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Treadwell's "Mistake"


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do you as Zips fans enjoy this "IN YOUR FACE" attitude that OSU fans are taking with the whole Urban Meyer hiring. Do you enjoy hearing about how bad we are? When someone continues to joke and trash our school what is your argument?

"well we have a decent soccer team"

Do you think anyone buys that argument?

Do you think the rest of the country even cares?

Aside from a 30 second highlight of that game on SportsCenter, how much National Attention did it get us? I don't mean Fox Soccer channel crap. I mean actual media outside the soccer world?

Do you think anyone cares that we made it to the tournament twice? and in both years we barely made it and lost in the first round?

Zippy won mascot of the year, but do you realize he hasn't even been in the running since? Not to mention it's a made up award, that is decided by internet votes?

So please explain to me how I should be happy about our football team having 2 wins in the past two years, having a mediocre basketball team that plays in a dump of an arena, and being good at soccer?

I'm sorry but my Zips are nothing to be proud of. I will wear my Zips gear everyday and get laughed at, but I will always stick behind them. I just don't have any faith that our school will be able to turn things around, and if you do I'm sorry you will just end up being disappointed.

I'm sorry you don't take pride in the success of our soccer and basketball programs. I'm also sorry you don't think a MAC Championship for our football team means anything. I could care less about what idiots from OSUcks think of us because I have a lot of fun going to Akron soccer and basketball games. We have great atmospheres for both, and when football was winning, there's weren't bad at the Rubber Bowl either.

I understand you hate seeing others get all the national attention and it makes you feel our program is insignificant. But why worry what others think? There's a lot to be proud of here in Akron and I'm sorry you don't share the same feelings.

It's just depressing. I'm sorry for bashing our school, but the feeling of going to football games and seeing 100 people there makes me sick to my stomach. It's like a slap in the face to every dedicated fan, and what makes it worse is that our administration seems perfectly okay with that.

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Treadwell: "It's really crazy how the Media puts a spin on things to make you look like a bad guy."

Hey, DUMMY, underage drinking and breaking team curfew do make you a bad guy.

The media had nothing to do with it. You managed this screw up entirely on your own.

What kind of company do you keep? Bums? Thugs? Druggies? You are STUPID.

You betrayed the trust of a lot of people who had faith in you. Now clean up your act

and get back to being a Zip basketball player.

The rest of you, stop kissing this idiot's butt.

Are you serious?

Sure, I am serious. I have grown children. I know what kids do. Mine weren't perfect either.

And, I do know Tree well enough to speak frankly to him. I want him to grow up and be a fine

person in the community. As for kissing his butt; read the posts.

All I am asking of Tree is to "man up". A member of the basketball team has zero business

being in a club at two in the morning. He was suppose to be in bed in his room. He violated

the coaching staff's trust. Get it?

I'm sure you'd call him a dummy to his face...

Listen, we're all disappointed...he screwed up and it's terrible press for the program. I don't think that gives you the right to call one of our players a "dummy" or "stupid", or to claim he's hanging out with druggies or thugs (which, by the way, I don't think you'd say if this was, say, Josh Egner.) Let's not let your emotions get the best of you here.

AHA the RACE CARD gets played. I knew it was in there somewhere.

It's more what he is assuming based on where he grew up than race. Why would he claim Treadwell is hanging with thugs and druggies when there is no evidence to support that and no reason to say that? Demetrius Treadwell is sometimes lazy, sometimes quits when he meets adversity, and, like most teenage boys, is still immature. He is by no means perfect. But he is not one who associates with "druggies" and "thugs", and it shouldn't be assumed that he does because he's from inner-city Cleveland.

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Awesome, wonderful news.

Has this been the worst couple days to be a Zips fan ever? For anyone not keeping track, the soccer team was eliminated from the NCAA tournament. After much hype, Tressel will not be coming to Akron. The basketball team got destroyed the other day, and now this. We still don't know what happened to Rico and how long he will be out, hopefully he will be back soon, but I don't expect the same from Tree after this Can't-esque behavior.

Welcome to NE Ohio.

Are you new here?

We haven't had anything good happen for us since 1964, it's not changing anytime soon.

Dumbest statement of the year??







There's plenty more.

do you as Zips fans enjoy this "IN YOUR FACE" attitude that OSU fans are taking with the whole Urban Meyer hiring. Do you enjoy hearing about how bad we are? When someone continues to joke and trash our school what is your argument?

