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Basketball Game Intro


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Seriously Akron? Thunderstruck (which is a football, not basketball song) again?

I know...it's not that serious...but an intro does set the tone for the beginning of the game. The 2010-2011 edition is too long, boring, and lacks any kind of excitement. It's a pretty simple formula for a great intro:

(Optional) Footage from landmarks around the city of Akron


Memorable highlights (McNees' MAC Tourney Three, Zips winning the MAC Tourney, any dunk over Can't, etc)


Music that pumps up the fans AND players (don't forget the players...I'm certain they didn't pick Thunderstruck)


Good Intro

This one was pretty good...loved the music:

Or if you're going to already copy the "Witness" thing, why not go with:

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There will be multiple intro videos throughout the year. Also the video has different music.

Yeah , it seemed like last night's video didn't sync with the music so it makes sense that another song goes with it.

We really need to have the footage of mcnees hitting the big three vs EMU with Reghi's call and the three he hit to tie Ohio in the championship and French's call.

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There will be multiple intro videos throughout the year. Also the video has different music.

Hopefully they'll be good ones...and if you know the people that make them and/or arena people, please tell them Thunderstruck is not a basketball song lol

They should play the original intro music from NBA JAM. That always gets me pumped up for basketball!

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they play thunderstruck before almost every Akron athletics event. Especially both women's and men's bball, volleyball, and of course football for at least the past 5 years...they ALWAYS play it before tipoff or kickoff...you could call it tradition I suppose

not just a football song, there are no references in it about football so I'm not sure why you guys think that?

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Is it because AC/DC is from Australia, like Zippy?

that seems reasonable enough. I like that they try to keep something like an intro song consistent among all sports. Like I said, it starts a tradition, they NEED to keep it around.

Now the video was so so. My favorite was the intro video they used in 2007-2008 season...I think it had the requiem for a dream theme in the background. I think we need to bring something like that back. Special effects, loud music, shots of akron, then highlights....that's what makes a good video.

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I too love Thunderstruck. Gets me pumped up for the game. Plus the crowd seems to respond. Hated the choice of GNR'S "Welcome to the jungle." Too quiet.

On the thunderstruck note, when I hear that in the off season it gets me pumped for bball. Plus it sounds good on the JAR PA.

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