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Everything posted by BirdZip

  1. Take the win over OSU and, when they to Akron to try to schedule them again (to get heir pride back and prove it was "just a fluke", jack the price up to a million and a half.
  2. 2nd big question: Time running out in the 4th quarter, Akron trails by 2, last play of the game, ball on the 19 yard line, 4th down. Kick the 36-yard field goal or pass into the end zone? What if it all came down to a field goal?
  3. Really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really looking forward to September 9th.Repetitive, meaningless OSU talk that does nothing but clutter this board --> <--- Me
  4. Thanks skip-zip. Two of those girls were mine.....Tell BZ I got out of my parents basement a while ago. And the other two were mine. Now if we can just get my 3-year-old to paint her face like my 5-year-old, we'll be all set...Hey ZW, glad to see you finally came out to a game...
  5. Since this has reached 4 pages, I thought I'd recap the entire thread for everyone:Here's a link to OSU's preview of the game...a little playful banter...Hang on Sloopy...Zip this...your mother wears combat boots...I'm rubber and you're glue and whatever you say bounces off of me and sticks to you...meanie...doofus...(ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ)...I'm smarter than you...Are not...am too...are not...am too...(ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ)...What were we talking about again?...
  6. Captain, if your son's name escapes you, you are working a little too hard...
  7. Per ESPN, Ball State has their new coach, and passed on Hipsher in the process...The school hired Lehigh's Billy Taylor as the new head coach on Tuesday, filling the vacancy created by the departure of Ronny Thompson. ...According to the Ball State source, three other candidates were considered for the job: South Florida assistant Dan Hipsher, former St. Louis head coach Brad Soderberg and Texas Tech assistant Stew Robinson, a native of Indiana and a three-year starter for former Indiana coach Bob Knight. ESPN Article
  8. Agreed, especially considering I think it was in the 1800's when they got it. Not sure if I'm remembering correctly--must have been a horse-drawn crane......
  9. For what it's worth, people are apparently frustrated enough about the AU references that it is on Wikipedia's site for The University of Akron...Akron UThe University of Akron is commonly incorrectly referred to as "Akron University" (or "Akron U") not only nationally, but by locals as well. The name is also commonly misspoken by not including "The" in the title. The school's official name is "The University of Akron," not simply, "University of Akron." The incorrect reference dates back to the 1960s when it was known as Akron University.Wikipedia Link
  10. I remember reading an article about the origin of The Rock when I was at the U. If I remember correctly, it was obtained from some farm or something like that, and the first crane they tried to use to lift/move it fell over from the weight. I'm going by memory though...
  11. I meant to post this a short while back, but this seems like a good spot for it. ESPN did a bit on the Top 50 most likely current players to end up in the Hall of Fame. jason Taylor was listed as #27. I don't claim to know all the history, but I'm assuming this would be the first Zip in? In any HOF?The curernt link is here, but I don't know how long that link will be valid.
  12. Captain, I think you might be making my point for me. Boise State went to the Fiesta Bowl, not the GMAC Bowl, and they finished undefeated. If we're counting on that, we'll likely be waiting a while. Akron went to the GMAC bowl, but when they beat NC State AFTER that, a guy in Myrtle Beach commented to your buddy that he never even heard of Akron. The GMAC Bowl apparently didn't give us that much exposure.The point I was trying to make was that getting exposure in basketball is "easier" than in football. You don't have to be Top 10 to make the news--you don't even have to be Top 65 to make the big dance.There are a number of stories each year, two of which you noted in your post. My point is, we have a unique opportunity here with the new stadium, and a strong preceding season(s) in basketball might be one of the keys to drumming up interest and filling it. The best part--I think the B-Ball team can do it!
