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Is Our Head Coach "Search" a Sham?

Captain Kangaroo

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You obviously have a better choice than a consistent top 30 coordinator. Who is it?

There is a former coordinator out there who once had his offenses in the Top 10 nationally. This former coordinator has also taken a laughing stock from one of the worst teams in their division to the brink of playing in a national championship game. This coordinator has also coached in the MAC so he understands how difficult it is to win somewhere like Akron. Rumor has it, he has close ties to Akron as well.

Not another William Riker.

1-9 and 3-7. He was a whopping 4-16 in his first 2 years. How does he follow that? He goes 6-5 in year 3 and follows that up with an impressive 3-8. I am sorry, but if our new coach is 13-29 after 4 years he is as good as fired. We would be screaming from the rooftops to get him out of here. Oh yeah...and this isnt against the SEC, it is D2 ball.

I don't disagree that people would be calling for him to be fired after that record. I might even depending on the circumstances.

However, there is nothing to indicate the exact outcomes will happen. UofA has a heck of a lot more going for it than WSU does. The fact that he has had any winning record there is impressive to me. The fact that he is one game from the national championship game is even more impressive.

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You obviously have a better choice than a consistent top 30 coordinator. Who is it?

There is a former coordinator out there who once had his offenses in the Top 10 nationally. This former coordinator has also taken a laughing stock from one of the worst teams in their division to the brink of playing in a national championship game. This coordinator has also coached in the MAC so he understands how difficult it is to win somewhere like Akron. Rumor has it, he has close ties to Akron as well.

Not another William Riker.

1-9 and 3-7. He was a whopping 4-16 in his first 2 years. How does he follow that? He goes 6-5 in year 3 and follows that up with an impressive 3-8. I am sorry, but if our new coach is 13-29 after 4 years he is as good as fired. We would be screaming from the rooftops to get him out of here. Oh yeah...and this isnt against the SEC, it is D2 ball.

I don't disagree that people would be calling for him to be fired after that record. I might even depending on the circumstances.

However, there is nothing to indicate the exact outcomes will happen. UofA has a heck of a lot more going for it than WSU does. The fact that he has had any winning record there is impressive to me. The fact that he is one game from the national championship game is even more impressive.

True. He may turn things around in 2 or 3 years. Having already built a program can only help him, however, if he does struggle after 3 or 4 years, does UA stick with him to give him the chance to do the same thing he did at Wayne State?

Are there other coaches out there at the D1AA level that took bad programs and turned them around in a quicker fashion and then sustained that success? Those are the guys that I hope they are judging Winters against.

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Terry Bowden was hired in 2009 as the head coach at little D2 University of North Alabama for the miserly sum of $100k per year.

Every FBS school in the country has had a chance to hire him away at a bargain price over the last couple of years.

Either they're all stupid or they all know something.

True. But can you imagine the firestorm of press coverage that would follow his return to a D-1A program?

If there's any chance of getting a big name, with big-time head coaching experience, I'd say that a guy who has already been here at some point in his career would be a logical candidate to pursue.

Bowden may be just the jumpstart we need to get our program rolling again.

I can see the "Welcome Back" marketing theme already. And maybe we can borrow the old theme from "Welcome Back Kotter" as the background music to the YouTube videos that are sure to follow. :D

And you don't see the "Welcom back" theme working if Winters is the coach?? You really are wearing blinders.

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Or would you rather bring in a guy that doesn't have any cache and brings along echoes of a failed period in Zips history, just because he's an "Akron guy"?

I can't speak for everyone, but you are oversimplifying the reasons many believe he would be a good coach. The reasons I believe Paul would make a good coach go beyond he is an "Akron guy".

Brings along echoes? Echoes actually have to be heard. We are in a situation where nobody is listening and regardless of who they bring in, winning is the only thing that will get them listening again.


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You obviously have a better choice than a consistent top 30 coordinator. Who is it?

There is a former coordinator out there who once had his offenses in the Top 10 nationally. This former coordinator has also taken a laughing stock from one of the worst teams in their division to the brink of playing in a national championship game. This coordinator has also coached in the MAC so he understands how difficult it is to win somewhere like Akron. Rumor has it, he has close ties to Akron as well.

Not another William Riker.

1-9 and 3-7. He was a whopping 4-16 in his first 2 years. How does he follow that? He goes 6-5 in year 3 and follows that up with an impressive 3-8. I am sorry, but if our new coach is 13-29 after 4 years he is as good as fired. We would be screaming from the rooftops to get him out of here. Oh yeah...and this isnt against the SEC, it is D2 ball.

