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Everything posted by zipseuph

  1. usualy I can't nock someone for drinking as an under age college student but the moment you have a kid the rules change. you can't be out and about doing stupid things when you have a little girl at home especially driving drunk.
  2. you are not alone. atleast on CSTV they had a short 30second thing on our win
  3. I'm gonna have to side with Zipsband on this one. Wood had two Travels in a row Nate was just pathetic and we were missing some things that had no buisness being missed. if FSU would've been on top their game them we would've lost. I'm happy we didn't and I hope we can clean up those silly mistakes before UMASS.and I almost forgot Roberts travel right before a very important three that would have iced the game
  4. come on boys pull off the last shot!!
  5. come on now Nate make up for that walk
  7. the ball is bouncing our way right now
  8. I know it ticked me off. he usually is lights out from the stripe
  9. our D is doin a great job baiting FSU into fouls
  10. some one needs to hit a three and get the lid off that basket
  11. they're hitting some hard shots but atleast Leinhart's doing well
  12. and FSU has just about no fans! the place looks empty! and what a three by Roberts!!
  13. this is a championship rivalry game. any arguments about fatigue can pretty much be thrown out the window
  14. so you guys would rather face Miami then Can't? I can see why this is but personally I would rather beat Can't just to get 1 win out of them this year. we already beat up on Miami twice this year lets get our one out of Can't.
  15. I'm looking for Miami to give Can't one hell of a fight. I hate both teams but Miami is highly motivated right now
  16. does anyone have a copy of the MAC tourny Bracket?
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