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Everything posted by NewZipsFan

  1. Obviously what you don't KNOW is that Dalton knows the EXACT offense that Coach Bowden is putting in. EXACTLY. That alone, put him ahead to begin with. Once the other QBs learn the system, their talent level will determine where they end up. What you obviously DON'T remember either - is that these coaches had absolutely NO IDEA what kind of players they already had. Can you honestly say that watching film from the past two seasons is a FAIR or even ACCURATE barometer of the types of athletes/players we've already got on the team? You basically have to assume the worst, but hope for the best. And its becoming very apparent -- very quickly -- that we've got a lot of very talented and hard working players. The record and film that the new coaches had to study did not show that. So -- bringing in a QB that you know - 100% - can run your offense - is a very SMART move. This offense does not require a QB with a HUGE gun of an arm. It requires good poise, decision making, and accuracy. And don't bash players -- wherever they came from, or however long they've been here. They're all Zips - and they are all working their tails off to be the best they can be for the team.
  2. Thanks Will contribute what I can... I still say that if ya'll want to see what the offense will look like, you need to watch the highlight videos from North Alabama LAST season. That is the offense Coach Bowden is implementing.
  3. Long time no post... Sorry -- been crazy busy with actual work. I would bet that the answer is that the QB is NOT a dual threat type player. Needs to make good decisions, understand the offense, and most of all - be accurate.
  4. I think everyone is really missing the main point about the media coverage. As an example, the Orlando/Daytona DMA (demographic market area) also includes the Space Coast (Cocoa Beach, Melbourne, etc). If you watch the "local" news (the network affiliates available in Daytona and the Space Coast are Orlando stations) there of course is significantly more coverage of events in Orlando. Florida Tech, located in Melboure, is actually starting a football program - they will be Division II. Will they get coverage? Yes. As much as UCF? No. The Magic are in Orlando. Will they get a large amount of the sports coverage during basketball season? Of course. Is there an NBA team in Daytona or Melbourne? No. The media is going to cover what MOST people want to hear about. Until the Zips give the media a REASON to give us inches in the paper and time on the news, they won't. As Coach Bowden says about so many things, "Winning solves everything". When we start winning - beating quality opponents, and bringing quality opponents to OUR stadium, the media will be here - I promise you that.
  5. I almost don't want to mention this - but the person he is talking about just finished his second season with the Tampa Bay Bucs
  6. It sounds like you are saying that because there has not been significant, or enough coverage of the Zips in the DMA (which I understand to be officially called the Cleveland/Akron DMA - this term is used for all radio and tv ratings in that area - meaning that the local affiliates are the same in that geographic area) somehow negates the fact that the Cleveland/Akron DMA is a top 20 market in the country - and would be HIGHLY coveted by any conference This is what would happen - if Akron were to joinhe's any, the Big East for example, the conference would negotiate much more lucrative deals for the market - not only giving the Zips a significantly larger amount of live tv exposure, but will in turn raise awareness and the perception of the University which will translate into better and better recruits, students, faculty, etc
  7. Does anyone know if Chase lives in the area? I guess I could google or wiki him, but I'm guessing y'all have better intel
  8. I just found the Zips Football Facebook page. Yikes.. only 500+ "likes"... There are some pictures on there from this morning's workouts. Most of them are blurry - but hey, its something! Zips FB FB
  9. Hate to sound stupid -- but I am NEW... Who is Terry Pluto? Also -- I like your signature... maybe I'm biased, but why don't you add Terrell Buckley to that list?
  10. One can only imagine what actually goes on "down there"... Must be that super secret society comprised of guys named Joe Akron or something
  11. Did anyone else notice/find it odd that in that CUSA thread there didn't seem to be ANY mention of our new coaching staff? Forget the fact that it was natiional sports news for several weeks - any middle of the road college football fan knows about it. You'd think that CUSA fans who are actually discussing the Zips would not be living under rocks - but hey, maybe they are. Just another reason in my opinion not to join that useless conference. I don't think we need to make two conference moves. Within the next couple of years, not only will the conference realignment situation be shaking out and any changes to the current natiional championship formula be either decided or close to a decision; but Akron will have a winning record at the very least and will be a part of the discussion on the national landscape.
