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Everything posted by Z.I.P.

  1. Here's where I'm at: At Work. And I just tuned in to ESPN gametracker with about ten minutes remaining in reg. I swear, at that point, Akron was shooting 14 for 48 from the field. The final numbers were 28 for 75. Did they really take half their FG attempts in the final 15 mins.? Doesn't seem possible, but that is 1/3 of the game, so I suppose they could have.
  2. I'll be this really pissed-off a lot of people in K-ent. Let me express my sympathy. NOT!
  3. Will someone please explicate (expand) on what happened with one second to go in OT? Please?!? :blink:
  4. Akron club hockey teamIs that Akron in the gold jerseys? Nice -- it's real gold, not beige.
  5. As far as the #1 seed goes, and I'm sure ZW or another will correct me, but, I believe if BeeGee wins at home over Ohio, they are the #1, and get the automatic NIT bid. Correct?
  6. So I gotta get up at 6 a.m. you're sayin' Cap'n? Good morning Can't! :blink:
  7. It brings a tear to my eye to see real, educated football fans posting here on Zipsnation. Keep it up -- and I AM looking forward to seeing Evan AND Cameron on FSC this season. When does USL play begin?
  8. Unless I missed something (which is altogether likely when speaking of the most media-hated sport in America), only Philadelphia has been officially rewarded an expansion franchise. The next round is supposedly between various competitors including St Looie, Montreal, Vancouver, Portland, and the Miami-Barcelona Axis of Nou Camp. While I'm a Barca fan, I can't agree with putting another non-US name and identity on an MLS team without CONSIDERABLE tie-in, in the form of Los Muchos Dineros.With regard to Don Garber, I met him in an ill-positioned moment with his kids in the upper section of Aloha Stadium a year ago, and he reminded me of none other than Dan Hipsher. Grumpy, just for the sake of being grumpy. Maybe that's why the Pan Pacific Cup moved: like Dan Hipsher, Don Garber got poor service in Waikiki and swore never to return!
  9. Check out this great shot of Evan alongside USMNT legend Casey Kellerhttp://www.soundersfc.com/media-library/Im...MG-9108jpg.aspxFrom what I read on the Sounders board, Evan is fighting a numbers game in Seattle, which is unlikely to sign a third GK. He may end up in what is being called a MLS "Goalkeeper Pool". Since the league cut roster sizes back to 24 (from like 32), there is no room for three keepers on rosters. But the pool will serve like the NFL's Taxi Squad (tip o' the cap to Paul Brown) or whatever they call that these days. Any team with injury or roster changes will I guess be required to take a keeper out of the GK pool. Also, Seattle is a good spot for a young keeper to be placed, as starter Keller is now 39 y.o. However, rumors persist that ex-USMNT GK Marcus Hahnemann is interested in playing in Seattle when Keller stops -- which is no more than a couple years away. I any case, Evan had better get himself a day job, as MLS minimum is reportedly $12,500.
  10. Personally, I think Cowlumbus State is more than enough of a rival -- for the entire state of Ohio public university system!
  11. http://www.honoluluadvertiser.com/article/.../902260355/1142I remember when I started at Akron U. in 1977, the student fee (I wish I could remember the correct term) which went to help run the athletic dept was $60 per quarter (yes -- we were on the quarter system back then). I suspect its probably at least a couple hundred per term now -- but it has always been near the bottom of MAC schools. Now my local university, the University of Hawai'i is trying to force through their first ever athletic student fee, and not having a good time of it. Interestingly, the story in the paper showed showed WAC schools fees, and all were in the $100 - $500 dollar range, quite low by national standards.
  12. Compared with GP1, my analysis of Mike Waddell has gone in the opposite direction since his departure. I used to think he was just a PR flack with more schemes than Barnum and Bailey. Now I appreciate just how far we came under the Mikes, Thomas and Waddell -- and I don't think MT could have done a lot of what he did with another Assoc AD.Badmouthing the university is not what I would call Wadd's criticism of the administration that has taken over since his and MT's departure. He has honestly told those who've asked, that in his perception, fundraising has dried up, marketing is going nowhere and indeed momentum has stopped from what it was in 2004-5. That isn't entirely the fault of Mack Rhoades (what if the UA had an effective Alumni Dept.?), but the more I examine and explore the status of the UA athletic department, the more I come to agree with what Mike W says. He may not be the most diplomatic or least ego-driven of managers, but I can't think of anyone who's done more with less than him. He sounds like the man for these times. But, you can only have one AD at a time. So good luck to Mack.
  13. That's pretty much my reaction too. But with an :blink: Will MH be in Spring Camp to teach the haka?
  14. Can someone explain where Wyoming fits into this? Akron would be favored over the Cowboys @ Info (unlike the Buffs). And we might get a future matchup in Laramie outside the blizzard season. Then again, it might be in November!
  15. Link is gone. But we got the story on previous thread. Evan trained with Columbus Crew previously in summers, and has established relationship with Sigi Schmid. I really am becoming a Sounders fan. I might have to try and locate a spare ticket to a SFC game this year (they have over 20,000 season tix sold already, so hard to come by).
  16. Woo-Hoo! Way to go SuperFrosh. She's the Zeke Marshall of Air Rifle. Armed and Dangerous.
  17. Follow up: The Sounders first match in the Northwest was Friday night vs University of Portland at Merlo Field in Portland. Steve came on, along with virtually an entire new squad in the 61st minute of play. He did not score, but was taken down in the area by the UofP goalkeeper, drawing a penalty (second he's gained so far) which was converted in a 4-1 Seattle victory. Zakuani earned a 6.5 game rating (on ten point standard), tieing with Sanni Nyassi for highest grade out in the game. The team is scheduled to leave shortly for Argentina for training and games vs Argentine first division squads like Newell's Old Boys.
  18. It didn't take long for Steve to get things into high gear, scoring twice in the first 21 minutes of the first game in the history of the Seattle Sounders FC last weekend. He seems to be one of three real scoring threats for the club, along with Colombian import Freddy Montero and U. of Portland product (saw him score twice I think vs Akron in 2000) and ex-Houton Dynamo 6-5 F Nate Jacqua.http://www.venturacountystar.com/news/2009...ick-fusion-6-1/
  19. Would anyone care to explain what the heck this article was about???
  20. From what I hear, coach John Bluem from the Columbus State Sucknuts is spending his entire off-season trying to develop a plan to keep the ball away from the Rowdies end of the field. See you at Lee Jackson in '09 coach.
  21. That's a great website indeed! I found that my favorite ref to hate -- Tim Higgins leads the NCAA this season with 18 techs called. I wouldn't be surprised if he holds the all-time NCAA record. I once saw him call four (4) techs on the coach from San Jose State. (for the record, two and you're out of the game!)
  22. His dad went to quite a few different boards begging people to look at his son and saying his son was interested.Simple question: Does the son have Monster Hands? If not, well...
  23. Wasn't that when Joey Arietta was coach? Last I knew she was coaching the Akron Racers.BTW -- anyone goes to a Racers game this year, send a shout out to my favorite Akron pro sports figure, former Moanalua High School and University of Hawaii pitcher/1st baselady, Kate Robinson. You go Kate! And go Menehunes! Joey's great too.
  24. Somehow, I think that's more information than we needed.
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