I've thought about this as well. He would have never made it to year 5 if he was in the big leagues. Then, just two seasons ago, he finished in 8th place in his conference. How would that have been viewed by Akron fans?

And this is the resume of someone you leap-frog up two levels to the big time? When he was a huge part of a staff that failed at this once before?

If some people insist that we pull out the good time periods of his time at Wayne, it's fair to talk about the bad periods as well. And some of it was very recent.

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I've been reading everything on these boards about all of the possible candidates. What has been mentioned very rarely, is this. Does this candidate really want to coach at Akron? What has Akron got for me?

Do I really want to leave the sunny south or west to live in the Akron area?

There are many other questions I would be asking myself before I would consider the position at U of A.

This not a knock against us, but just a reality check. Remember, we have football program that is in the toilet. It is going to take a coach with a lot of grit to right the ship.

I am leaning towards Winters, but whoever gets the job, will get my full support.

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My problem with this whole process has nothing against Winters. My problem is that it seems to be Winters and no other people that are remotely interested in the job. It seems our search has done two things...

1. Try to find a big name guy to make the fans happy.

2. Hire Winters because he is a fan favorite.

I just really hope that we have exhausted all resources looking for extremely qualified guys that..

A. Arent huge names and

B. Have big upside and would actually be interested in the job.

Last year, Miami did exactly what Akron is likely to do. They had an exhaustive search 2 years ealier and came up with Haywood. The #2 guy was the alumni favorite who played and was an assistant at the school (Treadwell). When Haywood left, the search started again (2 years later). So...why would the names change that much?? Some may be taken off and a few others added. But in 2 years, many of the names are basically the same. And Paul Winters has done great in the last 2 years. If they liked him 2 years ago...they have to like him more now. And if they have looked at 4-5 other guys but still like Winters better...then Winters should be the primary target.

My prediction... Winters is named HC on Monday.

My only hope is that he plays an aggressive game on both sides of the ball. No more CBs playing 25-30 yards off the WRs (OK.. a little exaggeration but not much)

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You obviously have a better choice than a consistent top 30 coordinator. Who is it?

There is a former coordinator out there who once had his offenses in the Top 10 nationally. This former coordinator has also taken a laughing stock from one of the worst teams in their division to the brink of playing in a national championship game. This coordinator has also coached in the MAC so he understands how difficult it is to win somewhere like Akron. Rumor has it, he has close ties to Akron as well.

Not another William Riker.

1-9 and 3-7. He was a whopping 4-16 in his first 2 years. How does he follow that? He goes 6-5 in year 3 and follows that up with an impressive 3-8. I am sorry, but if our new coach is 13-29 after 4 years he is as good as fired. We would be screaming from the rooftops to get him out of here. Oh yeah...and this isnt against the SEC, it is D2 ball.

I've thought about this as well. He would have never made it to year 5 if he was in the big leagues. Then, just two seasons ago, he finished in 8th place in his conference. How would that have been viewed by Akron fans?

And this is the resume of someone you leap-frog up two levels to the big time? When he was a huge part of a staff that failed at this once before?

If some people insist that we pull out the good time periods of his time at Wayne, it's fair to talk about the bad periods as well. And some of it was very recent.

OK Let's discuss the bad years. Would you hire a HC for Akron knowing he would have one fantastic year and one below average?? In a NY minute. But I think Akron will have sustained success and Winters will be here for 10 years or more.

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I really hope we arent revisiting most of the same candidates as two years ago. That probably means that most of them have nothing to earn the job this time as opposed to last time. Like I said, we need to find qualified guys that have turned programs around. We can't be stuck on Winters just because he is the Akron guy.

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I really hope we arent revisiting most of the same candidates as two years ago. That probably means that most of them have nothing to earn the job this time as opposed to last time. Like I said, we need to find qualified guys that have turned programs around. We can't be stuck on Winters just because he is the Akron guy.

I agree, just because he is Akron. But, hasn't he turned the program aound at WSU? I mean they are playing for the national championship.

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Every losing program is looking for qualified guys who've turned programs around.

There are more losing programs than there are qualified guys who've turned programs around.

Which of the many losing programs are more attractive to the limited number of qualified guys who've turned programs around?

Where does UA rank in attractiveness on that long list of losing programs?

How much can you make up for lack of attractiveness with extra cash?

How much extra cash do you have at your disposal to throw at a qualified guy who's turned programs around to lure him away from more attractive programs?

When should you take advantage of an intangible advantage such as a guy with good credentials who wants to turn your program around more than any other losing program because he loves the school, loves the city, loves the area?

Tough questions for fans on a sports forum, let alone a head coach search team.

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Every losing program is looking for qualified guys who've turned programs around.

