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Everything posted by zipper

  1. Well I wish one of these sources you have would post it here. Like we want to wait a whole week? Just spill, man!
  2. It just cracks me up that you think Toledo is some exceptionally fine institution of higher learning, or that is what will get you into the BE. You are a joke. No wonder your own peers are embarrassed by your posts.And your size matters squat if your administration isn't truly behind athletics. You have a great AD but he has been pulling his hair out trying to get things done around there. Toledo cannot be great until it has all the factors working in its favor.
  3. Yes, do tell. Is it in today's?
  4. I hate to break it to you, TR, but they're going to be looking at schools with strong athletic-minded presidents and boards. Toledo just doesn't have that, and I heard this from people who are "in the know" about these things around the conference. There's generally two reasons ADs leave the MAC: either they're wildly successful or they're trying to escape. Your AD has a tough job - let's just put it that way.
  5. The contracts have escape clauses but they also should have a buy-out figure for the school that comes calling for him. In other words, let's hope we at least get a nice chunk of change from whatever school takes him away from us.
  6. Oh, to the buddy, btw, Dambrot doesn't B.S. anybody. In fact, imho he is painfully honest with his kids. Isn't it entirely possible Bubba has an inflated view of his abilities?
  7. Without a doubt, out of football, men's bb, and women's bb, she had, by far, the biggest hole to dig out of.
  8. Why?? Owens lies. Publicly. Brookhart shoots straight. Nuff said.
  9. Well, Lee, half the guys on the team now don't know you, and of the other half that do, they've happily adopted a new "daddy." Several of "your guys" can't stand to be in the same room with you. And that fieldhouse was DOA until Thomas and company arrived on campus. I'll give him that he probably had to keep it on the agenda for several years, but until the BOT and the prez had faith in the leadership over there in athletics it just wasn't going to happen, no matter what LO says.Stacy was in my mind always a class act around Akron U. He deserves every bit of success he achieves.
  10. Beanie, I went just to see him play, at Hoban, early in the season. Just reporting it like I saw it. He couldn't break tackles, and while I was hearing Hoban had a good defense this year, it ain't Michigan's, either. As I said, maybe he's got his act together. But at the beginning of the season he had problems, no doubt. And Carter did beat him out for Mr. Ohio Football (sometimes the locals have a better handle on the talent than the the national rankers or reporters. Look at the ratings services - often they have no clue, and actually change kids' ratings depending on where they commit!).
  11. I saw both Wells and Sutton (and Carter) play, and NO ONE thought much of Wells. He played very soft, and nowhere in the same league as the other two - couldn't break a tackle to save his life. We were shocked because we were expecting to see a real show from him, and in all sincerity, it was nothing.Now, that said, it's possible he got his proverbial act together and has been doing better. But remember, he didn't even get Ohio's Mr. Football award. At the time I saw him play I was surprised OSU wanted him. I can't stress enough how unimpressive he was.
  12. At this point don't you think they'll wait until at least the new AD is on board for a couple of weeks? I heard they had a good chunk of the bucks raised already, but won't announce until they reach some certain point (half?). My source told me they were pretty close, so maybe it will be public in the spring.
  13. I greatly doubt if Keith Dambrot will give him a release to another MAC school. I just think that isn't done.
  14. Wrong-o. It actually take NO decent seasons to start talking about it. Ask Mike Thomas. He was talking about this kind of year when he walked in the door at Akron.You clearly are not in business, TR. You first set the goals, the bar, very high, then you go about achieving it. First you start talking about it, then you go about doing it. This is what Akron athletics has done in the last five years. You may like it or not, but we are ranked higher than Toledo in all sports rankings, higher in academic ranking (much), and higher in football practice facilities. The new stadium is coming no matter what our record was this year - this year's success just helps it along. You have no clue.
