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New from the weekend (still pretty rough) but thought I would share.Soccer Stadium Plans
The happiest person on UA's campus once the new soccer facility gets built will not be Caleb Porter. It will be Keith Ford.Nothing like being the ticket guy taking the brunt of turning away 500 fans every match because your stadium is maxed out. Poor guy took a beating on Sunday afternoon. Speed up the stadium process for his sake alone!
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so they're getting rid of the tennis courts?Also if they are only adding different grandstands that is something that can be done in the offseason and ready for next season.I also think they need more seating than that.I heard they received a grant for $1.25 million. Can anyone confirm this?

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so they're getting rid of the tennis courts?Also if they are only adding different grandstands that is something that can be done in the offseason and ready for next season.I also think they need more seating than that.I heard they received a grant for $1.25 million. Can anyone confirm this?
Getting rid of the tennis courts has been in the plans for a long time. If I remember correctly, its the second phase of the coleman commons project.Is it too late to push for bermed seating behind the west goal too?!?!?!
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These renderings have no intimate detail. Where are the renderings that we got with the stadium? The ones with the Sims characters walking around level 5? I want to see a Sims character walking into the dugout, locker area, over by the concessions and team shop. One sitting in the bleachers looking down on the field. Maybe I'm just spoiled by what we got with the Info, but this seems second rate and that to me is not good enough for our soccer program.

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These renderings have no intimate detail. Where are the renderings that we got with the stadium? The ones with the Sims characters walking around level 5? I want to see a Sims character walking into the dugout, locker area, over by the concessions and team shop. One sitting in the bleachers looking down on the field. Maybe I'm just spoiled by what we got with the Info, but this seems second rate and that to me is not good enough for our soccer program.
I'd rather scrap to sims characters and put as much money as we can towards the actual architectural detail.
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The field remains in the same spot. The dugouts are on the opposite side of where they are now. I like the premium seating under the pressbox and the courtyard behind it.Did anyone else notice that the baseball stands are also being replaced (or added since there are none right now). A major upgrade there.This takes the best aspect of the current field (the claustrophobic-for-opposing-goalies grass berm) and adds to it the best aspects of many of the stadiums that I've seen in my travels following the team. I assume we will finally be able to have TV games?

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This is pretty awesome. Two things. 1) KEEP THE POUCH... 2) Find somewhere for some new tennis courts. It definitely will look cooler with the gone but a lot of peeps play on those courts so they need some somewhere. If they just convert the blue courts in the rec to tennis courts I may go insane. It's hard enough to get a court for basketball already.

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Renderings look great, anyone know what the target capacity would be?
The request asked for approximately 3,400 spectators.Construction to start 4/2010 and be done by 8/2010. Construction cost estimated at $1,428,500 and project cost of $1.7 million.Other public bids are located here:http://www3.uakron.edu/bids/conbidresults.htm
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3,400 spectators ... question: is that a new seating capacity of the permanent stands or the totalnumber of souls including behind the east goal?The plan does not include berm seating behind the west goal. I think that is a huge mistake.Some how the field needs shifted enough to put 1,000 students in that end zone.Seemed to those of us behind USF's goal in the first half that the sun played a major beneficial role for theZips. The second goal came right out of the sun for the USF goalie. He simply never saw the ball untilit was whizzing past him.Update: Looking at the fourth drawing (did not see it the first time I looked) shows an open space behind the west goal. In the drawing they have removed that lighted pathway behind the west goal. The firstdrawing does not show that space.

