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Who won the Michigan game?

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Michigan head coach gave kudos to the Zips. He told me that Akron is the best team Michigan hasfaced this season.Heads up for the AK-Rowdies: Michigan goalie says you really got into his head. The constant hornsdrove him crazy.Both the goalie and the head coach praised the home field advantage created by the fan count and the intensity of the AK-Rowdies. Coach said he would love to show a video of the Akron fans backin Michigan.Both were quite complimentary. Let us wish Michigan well against Northwestern on Saturday. A UM win greatly helps the Zips in the seedings.

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Heads up for the AK-Rowdies: Michigan goalie says you really got into his head. The constant hornsdrove him crazy.
If you think we drove the goalie crazy, then you should have seen his mom who was at the game. She was convinced that everything we did (horns, the drum section, shouting, standing behind him) was illegal.
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Wow what a game 1st off gotta say man I love evan bush. This game tonight just put the icing on the cake for his career. You just had that feeling that he was going to save that pk! 2nd when the tourney does roll around we need players like ampi to score goals. Steveo is great but the problem is other teams know that expect alot of double teams on him here on out. But the great thing about that is that Steveo still created scoring oppertunities including one that hit off the post. Finally hats off to the Rowdies. Once again creating an awesome atmosphere for the game. The horns are awesome and make it so hard to hear. Also in concern to Pats mommy complaing um yeah it is not illegal in a ncaa game to have those horns there. We got in contact with the NCAA and they couldnt find any rule against it. However it is disaloud in mac play though. Go Zips beat WMU!

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In the future plans for the futbol yard, is there space for a hill behind BOTH goals? Can their be Rowdies behind both goals the entire game?
Seriously!...I was thinking the same thing...what a home field advantage. I think it's great that UA is becoming a haven for soccer hooligans and that some of the legacies (kind word for older UA fans) are attending the games and getting interested in the sport. I also like that although the Rowdies are crazy, they aren't out of control and don't detract from an otherwise family environment. There are a TON of potential family fans out there whose kids play and should come to appreciate the game at one of its highest levels.Here's to a hill and fans behind BOTH goals, :cheers:
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In the future plans for the futbol yard, is there space for a hill behind BOTH goals? Can their be Rowdies behind both goals the entire game?
I spoke to Caleb about the new stadium design. He said there will be a grassy hill, like now behind the east goal, but, like now, there will be no hill behind the west goal. There will be grass seating all along the sideline opposite the grandstand. The grandstand will replace the current bleacher type stands currently on the south touchline. When up the new stadium will be one of the finest in the country.The problem is funding. Caleb was told by Mac that the first phase would start no later than the end of next year's season. In that phase the field would be moved to accomodate the grandstand, water and irrigation would be installed, so would electric, sewer and drainage. actual construction of the 3,500 grandstand may be 3 years away.Let's hope the national ranking, phenominal success of this team and the chance to leap into the top 10 programs in the nation will spur some movers and shakers to find funding sooner. I'd hate to lose Caleb to a program with deeper pockets. Don't think it can't happen. Universities are coming after him as we speak (so to speak). Don't get me wrong, there remains many reasons for him to stay, I just want to give him more. Akron should be his home for years to come.
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"If you think we drove the goalie crazy, then you should have seen his mom who was at the game. She was convinced that everything we did (horns, the drum section, shouting, standing behind him) was illegal."I wonder if that was the same older lady and gentlemen I was behind at the concession stand. She was complaining to him about our fans "taunting" their players. I almost said "I am sure Michigan fans are all just little angels". I sure that when Columbus Tech is in town they are just as cordial as can be to them. I guess love is blind. It's like when I use to work with a die hard Steelers fan that truly believed that Browns fans were the worst and that Steelers fans never cussed or treated visiting fans badly! My son and I always enjoy the Rowdies, but I do have to say the one guy was way out of line by loudly booing the Michigan guy they hauled off the field. I do have to give props to the Rowdies around him who kind of just looked at him and somewhat distanced themselves from him. I think he got the hint because he looked around and then shut up.

