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dirtyolcrowe last won the day on June 23 2019

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  1. I’d be interested in seeing our won/loss record under Groce where our OOC opponents had a winning record at the time we played them. can’t we beat one or two quality opponents.
  2. Don’t we scrimmage YSU every year since Groce has been here?
  3. Fire Moorhead now!!! He sucks!!!!
  4. Lord. You can’t even get an Ivy League school to come to Akron!!!!
  5. Since D’Antoni is out at Marshall. I wonder if Fulford is being considered as a candidate. Or with some of the smaller colleges having HC openings. Should we expect changes to the coaching staff
  6. So based on this. Akron is the strongest 14 seed. So they would play the weakest 3seed which would be Illinois. come on Friday Sunday match up!!!
  7. TA-VA-RI!!!!! 6 pts. Leading zips bench!!!
  8. Cleveland st has an undergraduate student population of 14k. Youngstown st has 11k Akron 12k. yeah…..I would say there is a trend with city/urban universities.
  9. Bleacher Report has Toledo winning Tournament at earning a 14 seed drawing a Kentucky team as the 3 seed.
  10. Not saying Groce is a problem but how do you let a SR laden team collapse like that.
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