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Luis Proenza to retire

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It's pretty easy to find hundreds of documents and studies relating to the changing role of university presidents. In the early 20th century they spent most of their time on campus dealing with academic issues. In recent decades more time is spent off campus dealing with issues not directly related to academics. Today, university presidents list fundraising, budgets, community relations and strategic planning as areas that occupy most of their time, so it stands to reason that these are the primary areas on which candidates are evaluated. Many of the areas more closely related to academics are now the responsibility of the provost. The president serves as CEO and the provost as COO. In one of many essays I've read, I found the following snapshot of a day in the life of a modern university president:

A typical weekday in the life of a president looks like this (the players may change on a daily basis but the pace is the same):

7 a.m.-- Breakfast with state legislator
8:30 a.m.-- Cabinet meeting
11 a.m.-- Calls to trustees
11:30 a.m.-- Meeting with university attorney
Noon-- Scholarship lunch with students and donors
1:30 p.m.-- Individual meeting with provost
2 p.m.-- Drive to state capital
3 p.m.-- Meet with Secretary of Education
3:30 p.m.-- Drive back to campus
4:30 p.m.-- Address faculty senate
6 p.m.-- Maybe have dinner or answer e-mails, return calls
7 p.m.-- Women’s basketball game
8:30 p.m.-- Men’s basketball game

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Another fact I came across in my search for information on university presidents is that over the past 20 years their average age has risen from 52 to 61. Coincidentally, Jim Tressel happens to be 61. If he's too old to handle a schedule like that, then so are about half of all university presidents.

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Having worked for a large corporation for many years, and still work for it today, I can see both sides of the Leadership strategy decision. For an organization that is well run and well managed from all perspectives i.e. .Owners, Stockholders, Employees and Customers. And one that has a successful strategy and vision in place. I believe an internal promotion is often the appropriate choice for Leadership succession.

I have also seen an organization become stagnant and complacent. The organizations strategic plan, if there is one, is poorly thought out and poorly executed. Personnel decisions are made based on friends, family and other non-relevant traits. When an organization reaches this point, an outside hire is a must.

The critical component for success of U of A is the Board of Directors. They must be knowledgeable, independent, and heavily involved in the University’s strategic plan. They must also continuously monitor and evaluate strategy execution. Without strong Board Leadership, no organization will be successful.

Looking at U of A from my perspective as an Alum, Student Parent, Financial supporter and all around advocate, I feel that Dr. Proenza has done an outstanding job. I commend him for his service to my University. Let’s hope our new Leadership is as good as he has been.

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Ok Dave you got me there. I should have asked to find a president without a doctoral degree...in any field, not particularly a doctorate of philosophy (ph. d).

So MD, Pharm. D, Ed. D, J.D (which president Daniels has) don't count.

Hey leave me out of this. Besides I'm not interested. And if Tressel would ever become President and needs a PhD, I know where he can get one. Maybe he would have the power to award himself and honorary one.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Here is Crain's Business article on Tressel's candidacy.

At issue is whether the show-cause order issued by the NCAA in late 2011 and that runs through Dec. 19, 2016, applies to roles outside of coaching. The show-cause order isn't exactly clear, as it notes the NCAA restricts “athletically related” duties of the former coach.

Athletics, of course, and every other department at a university report to the president. Tressel's current role at the university — as the person in charge of student success efforts — falls completely outside of athletics.

“I imagine the NCAA would interpret the penalty to be the broader view of "any employment,' but the NCAA manual doesn't seem to explicitly address this point,” Michael McCann, a Sports Illustrated legal analyst and director of the Sports and Entertainment Law Institute at the University of New Hampshire, told Crain's.
John Infante, a former university compliance officer and author of the Bylaw Blog, which follows NCAA regulations, said he expects the University of Akron to assume that the NCAA restrictions apply to the presidency should trustees offer him the job.

“I don't think it would be worth challenging,” Infante said. “I'd play the conservative route and assume this applies, maybe go to a hearing just to make sure, but I'd be prepared for the NCAA to tell them to follow through.”
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There are both negative and positive interpretations in the Crain's Business story, which is overall pretty balanced. UA's Board of Trustees would be derelict in their duty if they didn't get a reading from the NCAA before making their final decision. A quick idea of implications can be seen in Wikipedia's description of the NCAA's show-cause:

Both the school and coach are required to send letters to the NCAA agreeing to abide by any restrictions imposed, and report back to the NCAA every 6 months until the end of employment or the show-cause, whichever comes first. If the school wishes to avoid the NCAA restrictions imposed on that individual, it must appear before the NCAA Committee on Infractions and "show cause" as to why it should not be penalized for hiring him.

It seems to me that UA could present a pretty strong cause to the NCAA for hiring Jim Tressel as president based on his performance as a vice president and executive vice president. The NCAA's own mission statement states that the "educational experience of the student-athlete is paramount." If JT's record at UA shows that his work has served to advance the educational experience of all students, the NCAA would be hypocritical to punish UA for hiring him as president.

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Does anyone have the contact information for the search committee? I really would like to send a letter or an e-mail to convey my thoughts to them.

The full Board of Trustees is serving as the presidential search committee. I would assume they all have @uakron.edu addresses.

Richard's contact information here.

Change.org is an online petition tool that might interest you.

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Does anyone have the contact information for the search committee? I really would like to send a letter or an e-mail to convey my thoughts to them.

The real person you want to convey your thoughts too is Paul Harold. He'll actually take your thoughts to heart, and present them (if warranted to do so) to the committee.

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Does anyone have the contact information for the search committee? I really would like to send a letter or an e-mail to convey my thoughts to them.

Don't waste your time. According to my source, this hiring is a done deal and people in Columbus are pushing for it ever since the guy "resigned" from OSU.

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Skip, be sure to throw in a few references to Cowlumbus and Suckeyes so the committee knows your comments are coming straight from your heart. :lol:


That was good Dave, very good.

I will say that I still have not used either of those two words in any professional writings. But, there's a first for everything. :D

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The Senator named one of three finalists.

Doctor, Doctor, aaaaaaand did we miss anyone?



What sound or noise do you love? What sound or noise do you hate? What is your favorite curse word?

What profession other than your own would you like to attempt? What profession would you not like to do?

If heaven exists, what would you like to hear God say when you arrive at the pearly gates?

Your students....

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