  15. Is the game being replayed on ESPN today (Saturday)?
  16. Z-P, don't you think you're being kind of hard on this guy? I'm sure Mike Waddel's resume is just as beefed up as Rhoades'. Nowhere does it sound like Rhoades wasn't a team player. Besides, it's hardly his fault for applying for a job he wanted, and he certainly shouldn't be picked on for wanting and getting the job. None of us know how UAM is at work. We just see the results, and they are excellent, but for all we know there were some issues or things he needs to get better at. Why are you so sure he was just overlooked? And don't most ADs at this level have at least their master's? I trust Dr. P. to make the right choice. He certainly did the first time, and I expect he did so again. Don't make this such a personal thing against UAM, and besides, UAM has a new boss now who's probably reading these boards. He's going to (wrongly) think UAM bears a grudge or something. Let it go, Z-P. I'm sure Waddel is supportive of this decision, and you should be, too.
  17. On gozips.com they have a link to the broadcast, but I only get about two seconds of a guy walking to the podium. Can anyone else get this entire broadcast? http://gozips.collegesports.com/genrel/121905aaa.html
  18. As I understand it, no contract was signed yet. It also was not going to be put into effect until March. Someone could ask UAM about this. Also, you asked why accept a new contract if you're going to change your mind? How many of us have crystal balls? In my mind at the time the new contract agreement came up, he could have had no intention of leaving, but then he didn't know this was coming his way, either. Even if he thought he'd consider leaving if the right offer came down the pike, he had no way of knowing one was coming. Are you saying you wouldn't hedge your bets and agree to a new, more profitable contract if you didn't know the future? Also, I reserve the right to change my mind about anything concerning my career as new information becomes available. So do you. So does Ken Lolla. Second, sometimes I wonder about those contracts because no school is going to force a coach to stay if they want to leave. I don't know why that is that way, but it's the way the big time schools do it. My hunch is the contracts protect the coach, but also trade the ability to get rid of the coach, and that is what's in it for the university.
  19. Two thoughts: First, just because this new AD can raise money it does not mean he cannot do the rest of it well, too. Thomas found the money for several projects on campus, including our state-of-the-art fieldhouse, and he wasn't traditionally a money guy. He also ran a tight department and hired extremely well - including UAM. I just don't think the two are mutually exclusive (fundraising and managing well). This guy seems to have the credentials. Dr. Proenza hired MT so I trust him on this, too. I'm assuming there was also a search committee. Two, if JD or Keith are worth their salt, we WON'T keep them. Rhoades could be the second coming of Christ in ADs and he won't have the pockets to keep him if a BCS school comes calling. Same with Keith - that's just how it is in those sports. So I hope they move on eventually, because that will mean we have been winning big in their respective sports. Welcome Mr. Rhoades! Go Zips!
  20. I'm sure he is, and I don't care. What Thomas accomplished here in five years has been nothing short of miraculous. What a turnaround. If the new guy does half of what was done before, I'm happy.
  21. Well I agree with much of what you say. I also believe Akron can compete on the field nationally, but economics is the only thing that gets in the way, especially with sports like football and men's basketball. The jump in pay goes from around 100-200K to MILLIONS. Most MAC budgets cannot absorb that, I would guess. And I don't know if potential coach candidates reading this think, "Hey, fuck Lolla," is a passionate fan or an asshole fan, though
  22. A-zip, unless you are also QuickZip as an alias and are double posting, then no, you are not a pussy and a hypocrite. In looking back over your posts on this topic, you have not been slanderous to him. You also make the new point, that I AGREE with, that we can't know what went into his decision. When UA plays Louisville in soccer, I also hope we kick their butts. That does not mean it is okay to make demeaning comments like these: QuickZips: "Screw Ken Lolla and Screw the NCAA. Lolla is a little pussy..." InTheZone: "Hey fuck Lolla." QuickZips: "If that is the case then he's a little pussy and the heck with him." Nice, guys. Nice lack of gratitude to a guy that took our alma mater to a number one ranking, the NCAA's, and several MAC championships. I would guess most of the other coaches in the country not only know but like and respect Ken Lolla. I would guess they're reading this and saying we're a bunch of assholes here if that's how we treat a great guy like Kenny and someone who's done this much for us - on their way out - and for whatever his reasons.
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