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Everything posted by w00t

  1. Hang on sloopy, do you have anything to back that up?(Alright, fine, I just wanted to say "Hang on sloopy" as if no one's ever used that joke before.)
  2. Yeah, but isn't history just that? This is a prediction... and when you return a mere 28 points and 14 rebounds a game in what is traditionally a one-bid conference and lose two scholarships because your athletic teams' academic standards are non-existent, I don't see it happening. Heck, I HOPE it doesn't happen, this is Can't we're talking about, I hope they lose every game next year.
  3. Joe Lunardi has released his 2007 preliminary edition of Bracketology. I don't agree with a lot of the stuff he put up there, but he's got the MAC earning two bids next year. Akron as a #11 and Can't?!?! as a #12. Aren't the Portage County Pansies supposed to be really lousy next year? Who do they have that's going to get them an at-large bid into the tournament? (I would replace them with the Bobcats personally).Nice to see some Akron love, even if you think Joe Lunardi is a cocky son of a gun.
  4. Heh, that's coincidence... "The Bell Curve" is a book by Charles Murray about the statistical distribution of intelligence. (To put it nicely, those on the left hand side of the bell curve wouldn't be the Rhodes Scholars).I don't know that I've even said anything about the comparative quality of coaches across gender lines (although my opinion would be that it appears that there's slightly less disparity there than in terms of comparing their athletic ability, but not much), but anyhow, answer me this... How many women are there coaching D-I men's teams? How many men are coaching D-I women's teams?"We have now sunk to a depth at which restatement of the obvious is the first duty of intelligent men." - George Orwell
  5. What the heck do Democrats, Republicans, and Libertarians have to do with me saying that men are better than women at basketball? People will go to such lengths to deny the obvious it pains me.
  6. What a cop-out, nobody said anything about style. What could style possibly have to do with it?... they're playing the same game. The bottom line is that ANY college men's team would THRASH any college women's team EVERY TIME (and you know it). I'm sorry that you'd like it to be otherwise, but it doesn't change things. Across the board, men are better at basketball than women. Whatever, if it makes you a sexist to say that men are better than women at basketball across the board, then i am indeed a sexist and you reside firmly on the leftmost outskirts of the bell curve.
  7. AMAZING FACTS* All of those 153 opponents from 32 conferences were women's teams, all 1,054 games were against women's teams * All 47.0% of those 1,054 ranked opponents were women's teams* All 137 all-time Lady Vols were, um, ladies and all 882 wins were for the women's team* All of the Olympians, All-Americans, USA National Team Members, All-SEC performers, Academic All-Americans, Academic All-SEC, etc. were *wait for it* ... women.When Pat Summit's Lady Vols topple Duke's Male Blue Devils, then we'll have a basis for comparison won't we? And are we really trying to equate Pat Summit with John Wooden? C'mon.LOL, Captain Kangaroo, that's hilarious! I like that kid though, he's a fiery, energetic competitor and enjoys the college game.
  8. Thank you zippyrifle, that was the joke. msopher, I suppose women can play as well as the men too, right? Anyone can come and talk to me about women's and men's sports being equal when the Akron women's team beats the Akron men's team or when the women's Final Four eclipses the men's in TV ratings or revenue generated. Until then, I'll tolerate women's sports (without wasting my time watching them) and try not to get too bitter about the fact that in college (and even in the WNBA if I'm not mistaken) the men's sports financially prop up the women's sports (which, to reiterate, generate no revenue because nobody watches them)."Sexist" in this day and age is merely PC-speak for "does not shy away from asserting facts no matter whose delicate sensibilities they offend."
  9. Saying that men are better at coaching basketball is not sexist so much as it is factual. That's great that seven out of the women's elite eight had female coaches... but nobody else would know because no one watches it. How many female coaches were there in the men's elite eight? (Y'know, the one that matters). Gimme a break. Also, I'm pretty sure that Tennessee's women have a male coach.
