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New Student Section?


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What is needed is some creativity and boldness. OU gets it and UA doesn't.

OU's students and band and ADMINISTRATION create a homecourt ADVANTAGE for their basketball team. If you don't belive that, venture down for our next Athens game and see.

The current student seating design and student interest in attending isn't a coincidence. The students feel like second class citizens and this "plan" reinforces that perception. Does UA still require them to enter the JAR at via the BACK DOOR?

There are options to be considered, but apparently having a boisterous student section working in conjunction with the band to make the JAR a tough place to play for our opponents doesn't fit the current plan. UA has completely missed the boat as far as engaging the students to produce a challenging enviroment for a Zip opponent. What should have been a priority appears to be an after thought.

Why not inform the students they can have all the end zone seats, move the media tables (across from the benches) upstairs to the track, in one of the four corners and have the band sit opposite the opponent bench (just like OU) and have the boosters on the floor sit by the Zip bench thereby allowing students to take over the sidelines opposite the benches. Think some students would show up for those seats? Have the band meet with the Rowdies and cooridinate. Obviously, the admin will oversee but some event management can make sure all planned activities are coordinated and acceptable.

I think the program KD is building is worth throwing away previous years methods.

Worth a try?

There are 50 VIP seats currently on the floor. 25 opposite the visitors bench, 25 opposite the home bench. I lost your thought on moving these 50 people. I can't visualize your proposal. Describe for me where these 50 people can fit " by the Zip bench thereby allowing students to take over the sidelines opposite the benches." It is pretty crowded on the floor already. I am struggling to understand your proposal.

I also can't figure out how you can move the press row to the track and meet the fire code and handicap access requirements in the Ohio building codes.

I appreciate the students frustration that they get lousy seats. I still think a new arena is the only true solution.

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ZZZips - both of your questions are legitimate. I haven't measured the floor corners but would suggest chairs on risers

at the corners where the Zips come onto the floor or the corner where the opposition comes out. I'm not suggesting they sit at the band endzones for obvious noise reasons.

As far as the media table: set it up against the rail in a track level corner of your choosing. Media representation isn't more than 10-15 and they don't have to sit shoulder to shoulder. If a game results in a large media presence set up all the corners to handle them. Portable tables with chairs work nicely. If the Fire Marshall or other authority objects put them at center court, above the track in a designed section and install some table tops. I'm sure they'll enjoy the bleachers.

I'm not an architect but I am a fan of the Zips; the current arrangements are regretable at best; and I'm sure the administration is aware of the JARS faults. I'm posting in order to encourage discussion and hopefully some action. While proper time and planning are taken to design a better facility and to line up the payment of same, steps can be taken to encourage UA students to attend games. Let's create an enviroment that attracts rather than repels students and the general public. KD is delivering a product, it's time for some creative marketing/packaging. The donors/boosters are needed and wanted and I'm sure they'd love to have an electric enviroment for Zips basketball. Change is needed unless you desire the same old same old. Heck, if the boosters want to remain on the floor with students directly behind them, then I'm all for that as an option as well.

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If we got rid of the orange stat boards (they don't work half the time anyway), we could replace them with shorter, higher resolution, multi-colored ribbon displays. That would allow enough room to put up steeper bleacher seating behind the baseboard, which you can pack a lot more students into. I wouldn't mind that. The current blue seats back there are just not conducive to the kind of environment you want in a student section. It's too spread out and too shallow (four or five rows when you could double that with bleachers in the same space)

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When I was a student, you had to be a Rowdy to sit down low resulting in a lot of students to sit up top.

Is this rule still in place?

I am pretty sure this has been discussed on here before. Any student can go down there, but you have to ask to get a band to wear.

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I am pretty sure this has been discussed on here before. Any student can go down there, but you have to ask to get a band to wear.

One of the Rowdies did a good job late last season in passing out those bands to random students that were sitting up top, but the whole wristband idea definitely turns some away. Also, many don't even know about the system.

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Students don't even show up to soccer anymore and we're currently sitting at #1 in the country. If that is any indication of what the turnout for basketball is going to be, the forecast is pretty grim. Can we please just fire the whole marketing department and get a new one?

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Students don't even show up to soccer anymore and we're currently sitting at #1 in the country. If that is any indication of what the turnout for basketball is going to be, the forecast is pretty grim. Can we please just fire the whole marketing department and get a new one?

