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Class of 82

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About Class of 82

  • Birthday 04/11/1958

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  1. You have a good coach, with a great staff, a culture of winning and you start again. That's how it has worked forever. Go Zips!
  2. https://www.bluejayunderground.com/viewtopic.php?f=8&t=6156
  3. Greetings Zipsnation citizens. I send greetings from a galaxy far, far away. I was here when this place had a different name and URL, when the interwebs were accessed by dial-up modems that made strange noises. Old timers may remember me. I deployed the first Haiku of Hatred. Now, I return with another. "I flip off Kent State Imagine the bus trip home I frigging love it!" 👌🤣🤧 Now back to your regularly scheduled program, peoples.
  4. Greetings Zipsnation citizens. I send greetings from a galaxy far, far away. I was here when this place had a different name and URL, when the interwebs were accessed by dial-up modems that made strange noises. Old timers may remember me. I deployed the first Haiku of Hatred. Now, I return with another. "I flip off Kent State Imagine the bus trip home I frigging love it!" 👌🤣🤧 Now back to your regularly scheduled program, peoples.
  5. Glad the tradition continues! Smoosh the black squirrel Send poor Senderhoff packing We won't feel sorry
  6. I did get to see the great Len Paul many times. He was a tremendous talent. Great shooter, ball handler, passer. And he was the best player on probably the best Akron team ever. The 71-72 national runner-ups. He got drafted by the Pistons, but inexplicably decided not to sign. He was the last cut as a free-agent with the Cavs. And never played in the NBA. Paul was a much better all-around player than Jakubic, imo. But I have never seen a better pure shooter than Joe. He could heave it from anywhere... look terribly awkward doing it... but the ball just went in. He had other skills, too, but the shooting was uncanny. If you never got to see it, you just might not be able understand. Was truly something.
  7. The JAR didn't open until I think the year after I was gone. But you're right about all the ways Joe could score. Still think he could've been a great NBA 3pt specialist had such a thing been of value then. And I miss the noise level in Memorial Hall. Was really fun.
  8. But it was not really much of a factor in the NBA game for many years to come. It remained a league of big guys in the post and dribble penetration. A player averaging more than three attempts from 3 per game probably would have been among the league leaders. If the three was then what it is now, I bet Joe would have had a career as a pro.
  9. Watching Joe play in Memorial Hall was amazing fun, even the teams he was on were pretty poor to average. It's incredible to consider how many shots he made that would have been six to eight feet behind today's 3-pt line. Crazy technique, zero ball rotation... but absolute money. The Cavs gave him a shot, and I have no doubt he would have made the team if the 3-pt shot existed at the time. And he eould have thrived, I believe.
  10. So cool for a great Zip! Don't forget that former Zip DB Rich Reliford is a pretty successful actor, which is odd for a mechanical polymer engineering grad.
  11. A great win in a tough road venue. We punched them in the mouth. They punched back. We won. 1-0. Next.
  12. Take the chip off your shoulder. Abandoned, left, skipped, skedaddled, vamoosed... it's all the same to me.
  13. Yes... but he was already here. Players didn't leave because Hipsher left. They stayed because Hipsher left. Again, Keith took over a program he was already building. Groce took over a program that Keith abandoned.
  14. Come on. This year was bound to be a struggle. Next year, we'll get a chance to evaluate Groce and what he can bring far better. The same with Keith at Duquesn.
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