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Akron September opponent's coach in hot water?

Dr Z

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Of course all of the hundreds of different media charges against tOSU will not be proven true. It's an accepted fact of life that once a media feeding frenzy begins, every alleged transgression tends to be reported, and allegations must be proven true to merit punishment. So I agree with Buckzip that some of the alleged charges being made by some will ultimately prove to be unfounded.

On the other hand, once an investigation begins, other transgressions are sometimes uncovered that aren't even directly related to the original problem. When you turn loose a pack of investigative reporters, they'll get some things wrong. But all it takes is one reporter stumbling onto a real problem to blow the whole thing up even bigger.

By the way, I've been following the Auburn/State of Alabama situation pretty closely. Auburn fans have a lot in common with tOSU fans right now. They are also saying that "all the charges aren't true" and "everyone does it." It's a survivor mentality for rabid sports fans faced with the reality that their beloved team has been caught redhanded.

Sports fans can be among the least objective people when it comes to their team, and many Zips fans would react the same way if faced with a similar situation with their team.

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Patience. Time will seperate the truth from fiction (although time will get a helping hand from the NCAA investigators).

I just hope that all this gets resolved before we play them in September. I wouldn't mind having a dozen of their players suspended and half their coaching staff (and Can't's new coach) under fire for negligence when we take the field against them

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By the way, I've been following the Auburn/State of Alabama situation pretty closely. Auburn fans have a lot in common with tOSU fans right now. They are also saying that "all the charges aren't true" and "everyone does it." It's a survivor mentality for rabid sports fans faced with the reality that their beloved team has been caught redhanded.

It isn't just sports fans. It's stupid people in-general. Look at every political or religious leader that's been rocked by some scandal. The all get re-elected. Their churches are all full for their 1st sermon after exiting The Big House.

People could care less if Ray Lewis was scrubbing some dead guy's blood off his arms in a hotel bathroom...they still buy a "LEWIS" jersey for their 6-year olds.

Let's be fair to our Buckeye brethren: Ohio State fans are no different than any other group of stupid people.

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It's common knowledge that their fans have always resorted to claims of "jealousy" and "hatred" towards negative comments about their program.

But this time around, the facts are doing all the talking, and the fraud has finally been exposed in a major way. I'm only dissappointed that it took this long. Yet, the claims of "jealousy" and "hatred" still prevail.

Way to stay on the company script, Buckeye fans!!! :lol: Anyone who designs robotics for a living would likely to be surprised to see the same sort of behavior exhibited by live humans.

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I don't take SI or ESPiN word on anything. Much of what they have already said is being debunked. I don't believe everything I read. I guess when you want to believe you will.

What part of the SI article has been debunked?

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What part of the SI article has been debunked?
There is some argument as to which vest Tressel will be wearing to work this fall.


There is no question....The name badge clearly says "James" on it. It's his.

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Lying and cheating?? It is culturally accepted now. Why is anyone surprised?? Is it lying when a sales rep tells a prospective client that his product has the best features to solve the problem when he knows that another product (not his) will work better and/or is cheaper?? Or when someone takes liberal interpretation of the tax code and claims tax deductions?? Or when someone charges something to their expense report that really should be personal?? And we all justify it by "I work hard", "I pay enough taxes", yada yada yada. There was a wise man once that spoke of "throwing the first stone" and "judge...and so you shall be judged" or something like that. I forget the guys name. Me?? I think I will let others judge and throw the stones. If you are a hammer...everything looks like a nail. It is not the way I choose to live.

Question… I saw a UofA athlete recently at a local eating establishment and his girlfriend picked up the tab. Now…he accepted gifts. Based on what I have read on recent threads here…one of the UofA coaches is a lying cheating scumbag. Is it constitutionally legal that young Zach can go to Mullinax and negotiate the price of a used car but Patrick Nicely must pay the sticker amount?? And is it constitutionally legal that Patrick can’t sell anything that belongs to him but Zach can?? I think the NCAA rules are hard to enforce and many may be unconstitutional. But this does not absolve Tressel from lying…for that he deserves to lose his job. He did. He paid the price for his mistake. How many here have a invoice coming due??

Fire away....

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... And is it constitutionally legal that Patrick can’t sell anything that belongs to him but Zach cant? ...

Fire away....

Thank you. I will.

tOSU footballers were NOT selling their own personal property. The were selling items

(sic) memorabilia such as game jerseys they had "liberated" from the football property room.

Pilferage of game jerseys at the end of one's senior year has long been a common practice.

Frankly, I still have at least one or two. Seems I saw my grown daughter wearing one of mine


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... And is it constitutionally legal that Patrick can’t sell anything that belongs to him but Zach cant? ...

Fire away....

Thank you. I will.

tOSU footballers were NOT selling their own personal property. The were selling items

(sic) memorabilia such as game jerseys they had "liberated" from the football property room.

Pilferage of game jerseys at the end of one's senior year has long been a common practice.

Frankly, I still have at least one or two. Seems I saw my grown daughter wearing one of mine


Additionally, rings and other "gifts" that stem from participation in bowl games are not considered the players' personal property until they end their eligibility graduating or going pro. Think "lease to own".

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Yet more lies, as phone calls and texts are released after previously being withheld as "private" and not related to the football scandal:

In the year since former Ohio State University coach Jim Tressel learned of NCAA violations by some of his football players, he had far more contact with his star quarterback's mentors than previously disclosed, records released yesterday show.