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Go Blue...dot comQ U O T E SOn what to take away from the game... "We learned a heck of a lot from this game. It put us at a different level as a team. It is not always about skill, but the size of the fight. When you have both skill and fight, you are a tough team to beat."On the game... "This was a great college soccer game, for sure. Akron is a very good team. The environment was electric, and in the end, we ran out of time."On the difference... "They defended all the way to 90th minute. Their first shot was a goal and it was a good goal. We had already had two good shots and forced the keeper to make a good save. They had more moments in first half and we had more in the second half -- we just didn't score on them."
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I do have to say the one guy was way out of line by loudly booing the Michigan guy they hauled off the field. I do have to give props to the Rowdies around him who kind of just looked at him and somewhat distanced themselves from him. I think he got the hint because he looked around and then shut up.
Are you talking about the guy who bought them a penalty kick? If so, the only people who were out of line would be ones who didn't boo. Don't know why you would applaud someone taking a dive and nearly (Thanks Evan!)costing us the game. Anyway (surprise!) he somehow managed to get up off of his deathbed and return to action a few minutes later... unfortunately the theatrics are part of the game anymore.
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Let's be honest here. That was the poorest, most anti-Akron biased, officiating we have seen all season.Michigan routinely shoved and pushed without getting calls. They even managed a few push downs andtrips without getting called out. The bias was clear to even a casual observer.I spoke with an older gentleman midway into the first half. He was obviously Indian by birth. He wasalso a rabid Zips fan. He comes from a country that takes its soccer seriously. He mentioned thatin India people would riot at such blatant bad calls and no calls.The penalty kick was a deliberate attempt to help Michigan. The referee was the only person in thestadium that saw any sort of foul. It was an opportunity to control the game's outcome.As for me, I think I saw the officials get on the Michigan bus after the game. <joke >

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"If you think we drove the goalie crazy, then you should have seen his mom who was at the game. She was convinced that everything we did (horns, the drum section, shouting, standing behind him) was illegal."I wonder if that was the same older lady and gentlemen I was behind at the concession stand. She was complaining to him about our fans "taunting" their players. I almost said "I am sure Michigan fans are all just little angels". I sure that when Columbus Tech is in town they are just as cordial as can be to them. I guess love is blind. It's like when I use to work with a die hard Steelers fan that truly believed that Browns fans were the worst and that Steelers fans never cussed or treated visiting fans badly! My son and I always enjoy the Rowdies, but I do have to say the one guy was way out of line by loudly booing the Michigan guy they hauled off the field. I do have to give props to the Rowdies around him who kind of just looked at him and somewhat distanced themselves from him. I think he got the hint because he looked around and then shut up.
ha, i was next to that guy. Actually he wasn't booing the guy being carried off the field, he was booing their player who was throwing some obscene gestures toward the sideline. He was booing that guy and pretty much everyone in that general area loved it because as the michigan player was trying to say something he just got drowned out by the booing. If you are talking about the injury in the second half that is.
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I do have to say the one guy was way out of line by loudly booing the Michigan guy they hauled off the field. I do have to give props to the Rowdies around him who kind of just looked at him and somewhat distanced themselves from him. I think he got the hint because he looked around and then shut up.
Are you talking about the guy who bought them a penalty kick? If so, the only people who were out of line would be ones who didn't boo. Don't know why you would applaud someone taking a dive and nearly (Thanks Evan!)costing us the game. Anyway (surprise!) he somehow managed to get up off of his deathbed and return to action a few minutes later... unfortunately the theatrics are part of the game anymore.
alot of us were booing this faker as well. Just because you pretend to be hurt doesn't make it deserving a call.
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The officiating was a complete joke. For a while, I thought that Michigan was being much more physical with us than any other team, but I soon realized that they were just getting away with a lot of crap. I am new to soccer, and even I was amazed at the blatant disregard for the obvious. For example... second half, Michigan recovered the ball down by the rowdies. The player ran out of bounds, WITH THE BALL, and just kept going and the refs didn't do a thing. The ref wasn't that far away and he just kinda looked away. Totally pathetic and classless. I wonder if this is how things go with those big name D1 schools... always getting treated like princes and given every opportunity possible to win a game they shouldn't.I am glad Akron won anyways, persevering through all the bullcrap. It goes to show the strength and determination of our guys to win under any circumstances.

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The fact that the booing was coming out of one of our fans during an injury is exactly what gives all fans a bad name. Unfortunately people only really remember the bad. Whether or not you thought he was faking is irrelevant and doesn't make it any less unsportsmanlike. If the guy would have really been injured would you still feel the booing was justified? Soccer games are full of Varejos and Divacs, so going by these thoughts we should be booing every time ANY player goes down writhing in pain only to pop right back up. The Zips did it themselves three or four times last night.If the guy was responding to a Michigan player, so be it, but the timing of it still looked bad.