"well we have a decent soccer team"

Do you think anyone buys that argument?

Do you think the rest of the country even cares?

Aside from a 30 second highlight of that game on SportsCenter, how much National Attention did it get us? I don't mean Fox Soccer channel crap. I mean actual media outside the soccer world?

Do you think anyone cares that we made it to the tournament twice? and in both years we barely made it and lost in the first round?

Zippy won mascot of the year, but do you realize he hasn't even been in the running since? Not to mention it's a made up award, that is decided by internet votes?

So please explain to me how I should be happy about our football team having 2 wins in the past two years, having a mediocre basketball team that plays in a dump of an arena, and being good at soccer?

I'm sorry but my Zips are nothing to be proud of. I will wear my Zips gear everyday and get laughed at, but I will always stick behind them. I just don't have any faith that our school will be able to turn things around, and if you do I'm sorry you will just end up being disappointed.

I'd say having your coach selected to lead a national team to the Olympics is national attention. Oh wait, according to you, soccer isn't a sport anyone cares about.

I wouldn't call our basketball team mediocre either, not by a long shot.

I don't know how you can say the Zips are nothing to be proud of. If you aren't proud of them, don't call them your Zips. They are our Zips, because we are proud of them. Please exchange your Zips gear for OSU gear, you seem to be unsatisfied with anything if it isn't the absolute best (unless it's soccer, where being the best doesn't count).

Also our mascot is a female.

Welcome to Akron

Are you new here?

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Treadwell: "It's really crazy how the Media puts a spin on things to make you look like a bad guy."

Hey, DUMMY, underage drinking and breaking team curfew do make you a bad guy.

The media had nothing to do with it. You managed this screw up entirely on your own.

What kind of company do you keep? Bums? Thugs? Druggies? You are STUPID.

You betrayed the trust of a lot of people who had faith in you. Now clean up your act

and get back to being a Zip basketball player.

The rest of you, stop kissing this idiot's butt.

Are you serious?

Sure, I am serious. I have grown children. I know what kids do. Mine weren't perfect either.

And, I do know Tree well enough to speak frankly to him. I want him to grow up and be a fine

person in the community. As for kissing his butt; read the posts.

All I am asking of Tree is to "man up". A member of the basketball team has zero business

being in a club at two in the morning. He was suppose to be in bed in his room. He violated

the coaching staff's trust. Get it?

I'm sure you'd call him a dummy to his face...

Listen, we're all disappointed...he screwed up and it's terrible press for the program. I don't think that gives you the right to call one of our players a "dummy" or "stupid", or to claim he's hanging out with druggies or thugs (which, by the way, I don't think you'd say if this was, say, Josh Egner.) Let's not let your emotions get the best of you here.

First, off, I think I could tell Tree that he is a "dummy". I like him like a son and he knows that

I have his personal best interest at heart. I am a bit surprised how defensive and personal people

are taking this. I have several concerns about Tree's actions affecting the rest of the team.

By suspending Treadwell the coaches have to move Harney to the back up power forward. This

moves Diggs into the three or small forward. A position a lot of you enjoy watching him play.

BUT, it robs Quincey of time on the point. Quincey would love to play in the NBA. And

the coaches are working to help him get there. Some one please explain to me just how Quincey

makes it in the NBA as a small forward. His best shot is at the point. He has most of the tools.

Right now he is short on ball handling and reading the floor. Each half he played he got better

as a point guard. Certainly better enough to let him play more minutes on the point.

Tree is our best person at the power forward behind Cvetinovic. He has the wonderful opportunity

to play that spot for the next four years (mostly as the starter). Throwing that away is stupid.

Tree is suppose to be a young man; not a small child. I hope he realizes the difference more

than some of you posters do.

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Treadwell: "It's really crazy how the Media puts a spin on things to make you look like a bad guy."

Hey, DUMMY, underage drinking and breaking team curfew do make you a bad guy.

The media had nothing to do with it. You managed this screw up entirely on your own.

What kind of company do you keep? Bums? Thugs? Druggies? You are STUPID.

You betrayed the trust of a lot of people who had faith in you. Now clean up your act

and get back to being a Zip basketball player.

The rest of you, stop kissing this idiot's butt.

