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Everything posted by pat

  1. All good assessments...but let us keep in mind that Tressel is HELPING with fundraising for the new arena. He is not alone in that endeavor and never has been. There are many who have been "behind the scenes" long before Tressel arrived on campus who have been gaining donors for a new on-campus University of Akron Arena. And, BTW, if any of you think there is still a chance of the UA arena going downtown, take a very big bite of a reality sandwich. Look at all of the goals and objectives of Dr. P, Tom W., KD, and TB. We will have a new campus arena and it will be state-of-the-art and funded by alumni and other doors. The unfortunate dip in enrollment and lack of state funding will not negatively influence this project. While these factors impose a challenge, UA will succeed in its drive to build a new state-of-the art on-campus college arena.
  2. Here we go again! Will someone wake me when they break ground?
  3. video http://www.newsnet5.com/dpp/news/local_new...deadly-shooting
  4. I know the guy has a history of being a hot head, but it seems immaterial to the facts. This was a prudent decision on the part of the prosecutor and the officer involved. UA police have been empowered in like manner as state highway patrol since the '60s. There was never a question over their having firearms and authority off campus. The only issue was whether or not this was a "good kill". and it was. http://www.ohio.com/news/break-news/prosec...torist-1.412104
  5. Where is that Marriott touted by the mayor to the stars? http://www.newsnet5.com/dpp/news/local_new...t-courtyard-inn
  6. http://search.yahoo.com/search?p=lbj+museu...-8&fr=b1ie7 BTW, LeBron thinks the Gulf Coast and the Gulf Stream are one and the same. During Hurricane Katrina, he claimed to want to help "the people living in the Gulf Stream".
  7. Just like an Elvis impersonator... and no one ever landed on the moon... and the holocaust never existed. Nice fake picture
  8. Doesn't matter what some sources say. Correct English and grammar still reigns above trendy fake lingo, Just like the name Xavior is pronounced Zavior and not Exavior. Stop the phonieness.
  9. I thought Lyndon Banes Johnson was dead. That is who "LBJ" represents. "Bron" is part of LeBron's first name and not his middle name. His initials are LJ not LBJ. He and I had lunch together the other day and he told me that he hates it when people refer to him as "LBJ".
  10. So, Quaker Square closed in spite of all its booming patronage right? You do realize that downtown Akron still has one hotel left. Try checking into how that one is doing as well for your so-called "business model". No one other than you said that hotels in downtown environments are a total waste. We're talking about downtown Akron specifically. If you can't put forth the dollars to buy and operate your own hotel in downtown Akron, then I suggest you put a sock in it. As always you don't have a clue. You just want to shoot your sarcastic mouth off and pick fights (eye rolling here).
  11. I agree! I just wish he didn't have to sit out this season.
  12. We have a convention center called John S. Knight. It's all Akron needs and there is absolutely no issue whatsoever with downtown hotel space. Very few want to stay in a downtown Akron hotel. That is why Jay Nausbaum shut his Quaker Square Hotel down and the university saved it from the wrecking ball. I see no shame here whatsoever. For the most part, the so-called hotel space at Quaker Square was hardly used before UA bought it and certainly after UA bought it. UA was just placating the mayor in one of his many fake hissy fits falsely accusing UA of "shutting it down". The university waisted a lot of time and money going through the charade of running a hotel that was neither needed nor wanted. All things must come to an end and I say good riddance. Hotel space in downtown Akron is a fake issue being propped up by those who refuse to face facts and move on. Wringing hands over the topic is more about politics than progress.
  13. It was never needed as a hotel in the first place. UA should have made it 100% student housing from the get-go back in 2007. The mayor's tantrum was just bad theatre and the Akron Speaking Urinal backed his dishonest claims as usual. http://www.ohio.com/news/akron-s-landmark-...9249?comments=n
  14. "I messed up at Ohio State and have only myself to blame for that. There were a lot of questions about why I left, and Akron discussed the issues with me and I felt they were ready to let the past be the past. I have no legal issues or academic issues at all, and I'm coming to Akron very humble and looking to contribute how I can." Is this a quote from Jim Tressel?
  15. http://www.ohio.com/news/local/Can't State-hits-fr...-limit-1.406689
  16. http://www.ohio.com/news/infocision-and-ma...grants-1.406410 Point very well taken, Dave!
  17. http://www.ohio.com/news/local/former-plai...licies-1.406279 http://www.ohio.com/news/local/infocision-...omment-1.406347
  18. Bozo fits! Our dumbest - Peggy Elliot Coming in at a close second - Dominic Guzetta (also mean and petty) Most intelligent - Luis Proenza Second to him - Norman Auburn
  19. When you think about it, no since "Idiot" was actually a clinical description of a level of retardation in people. it ranked along with "Imbecile" yes even "moron". Imbecile has always been my favorite. When I think of "idiot" I think of the movie where Diane Keaton and Woody Allen droped their village idiot off at the Village Idiot convention in France on their way to assasinate Napolian. I recall the signe above the building where all the idiots gathered..."Welcome Idiots."
  20. Freaking idiot? I'm sorry but until Akonites and their ilk can show that their university brings in the type of cash ($1.5 billion) that Gordon Gee brought to OSU, then no one in this city or county has the right to call Gee an idiot. Idiots are not proven professionals who garner success for the largest university in the nation as well as the state of Ohio. Loser Akronites who call Gee an idiot are themselves idiots who do not know the time of day. I'll agree that Gee should have shown restraint but to call him an idiot is so typical of the classic Akron, envious, negaholic. If you want to assign the title, idiot to people, there are a plethora of University of Akron administrators who are sucking on the public tit who deserve such a title and not Gordon Gee. Dr. Proenza, please clean house and get rid of the many loser administrators who are weighing down UA with their egomaniacal agendas and sabotaging behaviors. THE UNIVERSITY OF AKRON IS FILLED WITH FREAKING IDIOTS AND OHIO STATE NOR Can't STATE FOR THAT MATTER ARE. THE TRUTH MAY HURT BUT THE TRUTH IS THE FREAKING G.D. TRUTH. THE UNIVERSITY OF AKRON IS ONE CONTAMINATED INSTITUTION AND IT NEEDS A CLEANSING FROM TOP TO BOTTOM!
  21. Thanks for making my point... go ahead and change the subject again. Just how many t!ts do you have to get caught in a ringer anyway? What are we going to hear next from you..."may dad can beat up your dad"? You must have been a hit on the debate team.
  22. Maybe he'll come here and work along side the vest. If he brings in the kind of cash to UA that he brought to OSU, he'd be more than worth it. It's not like Akron isn't accustom to having clowns among us when we consider our mayor and his cadre of fools!
  23. I agree and I think University Edge is an exciting project. Perhaps it will serve as healthy competition that will encourage UA to come down in its housing rates.
  24. I was asked a question and I gave an honest answer. Could you be more petty? Now quit trying to change the subject every time you see yourself losing the argument. Since you seem to think you know what "we" are debating, perhaps you are omniscient enough to get hired by the university and steer them in the "right direction." Do you always play blemish over topics about which you know nothing?
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