There are more losing programs than there are qualified guys who've turned programs around.

Which of the many losing programs are more attractive to the limited number of qualified guys who've turned programs around?

Where does UA rank in attractiveness on that long list of losing programs?

How much can you make up for lack of attractiveness with extra cash?

How much extra cash do you have at your disposal to throw at a qualified guy who's turned programs around to lure him away from more attractive programs?

When should you take advantage of an intangible advantage such as a guy with good credentials who wants to turn your program around more than any other losing program because he loves the school, loves the city, loves the area?

Tough questions for fans on a sports forum, let alone a head coach search team.

All of this is very true. Like I said, all I see are big time guys that have zero chance in coming here and then Winters. Something about that just bothers me.

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I've been reading everything on these boards about all of the possible candidates. What has been mentioned very rarely, is this. Does this candidate really want to coach at Akron? What has Akron got for me?

Do I really want to leave the sunny south or west to live in the Akron area?

There are many other questions I would be asking myself before I would consider the position at U of A.

This not a knock against us, but just a reality check. Remember, we have football program that is in the toilet. It is going to take a coach with a lot of grit to right the ship.

I am leaning towards Winters, but whoever gets the job, will get my full support.

As has been covered previously on this site,contrary to the beliefs of some Akron is not a highly sought after job. It is becoming one on the 'graveyards' of coaches. If you think about why a coach hasn't been named yet it might be because all of those names of those coordinators with little no head coaching experience that have been thrown around may not have any REAL interest. Usually,if a coordinator from another staff is hired for a HC job he leaves right away to start the new job. Nobody is going to hold up a coordinator who is moving into a HC job. Losing 2-3 weeks this time of year is critical.

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I've been reading everything on these boards about all of the possible candidates. What has been mentioned very rarely, is this. Does this candidate really want to coach at Akron? What has Akron got for me?

Do I really want to leave the sunny south or west to live in the Akron area?

There are many other questions I would be asking myself before I would consider the position at U of A.

This not a knock against us, but just a reality check. Remember, we have football program that is in the toilet. It is going to take a coach with a lot of grit to right the ship.

I am leaning towards Winters, but whoever gets the job, will get my full support.

As has been covered previously on this site,contrary to the beliefs of some Akron is not a highly sought after job. It is becoming one on the 'graveyards' of coaches. If you think about why a coach hasn't been named yet it might be because all of those names of those coordinators with little no head coaching experience that have been thrown around may not have any REAL interest. Usually,if a coordinator from another staff is hired for a HC job he leaves right away to start the new job. Nobody is going to hold up a coordinator who is moving into a HC job. Losing 2-3 weeks this time of year is critical.

Yep. We may have gone from the nonsensical talk of Tressel to having only one person we want who is even willing to take the job. At least that one person seems to really want the job.

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Yep. We may have gone from the nonsensical talk of Tressel to having only one person we want who is even willing to take the job. At least that one person seems to really want the job.
Not everybody here was buying the JT talk mind you. It may behoove Akron to let the dust settle a little and see who ends up with their dream job slipping through their fingers.
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1-9 and 3-7. He was a whopping 4-16 in his first 2 years. How does he follow that? He goes 6-5 in year 3 and follows that up with an impressive 3-8. I am sorry, but if our new coach is 13-29 after 4 years he is as good as fired. We would be screaming from the rooftops to get him out of here. Oh yeah...and this isnt against the SEC, it is D2 ball.

Thinking about this some more, it’s really just that fourth year at Wayne State that Winters simply cannot duplicate at UA without likely losing his job. I believe most of us, reluctantly perhaps, would swallow three initial seasons similar to 1-9, 3-7, and 6-5 primarily because a winning season at UA would likely mean we’re contending in the MAC an in position for a possible bowl berth. I also think there are some differences with the situation at UA which would help prevent the backsliding from occurring in the fourth season. The buzz created from a winning season will create much more momentum at UA than at WSU. Regardless of success on the field, Wayne State will likely never draw more than a few thousand fans.

I also want to be clear that I am perfectly fine with all four of the candidates we’ve heard mentioned the most lately. Stoops, Narduzzi, Johnson, and Winters all give me numerous, but different reasons to be optimistic about the future of the football program. I just have always felt that Paul’s coaching abilities never seemed to get a fair assessment among numerous members of this board over the years for whatever reason. This was certainly the case two years ago when he was just beginning to right the ship at WSU, and it’s still true today despite his recent success. People continue to assume that the coaching challenge at WSU is the same as that as Ashland. They accuse Winters’ supporters of “selectively” picking the best years Paul has had at WSU to access his overall career there. When your best years just so happen to be your most recent years, that’s not being selective. What competent analyst wouldn’t weight more recent data more heavily? They would rather lump all of the LO era coaches into one group and classify them all as losers, instead of recognizing the things that were done well and the things that were not done so well during that time. It’s a whole lot easier to come to these conclusions, because as in most cases the devil is in the details. This whole discussion has no doubt caused me to become somewhat defensive (for Paul, who I have never even spoken to) over the last few weeks, and I apologize for being a repetitive pain in that way.