Are you serious?

Sure, I am serious. I have grown children. I know what kids do. Mine weren't perfect either.

And, I do know Tree well enough to speak frankly to him. I want him to grow up and be a fine

person in the community. As for kissing his butt; read the posts.

All I am asking of Tree is to "man up". A member of the basketball team has zero business

being in a club at two in the morning. He was suppose to be in bed in his room. He violated

the coaching staff's trust. Get it?

I'm sure you'd call him a dummy to his face...

Listen, we're all disappointed...he screwed up and it's terrible press for the program. I don't think that gives you the right to call one of our players a "dummy" or "stupid", or to claim he's hanging out with druggies or thugs (which, by the way, I don't think you'd say if this was, say, Josh Egner.) Let's not let your emotions get the best of you here.

First, off, I think I could tell Tree that he is a "dummy". I like him like a son and he knows that

I have his personal best interest at heart. I am a bit surprised how defensive and personal people

are taking this. I have several concerns about Tree's actions affecting the rest of the team.

By suspending Treadwell the coaches have to move Harney to the back up power forward. This

moves Diggs into the three or small forward. A position a lot of you enjoy watching him play.

BUT, it robs Quincey of time on the point. Quincey would love to play in the NBA. And

the coaches are working to help him get there. Some one please explain to me just how Quincey

makes it in the NBA as a small forward. His best shot is at the point. He has most of the tools.

Right now he is short on ball handling and reading the floor. Each half he played he got better

as a point guard. Certainly better enough to let him play more minutes on the point.

Tree is our best person at the power forward behind Cvetinovic. He has the wonderful opportunity

to play that spot for the next four years (mostly as the starter). Throwing that away is stupid.

Tree is suppose to be a young man; not a small child. I hope he realizes the difference more

than some of you posters do.

Why couldn't you have just posted what you just wrote without insulting the kid? Again, I am as frustrated as you. He's got to learn from this. And it has certainly affected the team. I just don't think it's anyone's place to call our players "dummies", or suggest they hang with a bad crowd when they don't. If there's anything we can learn from Tressel-gate, it's to try to keep emotions from taking over and saying something we don't mean.

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Where is race an issue? What an ignorant comment. I'm pretty sure thuggs and druggies come in all shapes and colors.

THAT SIR was my point.

He said that if it was Egner those comments would not have been made. Classic race card.

As stated above, I meant it more as judging someone based on where they are from. I mentioned Josh Egner because Green, Ohio doesn't have a bad reputation. Inner-city Cleveland does. It angers me to see assumptions made about who Treadwell hangs out with because he's from inner-city Cleveland. Nothing more, nothing less. I know GoZips isn't a racist and wasn't calling him one.

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Treadwell: "It's really crazy how the Media puts a spin on things to make you look like a bad guy."

Hey, DUMMY, underage drinking and breaking team curfew do make you a bad guy.

The media had nothing to do with it. You managed this screw up entirely on your own.

What kind of company do you keep? Bums? Thugs? Druggies? You are STUPID.

You betrayed the trust of a lot of people who had faith in you. Now clean up your act

and get back to being a Zip basketball player.

The rest of you, stop kissing this idiot's butt.

Are you serious?

Sure, I am serious. I have grown children. I know what kids do. Mine weren't perfect either.

And, I do know Tree well enough to speak frankly to him. I want him to grow up and be a fine

person in the community. As for kissing his butt; read the posts.

All I am asking of Tree is to "man up". A member of the basketball team has zero business

being in a club at two in the morning. He was suppose to be in bed in his room. He violated

the coaching staff's trust. Get it?

I'm sure you'd call him a dummy to his face...

Listen, we're all disappointed...he screwed up and it's terrible press for the program. I don't think that gives you the right to call one of our players a "dummy" or "stupid", or to claim he's hanging out with druggies or thugs (which, by the way, I don't think you'd say if this was, say, Josh Egner.) Let's not let your emotions get the best of you here.

Trust me....I have known Tree alot longer and better than you. No one needs to be in a club at 2 am including your grown kids. We all know that alcohol, late nights and crowds don't mix. But before you call someone a dummy or an idiot look in the mirror and at your own kids or family and reevaluate whether or not that is an appropriate or necessary comment for someone who claims they want him to man up and want the best for him . As far as kissing his butt there is nothing wrong with people acknowledging his god given basketball talent and abilities and the immediate impact he has made on the basketball court. There is also nothing wrong with him being held accountable for his mistakes and actions, that is why he will have his day in court to present the FACTS and witnesses to verify his story . Lastly please choose your words carefully. They have a lasting impact on those that you claim to want to be a "fine person." Get it?