  13. The Browns won't continue to sell out if they continue to stink. And one only needs to look at the Indians to see how hard it is to even rebuild an active fan base once you lose it.I agree, more people will come to a new stadium than the old one. First of all, no splinters! Second of all, "let's check out the new stadium". The key is to have a huge year that first year to get the people who come to want to come back. Being on campus also opens up the possibility for some better attendance from the casual student.Perhaps the key to increasing attendance at football games, though, is the basketball team. Huh? I think it is easier to build a following in basketball, even if football is more loved. The reason is the opportunity to turn a good season into a big attention getter. If the Zips football team has a strong season, they go to the GMAC bowl and 10 people watch it on TV. If the Zips basketball team has a strong season and makes the tournament, there's coverage everywhere and, win a game or two, and you've got ESPN all over you.Make the basketball tournament and a decent showing in the tourney to get the attention of the locals, then open a new stadium for football the next year. Strong basketball season + strong football season = fan base increased.Or, maybe I just think that because I like basketball more...
  14. Only indirectly related, but on the same subject of other MAC schools getting bad press...From the AP...YPSILANTI, Mich. — The president of Eastern Michigan University was fired, months after top university officials were accused of covering up the rape and slaying of a student by publicly ruling out foul play.I picked it up off of FOX News' website...EMU Firing
  15. As a Patriots fan, I don't care if Belichick shows up wearing nothing but a thong (and, of course, one sock to hold the red challenge flag)!
  16. Did the U of A overbill you or something? Start checking for the sign of the flush because you just may be the Anti-Zip.
  17. You're welcome to your opinion, but when my brother-in-law made this point to me a while back, I agreed with it. I'll stick with my stance.Yes, LeBron wants to win, but some people value friendships and family too. Besides, the Cavs won't be affected either way by who is sitting at the end of the bench organizing the towels. You can't judge the capability of a team based on who fills their last roster spot.
  18. Rather than concentrate on what Romeo can BRING to the team, how about what Romeo can KEEP with the team? I believe that LeBron's current contract allows him to seek a new team as an unrestricted free agent following the 2010 season. If Romeo's on the roster, is that less likely to happen? If Romeo's on a different roster, like perhaps LeBron's childhood team the Lakers, would he be more likely to go there? If I'm running an NBA team, I'm spending my last roster spot on Romeo to try to lure LeBron later on.
  19. INDIANS06: Why so much profanity? If you need that to make your point, it must not be a very good point.I hear the Indians are planning on taking all of their eligible major league players and moving them down to Buffalo. That way they can win the AAA championship and brag how awesome they are. No wait, that wouldn't make sense.I hear the Browns are going to pack it in in the NFL and join the Arena Footbal League. That way they can win it all...no wait, that wouldn't make sense.It's an interesting point you make. Join a weaker league so that you have a better chance of winning. That way, when you win it all, you can post signs everywhere that you are clearly, without a doubt, unconditionally no worse than the 120th best college football team in the nation.Now if you'll excuse me, I need to go join a preschool tee-ball league. I'm sure I could just DOMINATE!
  20. Any Internet links or address available? The only Paradise Inn I can find in Alaska is in Anchorage.
  21. Wow! That's a great scheduling addition. Any word on whether they're coming here the following year?Perhaps we should wait to see what the schedule actually turns out to be before we diss it. This is a nice one!
  22. I think perhaps of greater importance than getting butts in the seats for the Patriot Bowl is enticing the owners of those butts to go to other Akron games in the future. Properly marketed, you can get people to come to this game. But if someone comes, and Akron flops, it sets us back. If people come and Akron either dominates or, perhaps even better yet, makes it an exciting game with a close win, maybe some of those people who think Akron isn't worth watching will have their mind changed.I'm speaking from experience here. When I was in college, I went to a lot of games. Once I graduated and moved to Chardon, then had kids, I convinced myself there were too many barriers in my way to go to games. Then Akron made the Motor City Bowl. We decided to give it a go. It was a great game, with an exciting finish, and now we're hooked. We live an hour away from Akron yet we're tailgating at all the football games and went to somewhere around 14 basketball games last year. We're even planning to go to Alaska in November.Get 'em in and get 'em hooked. I know it's not that easy, but it worked on us...
  23. Any news yet on where the Zips will be staying during this tournament? Seems like there's a few decent choices nearby.
  24. Not sure if anyone posted this already, but we're always saying we want to get the U of A more exposure. I'm not sure if this is quite what we had in mind...HeadlinesLooks like it was some time back in April.
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