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The fact that the booing was coming out of one of our fans during an injury is exactly what gives all fans a bad name. Unfortunately people only really remember the bad. Whether or not you thought he was faking is irrelevant and doesn't make it any less unsportsmanlike. If the guy would have really been injured would you still feel the booing was justified? Soccer games are full of Varejos and Divacs, so going by these thoughts we should be booing every time ANY player goes down writhing in pain only to pop right back up. The Zips did it themselves three or four times last night.If the guy was responding to a Michigan player, so be it, but the timing of it still looked bad.
Well if i remember correctly he DID pop right back up and he DID play the rest of the game so yes it was very justified. I wish i would have joined him and bood louder with him.You are the kind of person that gives the rest of the good Zips fans a bad name and makes us look like non diehards. As far as i saw the Zips never did it themselves and I hope we all boo other players when they fake injuries to get bias refs on their sides.GO ZIPS and Michigan sucks almost as bad as Cant
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Maybe you should read your own post...he came back later in the game, after being helped off the field. I must have missed the announcement that you were chosen to speak for all "good" Zip fans.
I must have missed the announcement that you were a "zipdiehard".Either way, I have read my own post considering I typed it. Yes he came back later, after he flopped and faked an injury. That is definitely grounds for booing. Maybe you and your son should join in on the booing and stop being such sticklers for good times.
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Maybe you should read your own post...he came back later in the game, after being helped off the field. I must have missed the announcement that you were chosen to speak for all "good" Zip fans.
I must have missed the announcement that you were a "zipdiehard".Either way, I have read my own post considering I typed it. Yes he came back later, after he flopped and faked an injury. That is definitely grounds for booing. Maybe you and your son should join in on the booing and stop being such sticklers for good times.
Sorry about that. My response wasn't to your post. Anyway, if you read my first post my point was how bad it appeared that a guy was booing an injured player. As I previously stated, I wasn't alone in thinking this, as some of the Rowdies around him were looking at him like "Is he really booing". Once again, it is all about appearances. I don't know if you look at them, but most MAC fansites bash us as the most obnoxious fans in the MAC. I personally think that is a joke, especially with the current crop of Rowdies we have. In the 25+ years I have been attending Zip's sports, this is by far the best student support I have seen. Booing for bad officiating or a player gesturing the crowd is justified, booing for an injury is not no matter how its spun. I think that your previous response about him booing something else was probably the case, but it didn't come off that way at that exact moment. There are plenty of threads on here where we bash other teams and their fans (see BG & BSU threads). Had this happened the other way around there would be a thread on here about what jerks the Michigan fans were. Someone more savvy with this website than I am can probably pull a previous one out.
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Maybe you should read your own post...he came back later in the game, after being helped off the field. I must have missed the announcement that you were chosen to speak for all "good" Zip fans.
I must have missed the announcement that you were a "zipdiehard".Either way, I have read my own post considering I typed it. Yes he came back later, after he flopped and faked an injury. That is definitely grounds for booing. Maybe you and your son should join in on the booing and stop being such sticklers for good times.
Sorry about that. My response wasn't to your post. Anyway, if you read my first post my point was how bad it appeared that a guy was booing an injured player. As I previously stated, I wasn't alone in thinking this, as some of the Rowdies around him were looking at him like "Is he really booing". Once again, it is all about appearances. I don't know if you look at them, but most MAC fansites bash us as the most obnoxious fans in the MAC. I personally think that is a joke, especially with the current crop of Rowdies we have. In the 25+ years I have been attending Zip's sports, this is by far the best student support I have seen. Booing for bad officiating or a player gesturing the crowd is justified, booing for an injury is not no matter how its spun. I think that your previous response about him booing something else was probably the case, but it didn't come off that way at that exact moment. There are plenty of threads on here where we bash other teams and their fans (see BG & BSU threads). Had this happened the other way around there would be a thread on here about what jerks the Michigan fans were. Someone more savvy with this website than I am can probably pull a previous one out.
Well i guess i misunderstood what you were trying to say. Sorry about that, i agree though we are thought of as obnoxious fans. But in a way i take pride in that, it's way more fun to be hated then loved. Though i completely agree, it is not alright to cheer/heckle/boo an injured player. Luckily in this case, that was not happening and thank goodness the injured player was boo'd only because he was faking and nothing else.
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As a proud AK-Rowdies member, I take pride in the fact that we have a reputation for being annoying. As the back of our TShirts said last year..

WE ARE:RoothlessObnoxiousWildDedicatedInsaneEgotisticalStudents
Id much rather be known for being a bunch of @$$holes than being a bunch of pansies
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