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GoZips has done a good job of explaining why his first post came across as so angry. He's as close to the players as anyone on this forum, he cares about them personally and he wants the best for each and every one of them. His first post stirred up a lot of emotion, and some things have been said that probably aren't worth further discussion.

We're all disappointed that Tree made a mistake in being in a bar at 2 a.m. The disturbance he was reportedly involved in will get worked out in the court system where it belongs. UA and KD will take over from there. Let's all hope for the best.

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No one cares about soccer in the US. I love it that we were national champions, but that gets us exactly nothing.

Sweet sixteen in the dance, that is SOMETHING.

What US do you live in? soccer is huge in Washington, Oregon, California, Texas, and Utah. It's even growing a little here in Ohio. BTW, the MLS isn't hurting either:

"MLS merchandise sales increased 35 percent this year, when the league's regular-season attendance rose 7 percent to a record 17,872. The league's average viewers for telecasts on ESPN and ESPN2 rose 16 percent to 311,000, according to Nielsen Media Research, and viewers on Fox Soccer Channel increased 26 percent to an average of 70,000. For Spanish-language broadcasts on Telefutura, viewers increased 10 percent to an average of 233,000."

Source MLS commissioner Don Garber

MLS is the 3rd most attended professional sport, ahead of the NBA http://aol.sportingnews.com/soccer/story/2...-american-sport

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Where is race an issue? What an ignorant comment. I'm pretty sure thuggs and druggies come in all shapes and colors.

THAT SIR was my point.

He said that if it was Egner those comments would not have been made. Classic race card.

As stated above, I meant it more as judging someone based on where they are from. I mentioned Josh Egner because Green, Ohio doesn't have a bad reputation. Inner-city Cleveland does. It angers me to see assumptions made about who Treadwell hangs out with because he's from inner-city Cleveland. Nothing more, nothing less. I know GoZips isn't a racist and wasn't calling him one.

Inner City = black

Green Ohio = white (probably, never been there).

It IS the race card.

And that is my last post on the subject.

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Treadwell: "It's really crazy how the Media puts a spin on things to make you look like a bad guy."

Hey, DUMMY, underage drinking and breaking team curfew do make you a bad guy.

The media had nothing to do with it. You managed this screw up entirely on your own.

What kind of company do you keep? Bums? Thugs? Druggies? You are STUPID.

You betrayed the trust of a lot of people who had faith in you. Now clean up your act

and get back to being a Zip basketball player.

The rest of you, stop kissing this idiot's butt.

Are you serious?

Sure, I am serious. I have grown children. I know what kids do. Mine weren't perfect either.

And, I do know Tree well enough to speak frankly to him. I want him to grow up and be a fine

person in the community. As for kissing his butt; read the posts.

All I am asking of Tree is to "man up". A member of the basketball team has zero business

being in a club at two in the morning. He was suppose to be in bed in his room. He violated

the coaching staff's trust. Get it?

I'm sure you'd call him a dummy to his face...

Listen, we're all disappointed...he screwed up and it's terrible press for the program. I don't think that gives you the right to call one of our players a "dummy" or "stupid", or to claim he's hanging out with druggies or thugs (which, by the way, I don't think you'd say if this was, say, Josh Egner.) Let's not let your emotions get the best of you here.

Trust me....I have known Tree alot longer and better than you. No one needs to be in a club at 2 am including your grown kids. We all know that alcohol, late nights and crowds don't mix. But before you call someone a dummy or an idiot look in the mirror and at your own kids or family and reevaluate whether or not that is an appropriate or necessary comment for someone who claims they want him to man up and want the best for him . As far as kissing his butt there is nothing wrong with people acknowledging his god given basketball talent and abilities and the immediate impact he has made on the basketball court. There is also nothing wrong with him being held accountable for his mistakes and actions, that is why he will have his day in court to present the FACTS and witnesses to verify his story . Lastly please choose your words carefully. They have a lasting impact on those that you claim to want to be a "fine person." Get it?

