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Everything posted by zipseuph

  1. I'm not scared of either one of them. I would rather play Eastern just because they will have a little less gas after playing 2 games
  2. http://ohiobobcats.cstv.com/gametracker/la...artschool=&thats the right one
  3. espn 360 didn't work for me but I have a free stat traker herehttp://zipsnation.org/forums//index.php?ac...;f=2&t=8936
  4. so apparently it isn't enough to simply win. Can't State has started a facebook group carrying on about how Akron pays off refs! take a look for yourselfhttp://Can't.facebook.com/group.php?gid=5901623915
  5. OH I LOVE IT!!!!!and is it just me or does there band really suck?
  6. I don't think Mr. Hixon is going to have any children after that last hit :blink:
  7. sitting here watching the Can't OU game and I couldn't help but notice that bubba isn't starting
  8. does anyone have a link to the video of his last second shot?
  10. and th UD anouncers are still crying
  11. I will miss good ole brown st hall.lots of memories there
  12. easy there killer. so what can we do about this situation. other than sit around and use this forum to bash Akron students?how can we help push for more advertisment
  13. just voted!!!!hopefully we will have this am surge
  14. what really sucked was the fact that during the pregame show the only thing they talked about was the LSU coach going to Michigan
  15. after you vote for Zippy don't forget to vote for the Nittany Lion of Penn State. right now the goldenflush thing is in 4th for the write in votes and if we knock him down to 5th then we can knock him out all together!!!!!!
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