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Zipseuph...for what it's worth to you, I have no respect for LeBron's mom either.

I'm sure everyone who lives around here has "my friend's mother" stories about LeBron himself, both good and bad. Unfotunately, the Cleveland press doesn't like to talk too much anymore about his bike donations, computers for the schools, and the thanksgiving turkeys he gives away. But that's beside the point.

This guy has been treated in a way that goes far beyond rooting against him, and has handled it well. In a world where we idolize athletes who are criminals, drug abusers, and could care less about their community, he rates pretty high. I feel bad for the next high profile Cavs player who decides to play for another team. And how will he handle the onslaught that's sure to follow?

Skip...you just lost all respect from me. You belittled another Zip fan without any cause. If you can prove your statement by bringing 3 “friends of Mothers” stories then I will retract what I said. Otherwise I think you owe Zipseuph an apology.

And you also wrote in regards to LeBron: "I completely understand where he was going with that comment at the press conference, and I agree with him" Now I understand you (would not be so brazen to say "completely") and certainly DO NOT agree.

I wouldn't normally respond to something like this, but I will because you brought up something that I have complained about myself on many occassions.

First, maybe you can explain why stating that many people who live around here have stories from people they know who have had encounters with James was belitttling someone? Do you believe that one person's second-hand account should consistitute a representative sample?

Secondly, I come here to state my opinion, just like you. And it's not a requirement that you respect it. If you're looking for people on here to point a finger at for launching personal attacks at others, you certainly won't have trouble finding them. In fact, if you construed my message as "belittling", you're going to be spending a lot of time sending this type of response to other posters on this board.

Have fun. And for the record, I have expressed my displeasure with personal attacks on this board on many, many occassions.

Should I ask you for your apology for not agreeing with me, and yelling at me with big, bold letters?

well thanks for sticking up for me I guess. I personally didn't take it as an insult as much as a debate. people can disagree without being mean.

If anything in our debate here was interpreted as being insulting in any way, I think Doug hasn't been reading enough of the posts on this site.

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In Akron your closest professional franchises are in Cleveland -- I'm sorry if you don't like it.

And in Columbus and many other cities they don't need professional sports franchises because the local university has reminded the populace that they're the only show in town.

I do wish UA could find a way of reminding the city that we're the biggest show in our town. Feed the disconnect along the Interstate 80 line. Grow our own civic pride instead of latching onto one of the most pathetic sports towns in the country. LeBron started something, or maybe he sensed something that was already there and tried to feed it. UA should do the same, but a little more tactfully and without mentioning LeBron.

I've lived in Columbus. I'd rather Akron not turn into Columbus, where the college kids are treated like celebrities. They're COLLEGE KIDS for crying out loud. Columbus is insane about OSU to the extent it's unhealthy.

And don't kid yourself, Cleveland is a great sports town with a lot of tremendous history.

This non-existent Akron-Cleveland rivalry is completely ridiculous, and does nothing positive for Akron.


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His words made them losing even more interesting.

That's an interesting perspective. B)

Only because he is such a boring personality. Without him saying what he said, the 2010-2011 Miami Heat march off much faster into obscurity. Give me Charles Barkley over a guy like LBJ any day of the week. ;)

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Sorry but I can't stand LeBron. I am beyond happy he and the Heat failed. The qoutes he made at the press conference were just plain classless. Someone needs to give him some classes on speaking to the media. You can't blame the media for what he says and does, he brings it on himself. I don't know how people can still love this guy after all he's done. I don't want to hear that he's from Akron. He had a chance to do something special by playing on the Cavs. Gilbert and the entire organization went all out to make LeBron happy. Remember that LeBron was the one who asked Gilbert and the GM to get these players. I think LeBron never wanted to win here infront of Northeast Ohio. He wanted to join his buddies somewhere else which was Miami. He does not care! Don't you think if he cared he would have stayed and did all he could he win a championship right here? Wouldn't that mean more to him then if he won in Miami? Miami doesn't have any real fans!

Can we please stop this Akron vs. Cleveland. It's just plain stupid and makes me sick that people are stooping to this low. Last time I checked, we're in Northeast Ohio. Same goes with other cities like Medina, Strongsville, Akron, Brunswick, Berea, etc. Want to attack them too? It's bad enough that the entire state gets laughed at nationally. We don't need more of this with cities now attacking one another. How can you tell where people are from anyway? I'd like to ask LeBron that since he "Hates Cleveland". Does he and people realize that fans drove from all over the state and even out of state to see him play. Can we all just hope that something good happens for once? Especially when it comes to sports? While it's nice to have college teams do well, lets be real here. People want to see one of the three professional teams win a championship and yes they're in Cleveland.

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Sorry but I can't stand LeBron. I am beyond happy he and the Heat failed.
Love him, or hate him, he is cashing in off your attention. Here is an article that compares his Akron & Coconut Grove mansions.

Good article about how Akron supports LBJ & reciprocates his loyalty.

"It was very interesting to note how feelings towards James had changed so significantly after a mere 40 minutes of freeway driving."

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Sorry but I can't stand LeBron. I am beyond happy he and the Heat failed. The qoutes he made at the press conference were just plain classless. Someone needs to give him some classes on speaking to the media. You can't blame the media for what he says and does, he brings it on himself. I don't know how people can still love this guy after all he's done. I don't want to hear that he's from Akron. He had a chance to do something special by playing on the Cavs. Gilbert and the entire organization went all out to make LeBron happy. Remember that LeBron was the one who asked Gilbert and the GM to get these players. I think LeBron never wanted to win here infront of Northeast Ohio. He wanted to join his buddies somewhere else which was Miami. He does not care! Don't you think if he cared he would have stayed and did all he could he win a championship right here? Wouldn't that mean more to him then if he won in Miami? Miami doesn't have any real fans!

