Depends on how much they find. You have to be very, very careful removing asbestos and it can be a very slow process. The first semi-trailer sat in the driveway of the white house for over a week before it was moved to the driveway where it is now. They came yesterday and moved one out of the driveway and placed the one that's there now. That's been going one for about week at that house.They appear to moving right along. They removed a lot of trees and utility poles the last two days. The cam from ExchangeSt now has a clear shot of most of site with the trees and poles gone. They began pouring more concrete in Cam 1 yesterday. I believe we'll really start to see it picking up steam in the coming weeks. Per the data they used on the site. Only a small portion of the workers are on site that will be working there in the coming weeks and months.