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Former Assistant AD Doing Well


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Hunter Yurachek

We passed on this guy when he was working for us. All he has done at CCU is turn a small school outside of Myrtle Beach into a winner in the sports that matter. The football team made the IAA playoffs last year and advanced to the quarter finals. The basketball team just won the Big South and is going dancing. Their baseball team last year played made the playoffs.

Prior to UofA, he had experience at UVA, Vandy and Wake Forest. We passed....

Nice job Hunter and congratulations on your success.

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I'd take our current overall athletic situation over CCUs

I would take our potential over theirs. I would take their results over ours.

Hunter seems to be a guy who is maximizing his opportunity and is getting a lot done in a relatively short period of time. By getting a lot done, I mean...winning at sports people actually notice. We have some of that, but not enough.

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