+1. Well said.

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Where is race an issue? What an ignorant comment. I'm pretty sure thuggs and druggies come in all shapes and colors.

THAT SIR was my point.

He said that if it was Egner those comments would not have been made. Classic race card.

As stated above, I meant it more as judging someone based on where they are from. I mentioned Josh Egner because Green, Ohio doesn't have a bad reputation. Inner-city Cleveland does. It angers me to see assumptions made about who Treadwell hangs out with because he's from inner-city Cleveland. Nothing more, nothing less. I know GoZips isn't a racist and wasn't calling him one.

Inner City = black

Green Ohio = white (probably, never been there).

It IS the race card.

And that is my last post on the subject.

Take it how you will...that's not the meaning I intended. Inner city doesn't necessarily equal black, either.

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do you as Zips fans enjoy this "IN YOUR FACE" attitude that OSU fans are taking with the whole Urban Meyer hiring. Do you enjoy hearing about how bad we are? When someone continues to joke and trash our school what is your argument?

"well we have a decent soccer team"

Do you think anyone buys that argument?

Do you think the rest of the country even cares?

Aside from a 30 second highlight of that game on SportsCenter, how much National Attention did it get us? I don't mean Fox Soccer channel crap. I mean actual media outside the soccer world?

Do you think anyone cares that we made it to the tournament twice? and in both years we barely made it and lost in the first round?

Zippy won mascot of the year, but do you realize he hasn't even been in the running since? Not to mention it's a made up award, that is decided by internet votes?

So please explain to me how I should be happy about our football team having 2 wins in the past two years, having a mediocre basketball team that plays in a dump of an arena, and being good at soccer?

I'm sorry but my Zips are nothing to be proud of. I will wear my Zips gear everyday and get laughed at, but I will always stick behind them. I just don't have any faith that our school will be able to turn things around, and if you do I'm sorry you will just end up being disappointed.

I'm sorry for you that you can't get past what others think. We have National and MAC Champion athletes who are proud to play for Akron and whom I proudly support. I'm also sorry for you that you so readily dismiss soccer. You may not like it, but most of the world loves the sport. If you gave it a chance, you might discover, like I have, that it's much more exciting than American football. It's also one sport that has a real world championship, not the fake ones that the NFL and MLB claim. Since you don't seem to know or care much about the sport, I will let you know that it is a HUGE deal that our head coach was chosen to be the head coach of the US Mens U23 team (the 2012 Olympics team, if they qualify). Also, believe it or not, OSWho fans hate that we own them in soccer even if they try to dismiss it as "who cares".

No one should be happy about our football team having 2 wins over the past 2 years. It's about as low as it can get, but I'd rather think that better days are ahead now that a change is being made rather than to just give up.

As far as our basketball team, I had a lot of fun traveling to Portland with them, and I'm sure those who went to Chicago last year had as much fun. You can dwell on us not getting past the first game in the NCAA Tourney, or you can choose to enjoy our successes. I choose the latter and still believe the day is coming when we get beyond that first game.

I have a lot of fun supporting Zips sports. I thank every athlete who chose/chooses to come to and play for Akron. Our Zips make me very proud.

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Where is race an issue? What an ignorant comment. I'm pretty sure thuggs and druggies come in all shapes and colors.

THAT SIR was my point.

He said that if it was Egner those comments would not have been made. Classic race card.

As stated above, I meant it more as judging someone based on where they are from. I mentioned Josh Egner because Green, Ohio doesn't have a bad reputation. Inner-city Cleveland does. It angers me to see assumptions made about who Treadwell hangs out with because he's from inner-city Cleveland. Nothing more, nothing less. I know GoZips isn't a racist and wasn't calling him one.

Inner City = black

Green Ohio = white (probably, never been there).

It IS the race card.

And that is my last post on the subject.

Inner City Cleveland = 53.3% African American, 37.3% White (33.4% Non-Hispanic Whites), 0.3% Native American, 1.8% Asian American, 0.0% Native Hawaiian and other Pacific Islander, 4.5% of some other race, and 2.8% from two or more races. Hispanic and Latino Americans of any race accounted for 10.0% of its population, with Puerto Ricans being the majority of the group.

Inner City Akron = 67.22% White, 28.48% African American, 0.26% Native American, 1.50% Asian, 0.02% Pacific Islander, 0.43% from other races, and 2.07% from two or more races. Hispanic or Latino of any race were 1.16% of the population.

