I'm going to agree with this. As a new zips fan, I don't have the "love" for JT that many in Ohio do. I'm not saying I don't like him - I've never met him. But in the wake of the NCAA violations, it is only common sense to keep him far, far away from athletics. Personally, the only real issue I have with Tressel is the fact that he lied about knowing about what his players had done. The selling of their own memorabilia, in my opinion, is very low on the violations totem poll. But once it came to light, I just wish (as I am sure he does now also) JT had told the truth. Everyone makes mistakes in judgement, and as long as we don't repeat those mistakes, they can be worthwhile life lessons .
So, in conclusion (lol) I hope JT raises millions and millions of dollars for the University, and has the positive impact so many people believe he will. I have complete faith in the President of this great university.