The marketing department seems to be doing a solid job to me, at least in the years I have attended UA. Say what you want about soccer attendance, but Id guess we are one of the best attended programs in the country.

I am a soccer fan, and soccer is growing, but it isnt a "huge" sport in the U.S.

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Students don't even show up to soccer anymore and we're currently sitting at #1 in the country. If that is any indication of what the turnout for basketball is going to be, the forecast is pretty grim. Can we please just fire the whole marketing department and get a new one?

I don't think I've ever seen consistent good moves by athletics in marketing the teams at Akron. They're always behind the times or missing the point on things. It's very frustrating.

There's absolutely no reason why the soccer team and basketball team shouldn't average 5,000 fans. No doubt there are many factors, but University shoots itself in the foot routinely.

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I have season tickets but they're the family plan so it's just GA. I sit in the bleachers in an end zone. They're not that comfortable and I'm old now (just turned 40), so I bring a butt cushion. I love to watch the games and I'm happy with my seats. If I wanted better seats, I'd pay for them. If I'm not willing to pay for better seats, then I continue to sit there.

This discussion where the students pay nothing for their seats (no, you do not pay for them indirectly) and continue to complain about the quality of those seats is an interesting reflection, I think, on that generation. Everything should be given to me and it should be of the highest quality. "I have to ask for a wrist band! The horror! This is too hard!"

I see above suggestons to take the people who pay the most for their seats (and likely give tons more than that to the department) and move them off to a corner so that the students can have those seats for free. Give me a break.

I see suggestions to double the seating in the end zones. From what I've seen, this just means those seats would be 25% full instead of 50% full.

While I don't necessarily think the Marketing Department does a great job, I think the real problem is a student "fan base" that expects to be catered to like their royalty. Gimme, Gimme, Gimme. I don't know how the Marketing Department or anyone else can satisfy someone who is locked in that mindset.

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I have season tickets but they're the family plan so it's just GA. I sit in the bleachers in an end zone. They're not that comfortable and I'm old now (just turned 40), so I bring a butt cushion. I love to watch the games and I'm happy with my seats. If I wanted better seats, I'd pay for them. If I'm not willing to pay for better seats, then I continue to sit there.

This discussion where the students pay nothing for their seats (no, you do not pay for them indirectly) and continue to complain about the quality of those seats is an interesting reflection, I think, on that generation. Everything should be given to me and it should be of the highest quality. "I have to ask for a wrist band! The horror! This is too hard!"

I see above suggestons to take the people who pay the most for their seats (and likely give tons more than that to the department) and move them off to a corner so that the students can have those seats for free. Give me a break.

I see suggestions to double the seating in the end zones. From what I've seen, this just means those seats would be 25% full instead of 50% full.

While I don't necessarily think the Marketing Department does a great job, I think the real problem is a student "fan base" that expects to be catered to like their royalty. Gimme, Gimme, Gimme. I don't know how the Marketing Department or anyone else can satisfy someone who is locked in that mindset.

Haha you say you are 40...so when you are complaining about my generation, remember who raised them. Asking to be given decent seats, just like the majority of other programs do, isnt asking for "royalty". Students aren't even allowed to come in the main entrance. I think we are just asking to not be treated like shit.

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Haha you say you are 40...so when you are complaining about my generation, remember who raised them. Asking to be given decent seats, just like the majority of other programs do, isnt asking for "royalty". Students aren't even allowed to come in the main entrance. I think we are just asking to not be treated like shit.

I think you just helped my case. Another characteristic of this generation is to blame others for what they do. Case in point above. And, by the way, my oldest child is 11 and has been taught that he needs to earn what he gets.

And I keep forgetting that being given free seats is being treated like s***. Again, if not the best, then nothing...

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I think you just helped my case. Another characteristic of this generation is to blame others for what they do. Case in point above. And, by the way, my oldest child is 11 and has been taught that he needs to earn what he gets.

And I keep forgetting that being given free seats is being treated like s***. Again, if not the best, then nothing...

You just contradicted yourself. Saying my generation blames others for how they are, yet you are taking credit for raising your son that he needs to earn what he gets.

And I'll say it again my seats arent free.


