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College Football Genius Accepts Yet Another Demotion

Captain Kangaroo

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How is he still employed in any coaching capacity? I'm sorry but the coaching world is one of the biggest swindles in the universe. Where coaches who are complete and utter failures (other than Ianello) can bounce around from team to team not really ever accomplishing anything. It's almost like coaches say "hey, even though I'm terrible at what I do...there's no way you could do it...so hire me" and the people hiring them fall for it every time.

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Sad story. I never felt totally comfortable with Ianello, but argued here in favor of giving him a fair chance. When he failed to deliver on his fair chance, it became obvious he needed to go. But I still thought he could be successful as an assistant somewhere. He had recruiting experience that went back to 1990 with Wisconsin. His experience as a receivers/tight end coach began in 1997 at Arizona. He's had all the time in the world to produce great results and just hasn't delivered. The receivers at Kansas have produced beyond awful results, and Jayhawks recruiting has been ugly. In the end it appeared that Charlie Weis was Ianello's last lifeline to a significant college football coaching position, and that lifeline has just been cut. He's 49 years old, maybe not too late to find a new profession.

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And we pulled this guy out of a nationwide search of applicants to be the best person to lead our football program?


One guy thought he was a good idea and that guy still has a job at UofA....amazing if you ask me. The decision had far worse results than just hiring a horrible coach.

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