  10. I agree with ZipsHoops on Dials, he's a gamer... anyway, he could never be worse than Bryan "I get my PT because of daddy" Hipsher if he only HAD one leg.I'm still dumbfounded that there's coach and player bashing going on after this team just had literally their most successful campaign EVER. Really, UA has never had a basketball team that performed this well and some jamokes come on here wanting the coach's head. I'm all for sharing your opinion, but if you think Dambrot should be fired, then my opinion is that you shouldn't be allowed to play with grown-up scissors. This guy is passionate about Akron basketball and his first two years have been Akron's best in the last 20 years... when was the last time we had a coach at this school say he was proud to be at the helm of one of their sports teams? King Zip, this was a .500 team this year w/o Joyce and Travis, and a .250 team without Joyce, Travis, and Dambrot. Joyce shot 44% from the field including a team-leading 40% from three-point land... both absolutely acceptable stats for a point guard. He also tallied 5 assists per game with a 2 to 1 A/TO ratio... what's not to like? Travis paced the team in FG percentage (53%... which I don't understand how you could carp about coming from an undersized "center") and grabbed almost twice as many rebounds as anyone on the squad. Did he miss some easy shots? Yeah, everyone does. It's pretty sad when "non-partisan" All-MAC Team voters think a guy is better than his own fans. I've never been a big St. V fan either, but get over yourself, these guys are a great find for a mid-major program. You'd better believe Jim Christian would have been more than happy if they'd have enrolled at that crap school down the road.The Hipsher Years00-01 --> 12-16 (9-9)01-02 --> 10-21 (5-13)02-03 --> 14-14 (9-9)03-04 --> 13-15 (7-11)MAC Tournament Record: 1-4The Dambrot Years04-05 --> 19-10 (11-7)05-06 --> 23-10 (14-4)MAC Tournament Record: 3-2 (Three times as many MAC Tourney wins in two years as his predecessor had in eight)NIT Record: 1-1...but yeah, let's run Dambrot outta town before he does anymore damage. You people are nuts.
  11. Zips Nation boasts some funny members!!!
  12. Any word on who the soccer team is bringing in next year in the way of freshmen and transfers?Also, did any of last year's players defect with the Louisville traitor?
  13. GP1, just because you've never invested enough in anything to be that upset about it is no reason to call someone's manhood into question. I'm as much of a guy's guy as anyone, I think that Gloria Steinem, Camille Paglia, Eve Ensler, and Margaret Cho ought to be tarred and feathered. And I think that men as a whole are becoming more effeminate by the day and that it's a problem. But the feminist movement and the feminization of the modern male is not responsible for athletes crying after losses... it's the passion inherent in modern athletic competition. And in what is (in my opinion of course) the greatest athletic tournament ever conceived, the stakes are pretty high. I'm a huuuuuuuuuuuge J.J. Redick fan, and I think something would have been wrong if the poor kid wasn't crying after that game (Morrison can come back next year if he wants to win a championship that badly, and he probably did overreact)... foregoing the NBA's millions with the only goal in mind being a national championship and then not getting it? Pretty rough. Or take Darius Washington in the C-USA Tourney final last year... regulation was over, his team was down two, he had three foul shots... make all three his team dances, make two, play five more minutes, make one or none, NIT. After making the first, he missed the next two. Maybe you've never felt like you let a group of your closest friends down like that (maybe you have no friends). If you think that it's inappropriate to shed a tear after a personal failure that impacted everyone else that you worked so hard with towards a common goal, then I'm glad I'll never have to count on you for anything. It's one thing to say that Morrison took it too far or played to the camera, it's another to bang on about the stoopid way you would deal with kids reactions to losing if you were a coach. It's good to know that the paragon of knuckle-dragging, beercan-crushing masculinity would feel so big about subjecting his players to public humiliation.
  14. I can't believe everyone is THAT annoyed with the team and the coach at the moment... I hope it's just a knee-jerk reaction to a bad loss. They did lay an egg in the last ten minutes last nite, it happens. But that's no reason to villify the coach and the players. Are we really pining for the Hipsher days? And all this talk about the seats not being full next year is definitely not cool! If you want to be a bunch of frontrunning fairweather fans, you should transfer to Can't. (Really, NOBODY will be at their games next year to watch their inevitable 3-15 MAC performance... when Armon Gates celebrates his 30th birthday on Cant's senior day, Zips fans ought to outnumber flushes fans 2 to 1.)But seriously, give 'em a break. They had a great season and last night had a great 30 minutes. The NIT is probably still on the horizon, so show some love and go to the game. (*cough* It wouldn't be hard for more fans to show up for Zips NIT game(s) than showed up for Thursday's contest with WMU *cough*)
  15. I'll be there today... I'm a UA graduate and had a friend purchase tickets for me with his ID. Anyone know if this will this cause any problems for me when I go to pick the tix up at will call?
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