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So have we all forgot that this is still COLLEGE Basketball? Not professional. If students at Cleveland State were demanding free court side tickets to the Q just because they go to school right next door, they would get shot down.... as it should happen. But we aren't talking about professional hoops now are we? How can you compare patrons that are out in the workforce earning a full-time salary to students that are paying at the very least $12,000 a year with virtually no outside income and if they do make money at various places of employment they are still considered to be under the poverty line. Whether or not you believe that we indirectly pay for tickets through our tuition, if you want some sort of a student representation there at the games there needs to be a least a few more incentives thrown our way. We aren't asking for the Taj Mahal or anything but better seats might help. Or food.

Look at this season for the football team. During the I-coach era, there was a certain level of student attendance mainly because they would have some type of food give away to entice the students to come in. If we were there for the team or just for the pizza it didn't matter, it looked better and it had the appearance for the team that someone actually gave a damn. It all starts with the incentive. Once those students that frankly don't give a damn other than getting the free food get into the stadium and watch what is happening on the court, maybe some will stay, and of those students, maybe a couple will tell their friends and hose friends tell other friends. Boom. More students at the games. B)

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So have we all forgot that this is still COLLEGE Basketball? Not professional. If students at Cleveland State were demanding free court side tickets to the Q just because they go to school right next door, they would get shot down.... as it should happen. But we aren't talking about professional hoops now are we? How can you compare patrons that are out in the workforce earning a full-time salary to students that are paying at the very least $12,000 a year with virtually no outside income and if they do make money at various places of employment they are still considered to be under the poverty line. Whether or not you believe that we indirectly pay for tickets through our tuition, if you want some sort of a student representation there at the games there needs to be a least a few more incentives thrown our way. We aren't asking for the Taj Mahal or anything but better seats might help. Or food.

Look at this season for the football team. During the I-coach era, there was a certain level of student attendance mainly because they would have some type of food give away to entice the students to come in. If we were there for the team or just for the pizza it didn't matter, it looked better and it had the appearance for the team that someone actually gave a damn. It all starts with the incentive. Once those students that frankly don't give a damn other than getting the free food get into the stadium and watch what is happening on the court, maybe some will stay, and of those students, maybe a couple will tell their friends and hose friends tell other friends. Boom. More students at the games. B)

Gimme, gimme, gimme, gimme.

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So have we all forgot that this is still COLLEGE Basketball? Not professional. If students at Cleveland State were demanding free court side tickets to the Q just because they go to school right next door, they would get shot down.... as it should happen. But we aren't talking about professional hoops now are we? How can you compare patrons that are out in the workforce earning a full-time salary to students that are paying at the very least $12,000 a year with virtually no outside income and if they do make money at various places of employment they are still considered to be under the poverty line. Whether or not you believe that we indirectly pay for tickets through our tuition, if you want some sort of a student representation there at the games there needs to be a least a few more incentives thrown our way. We aren't asking for the Taj Mahal or anything but better seats might help. Or food.

Look at this season for the football team. During the I-coach era, there was a certain level of student attendance mainly because they would have some type of food give away to entice the students to come in. If we were there for the team or just for the pizza it didn't matter, it looked better and it had the appearance for the team that someone actually gave a damn. It all starts with the incentive. Once those students that frankly don't give a damn other than getting the free food get into the stadium and watch what is happening on the court, maybe some will stay, and of those students, maybe a couple will tell their friends and hose friends tell other friends. Boom. More students at the games. B)

I agree students should be closer to the floor and not the season ticket holders...Students are the sixth man in college basketball in most cases. Not to mention this all adds to the students college experience which leads to lasting memories. My point being that sports are for the students and not for the grown ups who left school years ago. UA can take notes from other big programs 9etc. Duke, Kentucky, Kansas, etc) where they take care of the students and parents of players and you have very loyal support....Now I'm not saying not to include alumni and fans but put the rowdy students around the court and have the stand and jump up in down all game and it will be very scary and effective against visiting teams...

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Wow, an attempted discussion on how to improve the game day atmosphere and a societal, generational debate ensues.

Lets try again. The JAR is a university facility; currently the students are required to enter through the back door. If you don't realize that's a problem then either I'm wasting my keystrokes your oblivious to marketing and human nature. The students are WANTED by the team, coaches and serious fans of the Zips. As stated previously, a large, boisterous student section working in conjunction with the band adds to the fabled "home court advantage". I believe some new ideas are in order as we currently do not have such an advantage.