Inner City Pittsburgh = 64.8% non-Hispanic White, 25.8% non-Hispanic Black or African American, 0.2% non-Hispanic American Indian and Alaska Native, 4.4% non-Hispanic Asian, 0.3% from some other race (non-Hispanic) and 2.3% of two or more races (non-Hispanic)

Inner City Columbus = White: 61.5% (Non-Hispanic Whites: 59.3%), Black or African American: 28.0%, Native American: 0.3%, Asian: 4.1% (1.3% Indian, 0.8% Chinese, 0.3% Korean, 0.2% Vietnamese, 0.2% Japanese, 0.2% Filipino, 0.2% Cambodian, 0.2% Laotian), Native Hawaiian and Other Pacific Islander: 0.1%, Two or more races: 3.3%, Hispanic or Latino (of any race): 5.6%[67] (3.3% Mexican, 0.6% Puerto Rican, 0.2% Salvadoran, 0.2% Dominican)

I grew up in North Hill which is 73% white and considered inner city.

Not sure how inner city = black

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It's just depressing. I'm sorry for bashing our school, but the feeling of going to football games and seeing 100 people there makes me sick to my stomach. It's like a slap in the face to every dedicated fan, and what makes it worse is that our administration seems perfectly okay with that.

I agree with you on this. I have football season tickets but found myself unable to attend games because the coaching was so bad and unprepared. Watching our head coach roam the sidelines looking very unprofessional made me sick and embarrassed. I even had to convince myself to stay out of the football forum on this board because all I was posting was venomous comments about the coaching staff and those who didn't do their jobs when making the hire. But, our administration couldn't be perfectly okay with it, or they wouldn't have removed the head coach and his staff. Hopefully, they pay proper due diligence to the hiring process this time.

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Where is race an issue? What an ignorant comment. I'm pretty sure thuggs and druggies come in all shapes and colors.

THAT SIR was my point.

He said that if it was Egner those comments would not have been made. Classic race card.

As stated above, I meant it more as judging someone based on where they are from. I mentioned Josh Egner because Green, Ohio doesn't have a bad reputation. Inner-city Cleveland does. It angers me to see assumptions made about who Treadwell hangs out with because he's from inner-city Cleveland. Nothing more, nothing less. I know GoZips isn't a racist and wasn't calling him one.

Inner City = black

Green Ohio = white (probably, never been there).

It IS the race card.

And that is my last post on the subject.

Inner City Cleveland = 53.3% African American, 37.3% White (33.4% Non-Hispanic Whites), 0.3% Native American, 1.8% Asian American, 0.0% Native Hawaiian and other Pacific Islander, 4.5% of some other race, and 2.8% from two or more races. Hispanic and Latino Americans of any race accounted for 10.0% of its population, with Puerto Ricans being the majority of the group.

Inner City Akron = 67.22% White, 28.48% African American, 0.26% Native American, 1.50% Asian, 0.02% Pacific Islander, 0.43% from other races, and 2.07% from two or more races. Hispanic or Latino of any race were 1.16% of the population.

Inner City Pittsburgh = 64.8% non-Hispanic White, 25.8% non-Hispanic Black or African American, 0.2% non-Hispanic American Indian and Alaska Native, 4.4% non-Hispanic Asian, 0.3% from some other race (non-Hispanic) and 2.3% of two or more races (non-Hispanic)

Inner City Columbus = White: 61.5% (Non-Hispanic Whites: 59.3%), Black or African American: 28.0%, Native American: 0.3%, Asian: 4.1% (1.3% Indian, 0.8% Chinese, 0.3% Korean, 0.2% Vietnamese, 0.2% Japanese, 0.2% Filipino, 0.2% Cambodian, 0.2% Laotian), Native Hawaiian and Other Pacific Islander: 0.1%, Two or more races: 3.3%, Hispanic or Latino (of any race): 5.6%[67] (3.3% Mexican, 0.6% Puerto Rican, 0.2% Salvadoran, 0.2% Dominican)

I grew up in North Hill which is 73% white and considered inner city.

Not sure how inner city = black

It is code words. If you paid more attention to Fat Al Sharpton and Hymietown Jessie Jackson you would recognize it for what it is.

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