Here’s to turning the Zip ship around regardless of who is the Captain! Go Zips!!!

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If Zach starts poisoning the forum with anti-XXXXX or hate XXXXX please ban him from this site. The last thing we need is a repeat of the last hire....in any way. Granted...Ianello made mistakes coming in. But having someone going on a crusade to oust the coach from the beginning because he does not agree with the hire is wrong.
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PW is a master of the spread offense & when he was UA's OC, we had literally one of the most explosive, exciting offenses in all of college football.

He did that when we had the very worst football facilities in all of D-1 college football. Literally. By far. Embarrassing. I'm surprised they could even get anyone to commit to play at UA back then. Players carpooling to the grubby practice fields which were located 1/4 a mile from a crumbling RubberBowl (God rest her soul).

Now we have some of the finest football facilities in the nation. Literally. And by far the best in the MAC. I'd be extremely excited to see what PW could do here now.

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If Zach starts poisoning the forum with anti-XXXXX or hate XXXXX please ban him from this site. The last thing we need is a repeat of the last hire....in any way. Granted...Ianello made mistakes coming in. But having someone going on a crusade to oust the coach from the beginning because he does not agree with the hire is wrong.

Already been there and done that. But when someone replies to his post…it is public again. But I am way more concerned with the many guests who stop in to ZNO to get information. There are many people I know who do not want to post here because of the civility issues (not being judgmental, just stating fact) and others who are occasional readers. In that group I think are potential recruits, recruits family, administration and casual students.

I can understand the criticism of many posters after Ianello was hired. Surprise pick…alienated fans and alumni soon after hire. I get it. But Winters is supported by over 60% of the posters here and I don’t think the other 40% are against him…just “for” someone else. I only see 3 who are openly who oppose Winters being hired. So…if Zach goes on a crusade this time he will look even more like a petulant child who did not get his way. Hopefully he will take a deep breath and realize he does no one any good by his negative posting of the new coach. I am hoping some of his friends pull him aside and tell him to back off. Many student posters here like him so he can’t be a bad guy….just immature.

One thing is for certain…we need success NOW on the football team. If Zach, CK, GoZips and others are correct…then Ianello set the program back 5 years . Patience will be needed in the first few years. And we need to support the program and do whatever we can to help moving it forward.

One more thing to consider. Paul Winters is a UofA alumni and should be extended respect due to all Zips. He is one of us and I think he has earned it.

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Every losing program is looking for qualified guys who've turned programs around.

There are more losing programs than there are qualified guys who've turned programs around.

1. Which of the many losing programs are more attractive to the limited number of qualified guys who've turned programs around?

2. Where does UA rank in attractiveness on that long list of losing programs?

3. How much can you make up for lack of attractiveness with extra cash?

4. How much extra cash do you have at your disposal to throw at a qualified guy who's turned programs around to lure him away from more attractive programs?

5. When should you take advantage of an intangible advantage such as a guy with good credentials who wants to turn your program around more than any other losing program because he loves the school, loves the city, loves the area?

Tough questions for fans on a sports forum, let alone a head coach search team.

Tough Answers:

1. All of them.

2. Rock bottom.

3. A lot, but we have never tried that and never will.

4. Tons, but see answer to #3.

5. Now.

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If Zach starts poisoning the forum with anti-XXXXX or hate XXXXX please ban him from this site. The last thing we need is a repeat of the last hire....in any way. Granted...Ianello made mistakes coming in. But having someone going on a crusade to oust the coach from the beginning because he does not agree with the hire is wrong.

Already been there and done that. But when someone replies to his post…it is public again.

Point taken.
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If Zach starts poisoning the forum with anti-XXXXX or hate XXXXX please ban him from this site. The last thing we need is a repeat of the last hire....in any way. Granted...Ianello made mistakes coming in. But having someone going on a crusade to oust the coach from the beginning because he does not agree with the hire is wrong.

Already been there and done that. But when someone replies to his post…it is public again.

Point taken.

I appreciate your concern. When someone as influential as Zach starts running you down, your days are numbered.

But, you cannot silence the most revered and knowledgeable poster on this board. Long live UAkronkid Zach. ;)

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