Can we please stop this Akron vs. Cleveland. It's just plain stupid and makes me sick that people are stooping to this low. Last time I checked, we're in Northeast Ohio. Same goes with other cities like Medina, Strongsville, Akron, Brunswick, Berea, etc. Want to attack them too? It's bad enough that the entire state gets laughed at nationally. We don't need more of this with cities now attacking one another. How can you tell where people are from anyway? I'd like to ask LeBron that since he "Hates Cleveland". Does he and people realize that fans drove from all over the state and even out of state to see him play. Can we all just hope that something good happens for once? Especially when it comes to sports? While it's nice to have college teams do well, lets be real here. People want to see one of the three professional teams win a championship and yes they're in Cleveland.

If I felt like typing all night, I could point out a dozen things you've said here that make no sense. You, my friend, appear as if you should apply to be one of the torchbearers for the "I'm consuming my entire life with hatred for LeBron because he's playing for another team now" Society.

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Sorry but I can't stand LeBron. I am beyond happy he and the Heat failed.
Love him, or hate him, he is cashing in off your attention. Here is an article that compares his Akron & Coconut Grove mansions.

Good article about how Akron supports LBJ & reciprocates his loyalty.

"It was very interesting to note how feelings towards James had changed so significantly after a mere 40 minutes of freeway driving."

Noooo. Come on. This can't be true. Akronites must surely be joining the "Cleveland Region" in showing the entire country that they've been right about Cleveland all along.

Like I said earlier.......we couldn't be choosing a better time to separate ourselves from that mess.

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LBJ is a jackass. I just find it refreshing to have a player say exactly what he thinks even when he is being a jerk. His words made them losing even more interesting.


...I didn't see more than five minutes of the finals. Dallas is/was a great story. I'll read about it in the paper.


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New Akron shirt. Tip of the hat to Rasor for the link.

I've been up to Summit Mall twice over the past two weeks to get one of these t-shirts but they've been sold out both times. They're going to call me when they get more in. I'm really hoping to have one before Saturday's Cleveland State soccer match. I've definitely got to have one before the Cleveland State basketball game & the MAC Tourney @ Quicken Loans Arena.

It's the perfect shirt to stick it to Cleveland the let them know that they don't own us (well, most of us). We are AKRON.

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Ha ha...you're better off wearing your HEAT CHAMPIONSHIP JERSEY :)

New Akron shirt. Tip of the hat to Rasor for the link.

I've been up to Summit Mall twice over the past two weeks to get one of these t-shirts but they've been sold out both times. They're going to call me when they get more in. I'm really hoping to have one before Saturday's Cleveland State soccer match. I've definitely got to have one before the Cleveland State basketball game & the MAC Tourney @ Quicken Loans Arena.

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LeBron's been on campus all week playing pick-up games with the MBB team, working out in the Zips weightrooms, and generally causing a buzz.

Another good reason why some top HS basketball talent might consider coming to UA. How many college players get a chance to go up against LeBron for a week?

I was thinking the same. LBJ's honestly changed national perception of Akron for the better (did Akron even have a national perception?). All of a sudden, it's cool to be from Akron.

Over the years, as I've travelled, I've had to say I was from "Akron, Ohio," - and I would get some polite nods non-verbally communicating, "Okay, yeah, I think I've heard of Akron." But now, a simple "Akron," will suffice & people's eyes light up (well, men; not women) & almost always followed with a question about LeBron. The country is just simply fascinated with LBJ. When I have small talk w/ strangers, LBJ & his love of Akron, without fail, is one of the first topics brought up (by them, not me - but I'm always happy to indulge their curiosity). I don't think there is a person alive who doesn't know who LBJ is & the fact he's one of the biggest Akron homers to have ever lived is just absolutely priceless for this city's perception & renown.

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This is how Clevelanders see Akron. It shows how they think they understand the city without ever coming within 20 miles of it just because they're "from the region" and heard about some stuff here from some friends.

Completely and totally insulting!

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Completely and totally insulting!

Yet true?

A couple things didn't make that much sense to me. Like Stan Hywet being near a crack house. I know it's a joke, but that area of Akron is actually pretty nice. Oh, and I never realized that fog was an issue in the valley(then again, I've never lived there, so...). Besides that, it was a pretty funny video.

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By the way, I've truly enjoyed my stay in the city of Akron during the past few years.

I've been all over the rust belt, and Akron seems to lack a lot of the severe urban decay that cities like Cleveland, Pittsburgh, Buffalo, and (ugh) Detroit have suffered from. Overall, Akron seems to have held it's own during the decline of the industrial urban areas that took place over the past few decades.

To be honest, I can't think of many cities Akron's size that offer as much.

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I've been all over the rust belt, and Akron seems to lack a lot of the severe urban decay that cities like Cleveland, Pittsburgh, Buffalo, and (ugh) Detroit have suffered from.
Nothing against Akron, but if you are comparing Akron to Pittsburgh's urban decay!?!....you have lost your mind. You have obviously not been to Pittsburgh in this decade. Pittsburgh is home to NHL, NFL & MLB, plus Duquesne and the University of Pittsburgh. Consol Energy Center-of the Penguins is brand new, PNC Park, Heinz Field, and the Petersen Event Center are all newer. The Rivers casino is brand new, and is awesome. They have beautiful waterfronts, Duquesne and Monongahela Inclines, Zoo, Aquarium, Conservatory, Botanical Gardens, Station Square and the Stript district. Pittsburgh is the world record holder for bridges (446) within city limits, beating out Venice, Italy, the previous record holder by 3 bridges. I would not lump Pittsburgh in with your urban decay examples.
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