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Everything posted by bandzip

  1. Ha! No, I've never been in Guzzetta Hall. But, for some reason I thought they had just renovated Guzzetta, or added onto it, or something, within the last 2 or 3 years? Obviously, I was totally mistaken! Lol. E.J. Thomas then?They built an addition for the dance studios. The music department was totally ignored when it came to necessary upgrades and it's falling apart.
  2. Have you ever been in Guzzetta Hall? The music area is absolutely falling apart. We have music rehearsal either in the recital hall with all the band members standing in the seats and the director on the stage or in Room 09 where the director stands on the instrument lockers in the front of the room and no percussion because they don't fit. We don't have any kind of facilities to speak of. They can't even have large ensemble concerts in Guzzetta anymore because the groups don't fit on the recital hall stage. Go in there and take a look around. There are about 40 practice rooms for a couple hundred music majors plus who ever else wants to use them. Most of the sound systems in the classrooms either don't or barely work. The elevators never work. Our school owned instruments (especially tubas) are falling apart. They put a fresh coat of paint on the walls this year but that's about the only upgrade they've done in years. We out grew that building, and our funding a long time ago. I was kind of hoping they would put a new room for the band in the stadium like they did at Minnesota. Wishful thinking I guess.
  3. I know at the very least we will be marching over in that direction starting at Guzzetta Hall. The march through campus is something a lot of schools have gotten to do, but it was obviously impossible with the Rubber Bowl. I haven't heard anything about an OSUesque skull session. It's kind of hard to get details since Mr. Karriker will be coming back next year. I'll see what I can find out for you.
  4. No weekday games = Awesome. OOC = very strong. Opening the Info with Morgan St. = WTF? I understand wanting to start off with a win but give me a break. Anyone think this will affect opening day attendance?
  5. I was over at the Union for lunch yesterday and I noticed they're putting some kind of white covering over the yellow insulation stuff on the backside of the tower. Anyone have a clue what that stuff is?
  6. Ok, this has been bugging me for the longest time ever... what the heck is the name of the song in this video?? I've been searching all over for it but I have no clue where to start!It's called Kernkraft 400 by Zombie Nation.
  7. I was just thinking the same thing. There were so many new members online for the past week or so and now they're all gone.i think 2/3 of them were Zags fans.There were quite a few Gonzaga faithful, but there were a ton of new akron usernames popping up, though most of them never even made a post.
  8. I was just thinking the same thing. There were so many new members online for the past week or so and now they're all gone.
  9. I thought they were fine from where I was sitting. And the Akron guy at the end of my row started calling Gonzaga a bunch of pussies (yelling of course) and that made me embarrassed as a fan. Quite unnecessary. btw, the band sounded good.Thanks! I'm sure there were some respectable fans somewhere in the Rose Garden, but given our experience with them during the game I was pretty dissapointed.
  10. Just got back from my free trip to Portland. A few things to note/questions to answer before I go to bed.1. Gonzagas fans were pretty pathetic. They weren't cheering at all until half way through the second half or when one of their guys made a dunk. The guys sitting behind us (the band) were swearing at us the entire game for cheering. Two of their fans walked by and knocked over all the music stands in the front row on purpose. I'm sure there were some respectable fans there but from our spot we didn't see any. I'd like to add that 95% of the cheering you heard during the game came from the band, we decided to make up for the fact that there were no Rowdies there and cheered on every single possession. It was really getting to Gonzagas players too, the 30 kids in the band were outcheering the couple of thousand Gonzaga fans.2. I was sitting in the lobby Wednesday evening when someone asked Humpty about his ankle. He said he re-twisted it on Wednesday morning. I know one of the charter buses took a group to hike around a waterfall Wednesday morning, but I'm not sure if the team went or not so that could be when it happened.3. One of the refs was a MAC ref. We recognized him from one of the games earlier in the season where we were heckling him about a bad call and during a time out he came back and tried to explain it to us. He turned and smiled when he saw us walk in. There were a couple of calls against Gonzaga that I didn't really agree with, but I didn't have the best view of them from behind the basket. It was a great place to sit and see Bardo's dunk though. 4. Our guards had no chance the entire game. They were getting shots blocked left and right during the first half. The Zips played an amazing game and I was proud of them when the game was over. Thanks for a great season and I'm REALLY looking forward to next year!
  11. I know the band is staying at the Doubletree so I would assume the team is as well. It would seem odd for the band to stay in a Hilton while the team stays at a Days Inn or something. Here's a link to the hotel site:Doubletree Hotel Portland
  12. So Akron is flying its band to Portland, but OU couldn't afford to send its band to Cleveland!!! So much for the snobkittens!I'm pretty sure the NCAA pays to send the bands and cheerleaders/dance team during the tournament but I could be wrong. Akron also doesn't have the expense of housing for the spirit groups during the MAC tournament, we just drive up before the game and home right after. Don't get me wrong, it's ridiculous that OU wouldn't shell out the money to send the band when every other school in the MAC planned on it. Having the other band playing and cheerleaders on the floor during every little break had to make OU feel like they were at an away game.
  13. Just found out about ten minutes ago that the band is meeting on campus at 4:30 am tomorrow (Tuesday) for a 7:00 am flight out of Akron/Canton Airport on a charter jet. I would assume we're traveling with the team. I live about an hour away from Akron so I'm going to hurry up and pack and catch a little sleep before leaving at 3 am tomorrow. I now some people who couldn't make the trip wanted to meet to send off the team so I hope this helps a little.
  14. I'll be there. Flying in with the band along with 30 other people. (Not sure if that counts or not.)
  15. All of our thoughts on the effect a championship would have on Joe Akron came true. Just look how many new members are posting on the Nation today or on ohio.com for that matter. Let's hope they've become dedicated enough in the past couple of hours to buy tickets and make a trip to the tournament.
  16. It's a great day to be a Zip! Grats Jenna!
  17. Been waiting a while to use this one!
  18. I guess if you want to see the game you're just going to have to make a trip to the Q.
  19. Will be there with the band. I hope this game is as exciting as Tuesday's. On second thought, scratch that, I'm out of fingernails. Let's just blow them out.
  20. Hope it doesn't throw us off too much. Thanks Dave!
  21. Anyone know exactly what happened to Humpty and if he'll be able to play Thursday?
  22. They just showed both last minute shots on Fox 8. I'm sure they'll show them later too.
  23. How do you win a game when you don't score a point for 15 minutes. I still can not believe this.
  24. A bye would have saved my fingernails.
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