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Downtown Arena!


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I must have missed something.

How is UAs ability to finance a new arena on its own in the near future tied to an increase in the sales tax?

Yes, you missed the point that everyone else got. But don't feel bad. There's a simple solution to your problem. The answer to this question and most of the others you ask is pretty obvious when one chooses to read with the goal of comprehension as opposed to reading with the goal to find minute details that could conceivably be misconstrued and then calling them out.

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Yes, you missed the point that everyone else got. But don't feel bad. There's a simple solution to your problem. The answer to this question and most of the others you ask is pretty obvious when one chooses to read with the goal of comprehension as opposed to reading with the goal to find minute details that could conceivably be misconstrued and then calling them out.

This should apply.

A person whose sole purpose in life is to seek out people to argue with on the internet over extremely trivial issues. Such arguments can happen on blogs, Facebook, Myspace and a host of others.

The best thing you can do to fight an internet troll is to not answer..or report them.

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Yes, you missed the point that everyone else got. But don't feel bad. There's a simple solution to your problem. The answer to this question and most of the others you ask is pretty obvious when one chooses to read with the goal of comprehension as opposed to reading with the goal to find minute details that could conceivably be misconstrued and then calling them out.

I don't recall calling you out. All I did was ask a question about a sentence you authored, and I would never call a sentence written by you a minute detail.

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I don't recall calling you out. All I did was ask a question about a sentence you authored, and I would never call a sentence written by you a minute detail.

I'm always open to giving fair answers to fair questions. In the case of a question from someone with a long history of questionable questions I'd need a little good-faith evidence that this question isn't superfluous. If you can explain in a little more detail exactly what point you're questioning and why, I'll do my best to give you a reasonable response.

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gmann17 - thanks for the info. I wasn't interested in the breakdown of the $375,000. Rather, I was hoping some options/solutions were put forth concerning the JAR for $375,000. Would the JAR be retained and re-purposed? Torn down? Did they estimate a cost of renovating the JAR to bring it up to modern standards with an extended life of 10 to 15 years?

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FYI....this morning's Beacon says that a "big announcement" is being made this afternoon by the County regarding the Levy. The article particularly points out the organizations that have formed in opposition to this levy.

I wonder if they are going to take it off the ballot?

I don't think that this type of tax can pass in this area, and I've pointed out the reasons why. But, that doesn't mean that I think they shouldn't make the attempt.

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FYI....this morning's Beacon says that a "big announcement" is being made this afternoon by the County regarding the Levy. The article particularly points out the organizations that have formed in opposition to this levy.

I wonder if they are going to take it off the ballot?

I don't think that this type of tax can pass in this area, and I've pointed out the reasons why. But, that doesn't mean that I think they shouldn't make the attempt.

If that is the case, what are they going to do?

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For about a month there, there was evidence of creativity and regionalism. Two tea party hacks threatening to print lawn signs scuttles the best chance going for filling a community need. Gutless leadership, unwilling to let the voters decide. Jake wins. The community loses.


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For about a month there, there was evidence of creativity and regionalism. Two tea party hacks threatening to print lawn signs scuttles the best chance going for filling a community need. Gutless leadership, unwilling to let the voters decide. Jake wins. The community loses.


Well, I won't vote for that now.

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This always seemed a little poorly conceived and poorly launched to me. If a couple of community hacks can prevent this from going to ballot in the fall, there may not have been much to it.

I'd be interested to see what the initial polling might have been on this initiative. If a lot of people were saying "no" to the tax for the outlined reasons, that isn't always a bad thing. Finding out why they don't want it is important. If I was running a poll to find out why, I would structure some questions around whether or not people really understood the issue fully. "Never" means never and most people aren't that closed minded. Ballot initiatives are very simple choices: yes or no. "No" means "not now" in many cases. This is why if you are in sales, it is just as important to find out why someone didn't buy as it is why they did buy. UofA is trying to get people to buy something in this case. Find out why they didn't buy and do a better job of selling next time. We shouldn't look past the poor showing of those who wanted this to succeed and pass some scorn their way. They have some blame here. They let a couple of loud clowns beat them down.