If it's too controversial to move some big boosters, let's figure out a way to gain some courtside space and pack it with students. Even if it's standing room only, the students are young and if the concept is planned correctly, I believe that you could find 500 - 600 who would gladly fill this space.

As far as students wanting something for free - with the price they pay for unversity classes the least UA could do is arrange better seating. The boosters and season ticket holders could have seperate sections from the students as I'm sure they wouldn't care to sit in the midst of a true student section. Is the blue bowl 100% sold out? If not, move all the paying customers together along with the teams families and recruits. If the seats aren't sold by game time, it's now student seating on a first come first served basis.

Finally, I've tried to keep this discussion moving by throwing out some ideas; I'm in my 50's and believe in working for what you get. However, in this case, I believe that UA and some commentators here are totally missing the point; which is to get more life in the JAR. It would benefit the team, university and other fans to have a great atmosphere night in and night out as the season progresses.

This is presented with the intent to improve the current situation not start a cultural war; leave that to the politicians.

Go Zips.

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Students don't even show up to soccer anymore and we're currently sitting at #1 in the country. If that is any indication of what the turnout for basketball is going to be, the forecast is pretty grim. Can we please just fire the whole marketing department and get a new one?

First of all, the marketing department has nothing to do with 1-win football teams, hiring Ianello, Porter leaving, and mediocre basketball. I've never worked in marketing but I can imagine it's easy to be given a a pile of crap and try to market it to the community as a steak. I don't think you, or anyone else around here has the right to insult people. If you think you can do a better job, why not apply?

The ONLY thing we have going for us right now is a good soccer team (which will end after this year) and a beautiful football stadium. But no matter how much incentive you give students to go to a football game, it doesn't matter if the team is a consistent loser. Take the Indians for example, they have one of the best marketing departments around. Fireworks and free stuff including JERSEYS are given away to fans and still no one shows up. Why? because the product on the field is bad.

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First of all, the marketing department has nothing to do with 1-win football teams, hiring Ianello, Porter leaving, and mediocre basketball. I've never worked in marketing but I can imagine it's easy to be given a a pile of crap and try to market it to the community as a steak. I don't think you, or anyone else around here has the right to insult people. If you think you can do a better job, why not apply?

The ONLY thing we have going for us right now is a good soccer team (which will end after this year) and a beautiful football stadium. But no matter how much incentive you give students to go to a football game, it doesn't matter if the team is a consistent loser. Take the Indians for example, they have one of the best marketing departments around. Fireworks and free stuff including JERSEYS are given away to fans and still no one shows up. Why? because the product on the field is bad.

The reason we don't have a good fan base is because NEO is full of people with crap attitudes like your's.

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I agree students should be closer to the floor and not the season ticket holders...Students are the sixth man in college basketball in most cases. Not to mention this all adds to the students college experience which leads to lasting memories. My point being that sports are for the students and not for the grown ups who left school years ago. UA can take notes from other big programs 9etc. Duke, Kentucky, Kansas, etc) where they take care of the students and parents of players and you have very loyal support....Now I'm not saying not to include alumni and fans but put the rowdy students around the court and have the stand and jump up in down all game and it will be very scary and effective against visiting teams...

This got me thinking about what other Universities do, etc. I don't have time to do massive research, but I can do some googling during my lunch break.

At the University of Kentucky, to be eligible for tickets, students must pay an Athletics Fee (optional). But that fee is only $19, and the tickets for basketball games are only an additional $5 each. Pretty good deal.

At Duke, it gets a little more complicated. If you want a ticket to the UNC game (or other high profile games), then start camping out in January in an area called "Krzyzewskiville". There are periodic checks to ensure that a certain number of your group are in the tent at any given time, and if not, you lose your spot. Heaters are not allowed. (Editorial comment: These students camp out for months, and we complain about having to go to a special door.) Link: Krzyzewskiville Article

For regular games, it's a first come, first served ticket line. The seats are great. Interestingly, even for Duke, they sometimes can't give these tickets away. Here's a NY Times article from last season talking about student attendance being down at Duke games, with students citing reasons of long lines, etc. Duke then sells those tickets. From the article: “'A lot of my friends are mad about how we're giving away seats because we can't even fill the section,'” the sophomore Jonathan Hafferkamp said. “'But the thing is, they don't care enough to go to games to fix the problem.'” Link: Duke Attendance

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