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I have been a huge opponent of the band playing the other team's fight song since I made my way onto campus about a year and a half ago. You will all be shocked to find out that when I traveled to Ohio State and Cincinnati this year, neither band played the Blue and Gold. But, The band has now drifted into traitor territory. Yesterday, and I am would be willing to bet throughout this week and definitely next week, Akron's Band was/will be playing the Can't State fight song that you could/can hear all over campus. This is just simply wrong. We are rivals! Why is our band playing their song? Last week, when Akron almost came back to win, the band could have cared less. In fact, when the band director said, "alright guys lets go home" They all cheered and celebrated a lot louder than they ever do during the game. They acted like nothing on the football field happened. Then not to mention, the BAND LOVES to disrupt our basketball cheers. When we chant "lets go zips", the Band does some stupid crap that completely disrupts the rhythm (which is why we cheer, to help the offense find a rhythm). Oh, and by the way, you should not be taking up three quarters of the Rowdies student section. There is a huge label above that is marked with "BAND", why don't you sit there...where you belong? Stop playing the other teams fight song and stop acting like you give a damn about Akron sports.

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I'll get it Euph...They're playing the song during rehearsal for the game. Most bands play the away team fight song during pregame, Ohio State even did it in 2007 while spelling out "ZIPS" on the field. They even played it this year. Don't believe me? Check

