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Chris Jacquemain


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A couple people I follow on Twitter that are in the UA athletic department have reported that Chris Jacquemain has died. I checked his Facebook profile and the posts on his wall seem to confirm his death.

Even though he left the Zips program in a bad way, nobody should die this young.


Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=39107175&sk=wall

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a drug addiction by Chris continued into his friends. my only hopes are that the 2 remaining roommates seek help right away. Both already are on this path.

I personally know one of those former roommates. He is not addicted to any type of drug. Please stop the rumor mongering. :(

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In all my years of watching Zips football, I don't remember this happening to any current or former Zips.

It was no secret when he was in school that he had a drug problem. I wonder how many people within the Athletic Department knew he was using hard drugs? I don't mean just smoking some pot either, but hard drugs like horse. Did anyone ever reach out to help?

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In all my years of watching Zips football, I don't remember this happening to any current or former Zips.

It was no secret when he was in school that he had a drug problem. I wonder how many people within the Athletic Department knew he was using hard drugs? I don't mean just smoking some pot either, but hard drugs like horse. Did anyone ever reach out to help?

When I heard the rumors I always figured it was just pot & that he just needed to grow up. Now it's obvious that he needed professional help.

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