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How are ticket sales looking for the game? Is it possible that it has become clear to the department that Saturday is going to be a sellout and don't want to oversell? Let THAT one settle on your brain for a second...the thought that UA football tickets could not only sell out, but that the university could have to deal with demand for tickets for once. Reminds me of a few scalpers I saw outside the INFO this weekend. I love it. Scalping UA football tickets!GO ZIPS!STZ

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I did hear a couple spots on 97.5 WONE for Zip footall but nowhere near the sturation we heard in recent weeks. Does anyone know what Indianas version of Zipsnation is?? Id like to see what they are saying about Ackrun!
Here's one - a little discussion on the Zips.http://mbd.scout.com/mb.aspx?s=170&f=2350This is another a little bit on the Zips part of the way downhttp://indiana.rivals.com/forum.asp?sid=942&fid=725
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I think last Saturday was a pretty good advertisement for the Indiana game. If the fans don't want to come back and do it again this week, if they didn't go home and tell their friends about the great time they had and recommend the place, shame on them.I think UA is doing an good job of keeping the game visible.

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I thought I got an email from Athletics saying we expect sell-outs for Morgan State and the IU soccer match and football game. Ticket office was staying open later to accommodate customers. I suspect Tom is being smart and saving the ad budget for games later in the season. OU, Temple and EMU... Can't State will sell-out regardless

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From what I've heard, IU isn't close to a sell out yet. I'll be disheartened to say the least if I see 5-7,000 empty seats on gameday in only our second game in the stadium against a Big 10 opponent.
It looks like your sources are correct. On ticketmaster right now you can buy seats in 210 (priority reserve chairbacks) and right next door in 208. Looks like there will be about 20k there.
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From what I've heard, IU isn't close to a sell out yet. I'll be disheartened to say the least if I see 5-7,000 empty seats on gameday in only our second game in the stadium against a Big 10 opponent.
It looks like your sources are correct. On ticketmaster right now you can buy seats in 210 (priority reserve chairbacks) and right next door in 208. Looks like there will be about 20k there.
How many GA seats remain? Are there 5,000 seats remaining right now or if they sell 5,000 between now and Friday there will still be 5,000 remaining. GA seats sell faster than Reserve so I wouldn't judge on Reserved alone.On a hopeful note, UofA has always had a pretty good walk up crowd.
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I don't think it will be a sellout and I don't think UA has done a good job pushing the game. Seems to me that they had to push REALLY hard to get those last 3000 tickets sold for last weekend. My guess is that they figure a Big 10 team coming to town would sell itself, but I think there is a bit of the Info Opening Day hangover going on and also the overshadowing from the game in Cleveland on Saturday. I hope to see a big push starting tomorrow.... IT would be embarrasing to see a game of this magnitude ignored by so many. I hope we win.

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This is going to be the first real test for the new stadium. Last week was an amazing atmosphere. If the Zips can build on that and get a good crowd for a game at home against a Big Ten team, that will be remarkable. If not, then someone needs to start saying "These are not your old Zips."Or, maybe they should threaten to start playing in the Rubber Bowl again. ;)

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Hopefully, the Indiana fans coming, will fill many of the empty seats.
Per the Indiana Rivals board, IU sent back their ticket allotment to Akron -- after selling only 450 tickets! Hopefully they are buying them locally, because that might be fewer visiting fans than Morgan State had! How pathetic is the fan following of this opponent that says it's "of the quality of the Big Conference That Can't Count"? :rolleyes:
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Hopefully, the Indiana fans coming, will fill many of the empty seats.
Per the Indiana Rivals board, IU sent back their ticket allotment to Akron -- after selling only 450 tickets! Hopefully they are buying them locally, because that might be fewer visiting fans than Morgan State had! How pathetic is the fan following of this opponent that says it's "of the quality of the Big Conference That Can't Count"? :rolleyes:
You know, the Big 10 could fix their logo if they just kicked Indiana or Northwestern out. Then the MAC would have someone to fill our spot when we leave.
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Hopefully, the Indiana fans coming, will fill many of the empty seats.
Per the Indiana Rivals board, IU sent back their ticket allotment to Akron -- after selling only 450 tickets! Hopefully they are buying them locally, because that might be fewer visiting fans than Morgan State had! How pathetic is the fan following of this opponent that says it's "of the quality of the Big Conference That Can't Count"? :rolleyes:
You know, the Big 10 could fix their logo if they just kicked Indiana or Northwestern out. Then the MAC would have someone to fill our spot when we leave.
GREAT post! B) B) B) B) B) Go Zips!
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Hopefully, the Indiana fans coming, will fill many of the empty seats.
Per the Indiana Rivals board, IU sent back their ticket allotment to Akron -- after selling only 450 tickets! Hopefully they are buying them locally, because that might be fewer visiting fans than Morgan State had! How pathetic is the fan following of this opponent that says it's "of the quality of the Big Conference That Can't Count"? :rolleyes:
You know, the Big 10 could fix their logo if they just kicked Indiana or Northwestern out. Then the MAC would have someone to fill our spot when we leave.
GREAT post! B) B) B) B) B) Go Zips!
I just went on ticketmast and typed in a request for 10 tickets. It spit out 10 tickets right beside one another in section 210. That is not a good sign for tomorrow. I will be thoroughly depressed to see a rubber bowl like 15k crowd.
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The Most important thing in my mind is that the student section sells out...easilyWill they keep the grass hill closed if overflow isn't needed? Wouldn't that suck!!!
According to the University website:Additional student tickets are available for Saturday's home football game against the Indiana Hoosiers. If you were unable to pick up a student ticket, you may gain admittance by showing a valid ZIpCard*.Kickoff is set for 3:30 pm. Gates open at 1:30 pm.Students must enter at Gate 1 and Gate 4 (on Exchange Street).All student seating is general admission and available on a first-come, first-serve basis. New this game: Seating on the hill will be available when gates open.For questions, call the Athletics Ticket Office at 330-972-6920.* A ZipCard will be valid only if the student is currently enrolled in classes.So Zips students, this is your chance to make up for the lack of attendance by the rest of Akron's supporters and regular college football fans. FILL THE HILL!!! AND THE STANDS!!!
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