But there's no way they'd play Michigan's fight song.. right? Surely not with the "greatest college rivalry on the planet." Wait! What's this right around the
I haven't marched the last two years. I did three including two at the Rubber Bowl where we would get there at 8 am in uniform to rehearse, then wait in the stands will the team did their warm ups, play at the Heisman Lodge for the rich guys and donors, then make the rounds by the tailgating lots before doing pregame, cheering the whole game that started at 2 then jumping in our school busses to leave after 9 hours when most of the team was long gone. The band is cheering every down at every game and gives their Saturdays to do it. That means they lose out on tailgating, hanging with their friends and having the option to leave when the team is sucking as bad as they do know. Every year they play the day after Thanksgiving game all 180 of them go home for a few hours or completely miss out on spending Thanksgiving with their family alltogether and then come back the next morning to cheer for the game which we would usually lose. You're gonna rip on them for being glad it's time to go home when the team has given up? Between football games, band shows, hosting
, and band-o-rama this weekend is the first time since the week before classes started (the end of August) where they have had the weekend off. Now you say, "But they get payed!" By the time they buy marchign shoes, the ball cap, two t-shirts, and a polo they're lucky if they break even after buying lunch at band camp. As far as the basketball games if the band wasn't taking up half of one side then there would be an empty side and a half of floor seats at EVERY game. Fill up the rowdies sections for more then the Can't game and then you can start your whining about how they're cramping your style. I know you're new, but there have a been a lot of times where the band has been about the only ones cheering at the basketball games early in the season or over break while a majority of the "Rowdies" are texting their friends and ignoring the game completely. All that cheering you hear on TV during the NCAA games vs. Gonzaga and Notre Dame is the band and the parents who could afford to make the trip. We usually ALL carpool to watch and cheer at the Can't game and 6 of us went to Buffalo two years ago over a long weekend and were the only Akron students there.You're clueless, completely off base and straight up wrong. This rag on the band stuff never happened when we were winning more then one game a year. Go find some football players to yell at for giving up at the last game before you start griping about the band being happy they get to get out of the cold for the first time in 6 hours that day. /endrant
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  bandzip said:
I'll get it Euph...They're playing the song during rehearsal for the game. Most bands play the away team fight song during pregame, Ohio State even did it in 2007 while spelling out "ZIPS" on the field. They even played it this year. Don't believe me? Check
But there's no way they'd play Michigan's fight song.. right? Surely not with the "greatest m rivalry on the planet." Wait! What's this right around the
I haven't marched the last two years. I did three including two at the Rubber Bowl where we would get there at 8 am in uniform to rehearse, then wait in the stands will the team did their warm ups, play at the Heisman Lodge for the rich guys and donors, then make the rounds by the tailgating lots before doing pregame, cheering the whole game that started at 2 then jumping in our school busses to leave after most of the team was long gone. The band is cheering every down at every game and gives their Saturdays to do it. That means they lose out on tailgating, hanging with their friends and having the option to leave when the team is sucking as bad as they do know. Every year they play the day after Thanksgiving game all 180 of them go home for a few hours or completely miss out on spending Thanksgiving with their family alltogether and then come back the next morning to cheer for the game which we would usually lose. You're gonna rip on them for being glad it's time to go home when the team has given up? Between football games, band shows, hosting
, and band-o-rama this weekend is the first time since the week before classes started (the end of August) where they have had the weekend off. Now you say, "But they get payed!" By the time they buy marchign shoes, the ball cap, two t-shirts, and a polo they're lucky if they break even after buying lunch at band camp. As far as the basketball games if the band wasn't taking up half of one side then there would be an empty side and a half of floor seats at EVERY game. Fill up the rowdies sections for more then the Can't game and then you can start your whining about how they're cramping your style. I know you're new, but there have a been a lot of times where the band has been about the only ones cheering at the basketball games early in the season or over break while a majority of the "Rowdies" are texting their friends and ignoring the game completely. All that cheering you hear on TV during the NCAA games vs. Gonzaga and Notre Dame is the band and the parents who could afford to make the trip. We usually ALL carpool to watch and cheer at the Can't game and 6 of us went to Buffalo two years ago over a long weekend and were the only Akron students there.You're clueless, completely off base and straight up wrong. This rag on the band stuff never happened when we were winning more then one game a year. Go find some football players to yell at for giving up at the last game before you start griping about the band being happy they get to get out of the cold for the first time in 6 hours that day. /endrant[/quote) Well said.
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  Pack_The_MAC said:
You will all be shocked to find out that when I traveled to Ohio State and Cincinnati this year, neither band played the Blue and Gold.
I don't know where you were, but I was at the Ohio State game, and the OSUMB did indeed play the Akron "Blue and Gold" in Ohio Stadium; they also played it at PRACTICE during the Skull Session in St John Arena 2 hours before game time. There is nothing wrong with the Zips band playing the Can't fight song, no matter how repulsive it is, during practice and as is tradition during the pre-game.BTW, why rag on the band. Those poor folks are tortured every home game having to endure every minute of the worst football ever. I thought cruel and unusual punishment was unconstitutional.
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  ZachTheZip said:
You band people are way too full of yourselves.
Because we stand up for ourselves? Look, I understand that Ohio's Pride isn't the greatest marching band on the face of the earth, I understand that there are still ways they can improve, but this topic was ridiculous and our band deserves just a little more respect than this slanderous post.
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I rarely post but I read this board on a regular basis. I have been reading this site for years and I am proud UA alum. I attended almost every basketball, soccer and football game while in school and still attend as many zips games as possible. During my years as an undergrad, I was neither a member of the band or the rowdies. However, I am starting to get irritated reading the negative comments regarding the band. There are literally two topics in which so called zips fans are putting down the band. At any other school, the band is a source of pride. At Ohio State or OU, the band loved. Why don't we embrace ours, I happen to think they are pretty good. Like the rowdies, every year the band gets better and better. I just don't understand negative comments regarding the band. I love everything about UA, whether its the rowdies or the band. However, until the rowdies can fill those lower bowl seats on a regular basis, I don't see a need to move the band. I love the atmosphere the rowdies provide but I am almost sensing entitlement. The rowdies have grown since my graduation but until I see a strong consistent rowdie presence at the every basketball game (think OZONE, as much as I hate OU), I don't think the band needs to relocate.I think we need to remember we that we are all zips, whether we are in the band, the rowdies, or just UA students or alums. I don't know why there has been so much negativity on the bored lately but its starting to irritate me. Lets unite in our collective disgust with ICOACH and not tear down those who try to make the games more fun to attend (the band or the rowdies)Go zips. Alright, now I am done.

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  ZachTheZip said:
You band people are way too full of yourselves.
Yep, pointing out how other schools including allmighty OSU play the away team fight songs, posting that factual game day timeline and pointing out how there are still empty seats when the band takes up a quarter of them at basketball games makes this guy who's not even in the band anymore way too full of himself...The title of the post is "THE BAND ARE TRAITORS." That is idiotic and completely false. They show up at all the games and cheer more than any student group does while the diehards on here who have been Zips fans for years post about how they aren't going to anymore games this year and aren't renewing season tickets. If that's a traitor then what makes someone a fan?
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Let's see I have heard the band play...Temple's fight song, Virginia Military Institute, Florida International, Ohio, and Central Michigan's fight songs and that is only this year. Why. Because Most University's show respect to the other by having their marching band play the away teams fight song. Just because there is a "rivalry" doesn't mean you have to hate everything there. Friendly competition is great and a way to keep school spirit.The band practices before every game and I heard that they were there since 6:45 AM against Central Michigan. Wouldn't you be glad to go home after losing in such a terrible manner and being there since before the sun comes up?

