else a minimum of two Big-Ten schools.. That along with either UCLA or Ohio State in the top-10, and something about the ratio of Big Ten to Missouri Vallry teams, ensuring that either St Louis, Creighton or SMU is in the top-5, or two of these make the top-10. Are therre any Billiken fans out there? If so, please tell us what a Billiken is. I think Indiana had more kids from St Louis than St Louis has. How about Will Bruin -- is he the best freshman in America? ;)
    Our #5 ranking is fair for us.....if we keep winning-I never want to see it drop. Screw the rest of em' - This will be our first National Championship team.
  6. We smoke Notre Dame 3-0, yet ND stays in the top 10. If we'd have lost 3-0 to ND we wouldn't have seen the Top 25 for a month!
    I hear what you're saying about ND's incredible "poll buoyancy" Cap'n, but they DID beat Duke 4-1 the day after the 3-0 Zip win. Hey, I guess we should oot for them to stay highly ranked. This way, come NCAA tourney seeding/selection, it will go down as a true, undeniable quality win.
    Good point Johnnyzip. I am actually happy with the jump we took and I think it showed a lot of respect for our program. I agree with MDZip above also.....BC moves up to #2 in the polls going 1-1-0 to unranked teams?? How about SMU jumping 10 spots after beating Old Dominion (has not scored a goal in last 3 games) and UVA (who are usually good but unranked) :rolleyes:
  7. Great Job Boys, stay focused! BEAT IU! ZNation - This may be our first National Championship team (bball next....... Hi Zeke! -) We just shut out #3, need to beat IU, with our rep-TOP 5 is guaranteed. Next.........run the MAC, possible #1 ranking in our reach. We need to make a SICK home field advantage for these guys. P.S. - Mr. Taylor - it would take a tiny amount of $ to build the NCAAs best soccer atmosphere right next to your football stadium :cheers:

  8. This topic is about the WELL DESERVED soccer stadium for our elite soccer team and Caleb. Congrats Caleb and team, this should further progress the soccer program and get us to our first National Championship. I am anxious to see the real plans for the stadium.Maybe someone should start a separate thread on a baseball stadium...