  12. Are there plans to do something else with it? Why would they leave it there if they demolished the building it was attached to? Thanks for the info, though
  13. Can someone who was at the "meeting" last night tell me if when George made the comment about not reading the board because "he has a life" -- was he making a little joke/being sarcastic? I have a feeling that was probably the case. I can't imagine that he would ask to meet with the members of the board in person, and then "insult" those of us who do spend a bit of time here. And if I'm right -- that is the exact reason he wanted to meet face to face instead of doing an online chat -- because tone, sarcasm, etc. does NOT translate well in print. So -- I would really like to hear from those of you who were there if you were offended by that, or if ya'll got a laugh out of it... Thanks!
  14. You want to talk about a BAD real estate market? Try living in Florida for the past 6-7 years or so.... Home values dropped 30-50% (or more!). I have several friends in the real estate business and it has been almost insurmountable. I think things have stabilized -- but the bad economy/real estate downturn, etc. as we all know has been a nationwide problem. Not going to get into politics, here, however! I've got enough problems already As a newcomer -- and I have yet to really venture too far out -- and haven't had the time to meet tons of people, but what I have seen is a pretty cool city, with some very vibrant areas -- some incredibly beautiful older neighborhoods, good shopping, good restaurants, an awesome little airport (not too big, not too small.... just right).. and from the little I have seen of the Akron campus - I would have no qualms whatsoever sending my kid there in a few years. I understand that the campus used to be "open" (streets going through it) - and I can see what a great move it was to close it off, and really turn it into a campus. The student rec center is just crazy! But will someone please tell me WHAT IS UP WITH THAT BRIDGE ATTACHED TO THE JAR THAT GOES NOWHERE??? Were they planning like a tunnel underground that would connect a lot of the buildings or something? I cannot for the life of me figure out what its doing there.
  15. You want to talk about a BAD real estate market? Try living in Florida for the past 6-7 years or so.... Home values dropped 30-50% (or more!). I have several friends in the real estate business and it has been almost insurmountable. I think things have stabilized -- but the bad economy/real estate downturn, etc. as we all know has been a nationwide problem. Not going to get into politics, here, however! I've got enough problems already As a newcomer -- and I have yet to really venture too far out -- and haven't had the time to meet tons of people, but what I have seen is a pretty cool city, with some very vibrant areas -- some incredibly beautiful older neighborhoods, good shopping, good restaurants, an awesome little airport (not too big, not too small.... just right).. and from the little I have seen of the Akron campus - I would have no qualms whatsoever sending my kid there in a few years. I understand that the campus used to be "open" (streets going through it) - and I can see what a great move it was to close it off, and really turn it into a campus. The student rec center is just crazy! But will someone please tell me WHAT IS UP WITH THAT BRIDGE ATTACHED TO THE JAR THAT GOES NOWHERE??? Were they planning like a tunnel underground that would connect a lot of the buildings or something? I cannot for the life of me figure out what its doing there.
  16. Those were "empathetic statements" - not "Akron Sucks!!". But wel'll just have to agree to disagree. Again .
  17. Big East Champ = automatice BCS Bowl game CUSA/MWC hybrid - at least from what I know - does not
  18. No way Akron would even accept. I think we have bigger things in mind than the MWC/CUSA.
  19. There are usually some sort of FCC or some other regulations regarding airing radio commercials over the internet. My suggestion -- why not have a CROWD microphone on during the breaks? That way, we can at least "feel" like we're at the game.. hear the music that the band is playing.. the songs that the dancers are doing their routines to, the arena announcements, etc... That way - the announcers can be muted, but the internet audience isn't constantly wondering, "what's wrong with my computer? is it just me? does anyone else have sound? what the heck is going on there? do I need to see an audiologist???"...
  20. Thank you for the very well thought-out and descriptive explanation of some of the less than upbeat points of view. Its interesting to me -- because in my short time here, I have really found the people very friendly and helpful -- not disingenuously "hospitable" to my face, and then talking sh*t about me behind my back -- which is oh so common in the South. I haven't encountered apathetic and "defeatist" people in Akron yet. And honestly -- hopefully I won't! Maybe there are enough new people moving in -- and young kids becoming adults - that don't have those chips on their shoulders dating back to the 60's-70's.. Again... as always -- glass half full
  21. So, while waiting for the sound to come back on during the basketball game, I decided to do a little research on FIUs football facility. They used to play in the Orange Bowl, and I didn't know where they were playing now. Am I blind, or doesn't their "panther" look eerily similar to our Roo? Panther or Roo?
  22. I sent up a smoke signal alerting them to the issue...
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