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so they're getting rid of the tennis courts?
Here's a crazy thought...if we have an indoor practice facility for football, and an outdoor field (summa style) right next to it, why do we need the practice field next to schrank?How about we use the real estate better?
given we have two soccer teams one football team one marching band and a bunch of frat/sororitys that play falg football I say that the field is fine IMHO
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so they're getting rid of the tennis courts?
Here's a crazy thought...if we have an indoor practice facility for football, and an outdoor field (summa style) right next to it, why do we need the practice field next to schrank?How about we use the real estate better?
given we have two soccer teams one football team one marching band and a bunch of frat/sororitys that play falg football I say that the field is fine IMHO
lol@fag football
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so they're getting rid of the tennis courts?
Here's a crazy thought...if we have an indoor practice facility for football, and an outdoor field (summa style) right next to it, why do we need the practice field next to schrank?How about we use the real estate better?
I'm fairly certain that the soccer team practices on that field to keep the grass on Lee Jackson in good condition. I think it makes sense to keep as well.
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so they're getting rid of the tennis courts?
Here's a crazy thought...if we have an indoor practice facility for football, and an outdoor field (summa style) right next to it, why do we need the practice field next to schrank?How about we use the real estate better?
I'm fairly certain that the soccer team practices on that field to keep the grass on Lee Jackson in good condition. I think it makes sense to keep as well.
Men's soccer, women's soccer, Band, flag football, field hockey, lacrosse... they all use that field. I may be even mistaken and forgetting more.
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Looking at the plans, it is amazing how little space there is at LJ. Did anyone else notice that the baseball field will also eventually get a concession stand? Would it be possible to have the press tower serve a dual role? Maybe it could support seating for the baseball and soccer teams. Then have one concession/bathroom point near the courtyard for all 4 sports. This would give the BB facility that unique feel of the old ballparks jammed into the city AND make it easy for fans of all the sports with the single concession area.

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Looking at the plans, it is amazing how little space there is at LJ. Did anyone else notice that the baseball field will also eventually get a concession stand? Would it be possible to have the press tower serve a dual role? Maybe it could support seating for the baseball and soccer teams. Then have one concession/bathroom point near the courtyard for all 4 sports. This would give the BB facility that unique feel of the old ballparks jammed into the city AND make it easy for fans of all the sports with the single concession area.
I noticed this as well. I think its about time the baseball field gets some permanent seating. I also think the current design would allow use of the soccer facility's concourse areas to be used for baseball. If I am looking at things correctly, it's all the same area. In regards to a shared facility... as much as I want to support that idea, they already do that with the current facility and I get the feeling its been a hindering point of the soccer stadium. It made sense then, but now that Akron is blitzing the NCAA tourney, we need a facility that is dedicated to soccer and showing that UA recognizes and cares for one of its nationally recognized athletics programs.Baseball should have its own area. Softball/Fastpitch already does, why not baseball?
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so they're getting rid of the tennis courts?
Here's a crazy thought...if we have an indoor practice facility for football, and an outdoor field (summa style) right next to it, why do we need the practice field next to schrank?How about we use the real estate better?
well the soccer teams need to practice there, we need a field for the band to practice on, and a field to use for intermurals. I have no problem with the field next to shrank...
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What I have heard is very reliable ..... came from a guy in a bar who knew the third cousin of Caleb's milkman. The grandstand will seat 3,400. We have excess capacity on the east and north berms, 2-3k at least. If needed one day a section could be easily added to both ends of the grandstand. There will be no berm seating behind the west goal and plans have never called for that. I would love to see that change like others have wished. I don't think there is enough room. Expansion beyond the grandstand additions could come from permanent seating on the north side.I pray it gets built also. The men are now where we only dreamed they could be not long ago and the women are slowly building a respectable program. Chris Pfau believes we can be a top 25 program. I think he will get it done. His recruiting is getting better every year.It's a good time to be a Zip. Go Zips! Beat the fir trees!

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The development office is working hard to secure funding for the stadium.These pictures have been up at O-Sports offices for a long time. These are nothing new. If you are ever DT Cleveland walk into the Penton Media building their offices are on the first floor and they have all the work design work they've done posted in the window. This stuff is posted there.

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  • 2 weeks later...

This project is actually 2 parts. The first part will consist of new lighting and the a redo of the field. The grandstands won't be built until phase 2. When Dr. Proeza talked about the project being 2 million, he's speaking of phase 1. The entire project is much more expensive. Phase 1 is on track for completion before the start of the season next year. Phase 2 (the grandstand) will not be completed for next year.Also, the set of pictures is missing the vital picture #5.. the one with donor's name on it who will be paying the bill :)

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