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Everything posted by zipseuph

  1. 1) any suggestions for songs?2) a call to arms is only as good as the fans make it. the trick is finding something that the fans will rally around and thats easyer said than done. 3) not a bad idea4) I never looked at it as a prance and prance never came into my mind anytime I've ever seen it but then again I'll wait and see what everyone else has to say.5) I'll let you try and tell that the the flag corp. best of luck6) I'm not to big on taking ideas of high school bands. it's mostly a pride thing. further more I've been a fan of being the last people in the stands so that we canvgive all the other fans some music to leav to.love the suggestions if you guys have more keep them coming
  3. I love the idea of a parade! I'm probably not gonna march again until 2009 myself (need some time to watch the games from a not so solber point of view )zipsriflelove your ideas but spliting the band in two halfs has one big problem in that we wouldn't have enough drumline to go around, but this still isn't an impossible or bad idea. it would be awsome if we could somehow sink up the two bands so that they are doing the exact same thing when they meet up in center campus can you imagine the two bands coming together from far off at the same time with the drumline at the exact same spot in the cadence!?!? that would be impossible to pull off but would still be cool.I agree with the point of the band not "milling" around outside the gates before pregame. I never liked it when we were doing it.I would love to see one new tradition happen (not band related) THE AK-RODIES NEED BEANIES!! you know like the one that zippy wears. I think it would be funny. one of those ideas thats just so bad it might be good.
  4. lets just say that all my years in marching band have finaly paid off and incase you guys wanted some trivial knoledge then read this.the rendition of our fight song that EA sports uses is in fact an old version done in the key of b flat. (the euphonium part sounds alot like the meow mix song) and not the version that is played today. not the most important thing in the world but I was just bored enough to type it
  5. oh and I have something here from Can't Statecks history pages that you might find interesting.http://eflush.Can't.edu/?type=art&id=3026if anyone thinks our nicknames/mascots stink you should just be happy we never had Grogyou of course have to change flush and can't for it to work
  6. fight team fight team all in the game win old Akron glory and fame fight team fight and play with all your might tis for the gold and blue of Akron now we're off to concure or die win for Akron hear our battle cry near give in but fight them and win for dear old Akron U.and the name of the song is "Win for Akron"hopefully our team can win more than just "One" for us lolI tried singing the suggested end for the Blue and Gold but I think it's one verse short
  7. Beer+College Football=America
  8. G-MannI stand corrected on the academic end of my argument. the one thing I would like to debate with you is your point of new arena = power house. I think before we can talk about moving into a new conference or becoming a power house we need to win the MAC. all the bells and whistles don't mean a thing unless you win. but I do agree that it would help.finally I love reading your posts and I would like to hear your thoughts on how we get more students into the JAR because winning alone obviously isn't it.
  9. fact is at this point in time we don't need a new arena. we have one on campus that proves to have more than enough room for our fan base. if we can start selling the JAR out for more than just can't then I'll be right there with everyone else rooting for a new arena. until then I say we take the money and spend it in the classroom.
  10. so what do we know about Geno Ford?
  11. we all want to see W's on the record but I think Kest has to worry about more than just that when it comes to being a coach. lets say she over looks all the stupid stuff that the players do just so that she can win some games. what happens to those players after their four years as an athlete? I'll tell you what happens. NOTHING. I like what she is doing as a teacher and that is laying down some laws and enforcing discipline that will stick with these young girls long after their basketball days. all of the players on this list were given opportunity to do something great but they blew it by being stupid my hat goes off to Coach Kest for not putting up with it and trying to accomplish something more for the young ladies.
  12. gotta admit I am curious as hell to know what it was. at the same time the WBB team wont be any better if I do know and I"m sure we've all done some things that we wouldn't want spread around ZN
  13. Sarah Tahkodi?wasn't she good?I hope she can turn this ship around
  14. you just watch. once this new stadium goes up so will other new places. I'm willing to bet that the night life on Exchange will kick up as far as clubs and bars go. it would be great to have some of those things closer to campus for students and it will push out the slum that inhabbits it now. I personaly can't wait for the day that I can walk down the Exchange without hearing "hey man you got fiddy cent?"
  15. I think they'll mention UA if he gets far enouhg. I'm sure if he gets to the final two then they will do big back ground stories on them.
  17. if they start hitting their three's then we are in trouble and we need to make those ft's
  18. we need a big three to shut this crowd up
  19. I can't believe I'm watching an Akron game on ESPN!!! :blink:
  20. this is why the Can't loss makes me mad. now everyone is gonna look down on the MAC as just a bunch of push overs
  21. well it's better than the bracket we had last year
  22. it was hard for me to answer this question. if it was anyone other than Can't I would cheer for them. hell maybe even OU.
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