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Everything posted by zipseuph

  1. to quote Animal House"HOLY SHIT!!!"
  2. tell me he did not just say "ack rowdies"
  3. nice job on the double post while we have some trash talk going let me throw in some pictures I have1) does anyone need a ride to Can't?2) I hear Can't will be bringing their biggest fan
  4. now watch the women win the tourny and the men be done in one
  5. and rumor has it that kents #1 fan will be there
  6. while i have a bunch of people here I have a question. where do you guys put your pictures on the internet so that you can post them here?
  7. so how are your guys's four ft puts?
  8. just got in and things look good so far
  9. ok I have a great picture for this Can't Statecks event that I want to share with all of you but I have no way of getting the thing on here. I know I'm suppose to click the IMG button but when I do this http:/ thing comes up and I have no idea what to do from there. could someone please help me out
  10. WWWWOOOOOOHHHHHHOOOOOOOI'M A "ZIPS JUNKIE" NOW so now when I fail out of college I have an excuseThank you Zips Nation!
  11. yahoo sports sucks!! they still have 54-41
  12. what is the word on quade.I'm in the student union "watching" a band concert so I can't see the video
  13. whats going on in the game? the yahoo sports tracker is stuck at 19:25 for some reason.is it a long timeout or something?
  14. good points. our starters do need the rest and our bench could use the experiance
  15. Rome has 13 points at half. anyone think he can match his performance from the BGSUcks game?
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