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  dpm26 said:
Let's see I have heard the band play...Temple's fight song, Virginia Military Institute, Florida International, Ohio, and Central Michigan's fight songs and that is only this year. Why. Because Most University's show respect to the other by having their marching band play the away teams fight song. Just because there is a "rivalry" doesn't mean you have to hate everything there.
Have we played the K.e.n.t. fight song before? I don't recall it?If we play K.e.n.t.'s fight song at any point in next Saturday's game, I will walk out of the stadium and never return. That would be the biggest slap in the face anyone could ever pull on a Zips' fan. If you want to play a non-conference, traveling opponent's song, that's fine. You don't play K.e.n.t.'s fightsong in Akron. Period.Does Ohio State play Michigan's fight song? Just curious.
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Why is it that every couple of years some uppity fan decides to start this "discussion?" What would happen if somebody made a similar claim about OSUs band to their fans?.... they'd be crucified (by more than just bandzip and zipseuph). Where are all of the reasonable zips fans to help silence the crazys?

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  Captain Kangaroo said:
  dpm26 said:
Let's see I have heard the band play...Temple's fight song, Virginia Military Institute, Florida International, Ohio, and Central Michigan's fight songs and that is only this year. Why. Because Most University's show respect to the other by having their marching band play the away teams fight song. Just because there is a "rivalry" doesn't mean you have to hate everything there.
Have we played the K.e.n.t. fight song before? I don't recall it?If we play K.e.n.t.'s fight song at any point in next Saturday's game, I will walk out of the stadium and never return. That would be the biggest slap in the face anyone could ever pull on a Zips' fan. If you want to play a non-conference, traveling opponent's song, that's fine. You don't play K.e.n.t.'s fightsong in Akron. Period.Does Ohio State play Michigan's fight song? Just curious.
With all due respect Captain, did you even read my first response?
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  Captain Kangaroo said:
  dpm26 said:
Let's see I have heard the band play...Temple's fight song, Virginia Military Institute, Florida International, Ohio, and Central Michigan's fight songs and that is only this year. Why. Because Most University's show respect to the other by having their marching band play the away teams fight song. Just because there is a "rivalry" doesn't mean you have to hate everything there.
Have we played the K.e.n.t. fight song before? I don't recall it?If we play K.e.n.t.'s fight song at any point in next Saturday's game, I will walk out of the stadium and never return. That would be the biggest slap in the face anyone could ever pull on a Zips' fan. If you want to play a non-conference, traveling opponent's song, that's fine. You don't play K.e.n.t.'s fightsong in Akron. Period.Does Ohio State play Michigan's fight song? Just curious.
Yes they do, and you might want to only put a quarter in the parking meter, because ur gonna hear the Can't State fight song in pregame... just like EVERY opponent akron plays.
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  Zips DM said:
  Captain Kangaroo said:
  dpm26 said:
Let's see I have heard the band play...Temple's fight song, Virginia Military Institute, Florida International, Ohio, and Central Michigan's fight songs and that is only this year. Why. Because Most University's show respect to the other by having their marching band play the away teams fight song. Just because there is a "rivalry" doesn't mean you have to hate everything there.
Have we played the K.e.n.t. fight song before? I don't recall it?If we play K.e.n.t.'s fight song at any point in next Saturday's game, I will walk out of the stadium and never return. That would be the biggest slap in the face anyone could ever pull on a Zips' fan. If you want to play a non-conference, traveling opponent's song, that's fine. You don't play K.e.n.t.'s fightsong in Akron. Period.Does Ohio State play Michigan's fight song? Just curious.
Yes they do, and you might want to only put a quarter in the parking meter, because ur gonna hear the Can't State fight song in pregame... just like EVERY opponent akron plays.
Or show up after pregame like 90% of people do.
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in case you don't know what ur listening to... that first clip is Ohio State's band playing our (Akron's) fight song, and the second clip is Ohio State's band playing Michigan's fight song. Also, Can't's band plays Akron's fight song if you ever decide to travel to an away game.It you are going to make an argument, please base it on facts... not truthiness. Thank you!

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