Details revealed on Tressel calls, texts

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What people are also forgetting about the SI article is that the guy who wrote it won a Pulitzer for his investigating work involving the Minnesota basketball program. He was the last sports writer to win an honor like that. He knows what he is doing as I would take his word over other people. I read the article and it just made me angry. I hope the NCAA comes down hard on OSU. Should be harder then what USC got. With USC it was one football player who screwed up and look what happened to them. With OSU, it is multiple football players and Tressel was involved big time. The NCAA should lay down sanctions on Tressel and OSU. Ban Tressel from any coaching positions for a couple years and punish the football program by taking away schlorships, vacating wins and place a postseason ban for at least two years or even more. I would like for them to get their national title revoked but I don't see it happening. I don't like OSU to begin with as they think they are above everyone else but all this just makes me hate them even more. If the NCAA wants to clean up college athletics and send a strong message to everyone then they had better come down very hard on OSU. If they don't then there will be an uproar.

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What people are also forgetting about the SI article is that the guy who wrote it won a Pulitzer for his investigating work involving the Minnesota basketball program. He was the last sports writer to win an honor like that. He knows what he is doing as I would take his word over other people. I read the article and it just made me angry. I hope the NCAA comes down hard on OSU. Should be harder then what USC got. With USC it was one football player who screwed up and look what happened to them. With OSU, it is multiple football players and Tressel was involved big time. The NCAA should lay down sanctions on Tressel and OSU. Ban Tressel from any coaching positions for a couple years and punish the football program by taking away schlorships, vacating wins and place a postseason ban for at least two years or even more. I would like for them to get their national title revoked but I don't see it happening. I don't like OSU to begin with as they think they are above everyone else but all this just makes me hate them even more. If the NCAA wants to clean up college athletics and send a strong message to everyone then they had better come down very hard on OSU. If they don't then there will be an uproar.

I agree with much of what you are saying here.

Here's where I think this is going.

1) They WILL get slapped harder than USC, because it involved a lot of players, and a big coverup.

2) They've probably done enough to warrant the death penalty, but they won't get the SMU treatment because they are a far better money generator.

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What people are also forgetting about the SI article is that the guy who wrote it won a Pulitzer for his investigating work involving the Minnesota basketball program. He was the last sports writer to win an honor like that. He knows what he is doing as I would take his word over other people. I read the article and it just made me angry. I hope the NCAA comes down hard on OSU. Should be harder then what USC got. With USC it was one football player who screwed up and look what happened to them. With OSU, it is multiple football players and Tressel was involved big time. The NCAA should lay down sanctions on Tressel and OSU. Ban Tressel from any coaching positions for a couple years and punish the football program by taking away schlorships, vacating wins and place a postseason ban for at least two years or even more. I would like for them to get their national title revoked but I don't see it happening. I don't like OSU to begin with as they think they are above everyone else but all this just makes me hate them even more. If the NCAA wants to clean up college athletics and send a strong message to everyone then they had better come down very hard on OSU. If they don't then there will be an uproar.

I agree with much of what you are saying here.

Here's where I think this is going.

1) They WILL get slapped harder than USC, because it involved a lot of players, and a big coverup.

2) They've probably done enough to warrant the death penalty, but they won't get the SMU treatment because they are a far better money generator.

When it comes out that players from basketball or other sports were involved, then you're talking about a Lack of Institutional Control penalty. Right now it's confined to football, although I find it very hard to believe that their men's basketball program is clean. The NCAA investigation will tell.

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What people are also forgetting about the SI article is that the guy who wrote it won a Pulitzer for his investigating work involving the Minnesota basketball program. He was the last sports writer to win an honor like that. He knows what he is doing as I would take his word over other people. I read the article and it just made me angry. I hope the NCAA comes down hard on OSU. Should be harder then what USC got. With USC it was one football player who screwed up and look what happened to them. With OSU, it is multiple football players and Tressel was involved big time. The NCAA should lay down sanctions on Tressel and OSU. Ban Tressel from any coaching positions for a couple years and punish the football program by taking away schlorships, vacating wins and place a postseason ban for at least two years or even more. I would like for them to get their national title revoked but I don't see it happening. I don't like OSU to begin with as they think they are above everyone else but all this just makes me hate them even more. If the NCAA wants to clean up college athletics and send a strong message to everyone then they had better come down very hard on OSU. If they don't then there will be an uproar.

I agree with much of what you are saying here.

Here's where I think this is going.

1) They WILL get slapped harder than USC, because it involved a lot of players, and a big coverup.

2) They've probably done enough to warrant the death penalty, but they won't get the SMU treatment because they are a far better money generator.

When it comes out that players from basketball or other sports were involved, then you're talking about a Lack of Institutional Control penalty. Right now it's confined to football, although I find it very hard to believe that their men's basketball program is clean. The NCAA investigation will tell.

Correct me if I'm wrong, but hasn't it already been disclosed that there is a "repeated offender" inquiry going on here, and doesn't it include the things that happened under the previoius basketball coach?

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That ends the NCAA investigation of Pryor. Since he's no longer a college football player, he's no longer required to cooperate with the NCAA investigation.
....Oooorrrrrr, he could cooperate with the NCAA and burn the program to the ground?!?! Columbus State officials should do $everything$ within their power to keep TP happy.
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When it comes out that players from basketball or other sports were involved, then you're talking about a Lack of Institutional Control penalty. Right now it's confined to football, although I find it very hard to believe that their men's basketball program is clean. The NCAA investigation will tell.

It has long been known that the tOSU men's basketball program is as squeaky clean as the floor of a chicken coop.

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