  9. It's funny that since I presented the cold hard facts of what's become of our recent Florida recruits, a-zip and GP1 have been absent from this discussion. That's what happens when people who think with their emotions and shoot off at the mouth (or keyboard in this case) are confronted with reality. Cricket.... Cricket....
    I am still here big boy, you should be flattered I am still acknowledging you. The discussion was not about our recent Florida recruits. The discussion was....(Lets back up a second)....the post you made specifically about the character and culture of kids from Florida.
    No, you just have to look much more closely at character when it comes to a Florida kid, and if there are any red flags at all, you pass. It's just a different culture many of the kids from down there are raised in, and it often doesn't mesh well at all with Ohio and Pennsylvania kids. Anyone who has ever been involved with college football knows what I'm talking about.
    You simply made a general/vague/stereotypical/racist remark about players from Florida that is - STUPID. Then your reply was that I do not know about a lockeroom because I have never played college football - WRONG.
    You've obviously never been on a college football team and know nothing about locker room chemistry and the problems that can occur when you throw kids from Florida, who for whatever reason nobody closer to home wanted, in with Midwestern kids.
    Now you are presenting.......wait a minute........COLD HARD FACTS :lol: by conveniently pulling 8-10 ZIP players from recent memory that you would like to use as an example to represent the State of Florida to support your point (of course you left out the good ones).
    So out of all JD's Florida recruits, we're a grand 1 for 13... but yeah, when I say you have to look a lot more closely at character for Florida guys, I'm a racist...
    When a few other Zip players were mentioned by zipboy you then turned to JD inherited......blah blah blah. BUT THEN you still followed up by your same STUPID
    If JD's going to look in Florida, like I said, he must look much more closely at character and find guys like these.
    So you bring us back to where we started and the same stupid comment about character of kids from the state of Florida. There is a reason you hear crickets chirping........ :moon: I will keep responding when I have a chance. I cant wait to see what you are going to dig up next.
  10. If you'll notice, there are no kids from Maine or North Dakota on the Zips roster. It is because they are troublemakers. I've know several kids from both states. Grade 1 a-holes. The staff knows this too. Kids from Maine and North Dakota would ruin the locker room. Absolute cancers, those kids.
    And no kids from Hawaii - they would just want to do the Hula in the lockeroom.......a terrible distraction.
  11. If you're going to recruit Florida, you've got to put character above talent, otherwise you're going to get stuck with the Carlton Jackons, Clarence McPhersons, and Mickey Bakers of the world. Bottom line to me is any player who has Division 1 talent in Florida but is having to come all the way to Akron, OH to play college football must have some character issues.
    What kind of comment is that? So outside of Florida you can put talent above character?
    No, you just have to look much more closely at character when it comes to a Florida kid, and if there are any red flags at all, you pass. It's just a different culture many of the kids from down there are raised in, and it often doesn't mesh well at all with Ohio and Pennsylvania kids. Anyone who has ever been involved with college football knows what I'm talking about.
    Seriously, that has to be one of the dumbest posts I have ever seen here. :rolleyes:
    You've obviously never been on a college football team and know nothing about locker room chemistry and the problems that can occur when you throw kids from Florida, who for whatever reason nobody closer to home wanted, in with Midwestern kids. Almost every single kid JD has gone down to Florida to get has been a problem and most of them have quit, packed up their bags, and left.
    Actually - I was a Zip football player on scholarship and from the south. I started for three years, got my degree in 4 and was never an issue in the lockeroom- so I take exception to your contentious/stereotypical remarks. I do however remember a few guys on our team from the midwest that had issues and created problems in the locker room. A few were even from OHIO :blink: I do agree that character should play a major role in deciding on a high school player. I also think that should be the case for any player you recruit.......even kids from the great state of ohio.
  12. If you're going to recruit Florida, you've got to put character above talent, otherwise you're going to get stuck with the Carlton Jackons, Clarence McPhersons, and Mickey Bakers of the world. Bottom line to me is any player who has Division 1 talent in Florida but is having to come all the way to Akron, OH to play college football must have some character issues.
    What kind of comment is that? So outside of Florida you can put talent above character?
    No, you just have to look much more closely at character when it comes to a Florida kid, and if there are any red flags at all, you pass. It's just a different culture many of the kids from down there are raised in, and it often doesn't mesh well at all with Ohio and Pennsylvania kids. Anyone who has ever been involved with college football knows what I'm talking about.
    Seriously, that has to be one of the dumbest posts I have ever seen here. :rolleyes:
  13. If you're going to recruit Florida, you've got to put character above talent, otherwise you're going to get stuck with the Carlton Jackons, Clarence McPhersons, and Mickey Bakers of the world. Bottom line to me is any player who has Division 1 talent in Florida but is having to come all the way to Akron, OH to play college football must have some character issues.
    What kind of comment is that? So outside of Florida you can put talent above character?
  14. Where does anyone get the idea that we are a desirable athletic program (TODAY) to another conference - except for soccer? Attendance?Fan Base?Conference Championships?Big City Market?The athletic dept. was just penalized by the NCAAHow could we possibly make a case?Coach D and the Bball program are looking REALLY STRONG - Zeke is going to help us elevate even furtherThe new stadium on campus will be nice but will the novelty wear off? - heck even if we filled it to 30K........yawnI am optimistic about our future, Landscape for Learning is impressive, it is truly a pretty college campus BUT we have a long way to go IMHO.Here is a better question.......If you ranked the MAC schools - honestly, which one do you think would be the most desirable today(unbiased).

  15. Welcome Marshall family! Needless to say, we are all extremely excited about your choice and boy are you coming at an exciting time. New football stadium on campus, soccer stadium, hopefully new basketball arena.The soccer team will likely have another top 5 recruiting class and legitimately contend for a national title BUT as I look at our baskeball roster WOW!Brett McNight 6-6 FreshmanSteve Sweich 6-9 FreshmanMike Bardo 6-10 FreshmanChris McNight 6-7 FreshmanNikola Cventinovic 6-7 incoming FreshmanANDZeke Marshall 7-0+ 2008!!!!!!You guys are going to be beating up on some folks for a while!

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