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Big Zip

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I signed it. Never realized how hard it is to sign your name with a mouse! My signature looks like $#!%. Oh well, its the effort that counts. Just like with the Zips, I have season tix to the Browns. Nothing would please me more right now than to see him get some experience.

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Romeo Crennel is the coach...he earned the job, let the man be the coach.  He'll insert Charlie Frye when he feels the time is right.  Having season tickets doesn't make anyone else the coach.  :rolleyes:

Where did I ever imply that it did. As a fan, I would just like to see him play.

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Even you haters should sign too -- when he gets to play you can have more reasons to say you were right.  C'mon GP.

I love it!

Why would a Steelers fan want the Browns to start their best QB?

You assume I could give a crap about the Browns....I'm more worried about how the Steelers are going to win another game with that piece of crap Tommy M. starting. I can't believe that piece of garbage makes over a million $ per year. :mad_flame::mad_flame::mad_flame::mad_flame: He should be arrested for fraud. Look at the guy for crying out loud, does anything about Tommy M. look like a football player.

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That was not the Charlie I remember from Akron out there on Sunday!?!

31.6 for your debut, and it could have been worse with another pick

And Romeo created some descension in the ranks:

Dilfer stepped over the company line after the game when he pointedly came out against the rotation system.

"I disagree with it," he said. "I came here to give this franchise everything I have, and nothing's going to change that. But I'm not going to say I agree with it. When you take a guy's rhythm away, it makes his job much harder."

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I thought Frye played pretty well considering the circumstances. How much did you expect ? Not playing for 9 weeks, Suprise substitution (Noone expected that, clearly Dilfer was caught off guard. I imagine Frye never expected his number to be called that early and up only 9), and we did see glimpses of what he did at Akron.

As for the 31 rating -- He played 3 series. The interception hit Edwards in the numbers on a slant and should have been caught, Led the team the team to a FG, The scramble completion to Edwards was a glimpse of things to come.........Not all that bad.

Dr Z :cry: - Will the Squeelers win a another game ? :D Baltimore, what happened, the Ravens are playing for draft picks and a chance at Lineart........

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As much as I would love to take this chance to pile on Frye for his stumbling around performance yesterday, I am not going to. Interceptions weigh heavily on a passer rating and that interception yesterday was completely the fault of the receiver. We saw him do yesterday what he did at Akron. Make easy completions and dazzle the fans with one chicken with his head cut off play per game. If Charlie wants to survive in the NFL, he MUST throw the deep pass better. Completing high percentage passes, like the eight yard pass on third and ten, only goes so far in the league. He really did not play that bad though. An interesting thing though. If the Browns do not completely dominate a tired Miami defense, a fresh Jason Taylor rips Charlie's head off in the second half.

If my Steelers had Frye, they could use the stumbling around performance to make a team name change after that dismal performance in Baltimore yesterday. Instead of Pittsburgh, they could reference the state like the Carolina Panters. They could change their name to the Keystone Cops State Steelers.

The best Frye can hope for is to become the next Kelly Holcomb of the NFL. A guy who is somehow loved every city he goes to and the fans scream for him to play even though he has produced no real winning anywhere he goes. If he can accomplish this task, he to can have a thirty year career like Holcomb and make a lot of money while playing for half the teams in the league. If he does what he did yesterday, it will be a short lived career.

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Romeo Crennel is the coach...he earned the job, let the man be the coach. He'll insert Charlie Frye when he feels the time is right. Having season tickets doesn't make anyone else the coach. :rolleyes:

Agreed but most Browns fans believe they know more than the coach. Heck, most of the sports writers in the area believe they know more than the coach.

I just hate it when Cleveland fans want to start someone simply because he's a home boy. Fyre will get start when Crennel decides its time not when we decide its time.

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:wave: The "almost interception" was just an attempt by Frye to let his buddy Edwards make a play. :rolleyes: If Edwards had been paying attention he might have come up with the catch. The real interception was definatley Edwards fault and he has said as much. The "wobbler" towards the sideline was the result of getting hit right as he released the ball. :thumb: All three of those plays happened right in front of me at the stadium Sunday.
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