Years from now, we might look back on this as one of the best things to ever happen to UofA.

Regroup and take something better back to the community. Or, find another way all together. There's always one way to skin a cat.

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So for the record, proposal is for the same tax, the lie of a cap on the tax (10 years, we all know what happens in 10 years, and then 10 years after that, renewal, renewal, renewal), and then the community receives less because you will have to spend money on campaigns for the renewal.

So taxes still go up, which is funny because the Coalition was against the TAX. Absolute garbage.

Versus proposal one, permanent increase, 20 years of $7 million toward an arena that would attract shows here that are currently held outside the county, and a new revenue stream to sheriff's department that has out of date gear, jail, understaffed etc.

So if you were so against the tax, you should still be against the tax because it's a tax.

Absolutely stupid, stupid, stupid.

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I think there's more to this sudden reversal than a few ragtag anti-tax protestors. There will always be at least a few protestors against any tax for any reason. Dropping the arena part will not cause the sales tax increase protests to go away. It will just take away the additional energy that was being provided by the purely anti-arena protestors who were not necessarily against proper funding for the county jail and emergency services. I think that something else beyond the protestors has happened to change the equation. Eventually more will come out on this.

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I had a bad feeling when I reported that there was going to be an announcement.

It's disappointing. I truly wanted to see them give it a try, regardless of my feelings about the outcome. Obviously, they had some feedback which told them it would NOT pass if the Arena was attached. And they don't want to risk losing the money they need over the Arena.

Even if it failed, it still could have been a first step to rallying some people around the idea of a new Arena.

Now, as I had predicted, the U of A will go back to seeking their own means for a future Arena. We were going to end up in this spot anyway, and maybe it will be for the best in the end.

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If there were other options please elaborate on them. Because if there had been other options they would have done them already.

The JAR is a joke, the U can't afford to sell more bonds for athletics when they have major academic facility requirements, the city can't afford anything and the companies we have certainly aren't stepping up with any major funding, not after FirstEnergy contributed $100 million to Cleveland Browns Stadium.

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Something tells me if Goodyear does not plan to build there new plant in Akron, they might make a huge donation towards a new arena, IMO

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For about a month there, there was evidence of creativity and regionalism. Two tea party hacks threatening to print lawn signs scuttles the best chance going for filling a community need. Gutless leadership, unwilling to let the voters decide. Jake wins. The community loses.


Talk about biased, unsubstantiated libel.

Zip Watcher, you would tar and feather me for saying less than this.

Reading the article it is readily apparent that Misters Miller and Culp were only opposed to including a new

arena for the University; not the tax itself.

I would like to know both men's connections with the Akron community. Especially their relationship(s) with

the University. I did find that Mr. Culp is probably the same person who attended Cleveland State University.

No little bias if that is the case.

In any event; the downtown arena is not the best scenario for Akron athletics. Bear in mind that the

University is the largest employer in the county. A good neighbor policy worth pursuing is keeping peace

with one's neighbors.

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I did find that Mr. Culp is probably the same person who attended Cleveland State University.

No little bias if that is the case.

If it is the same person, would someone from CSU go as far as sabotage the ballot to "protect" the Wolfenstein Center?
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GoZips, no need to look all the way to Cleveland State when the David Culp who graduated from the University of Akron in 1975 has been openly campaigning for years against building a new arena in downtown Akron. His tweets of Feb. 21 and Jan. 15 represent just two of his many public pronouncements trying to kill a downtown Akron arena long before the proposed sales tax increase was announced.

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If there were other options please elaborate on them. Because if there had been other options they would have done them already.

The JAR is a joke, the U can't afford to sell more bonds for athletics when they have major academic facility requirements, the city can't afford anything and the companies we have certainly aren't stepping up with any major funding, not after FirstEnergy contributed $100 million to Cleveland Browns Stadium.

1) The University will wait until they have the means to build their own (might take awhile).

2) LeBron?

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2) LeBron?

He's too busy saving the economy of Cleveland. He also has this other thing he does other than saving the economy of Cleveland and building stadiums for the Zips, and that's being a professional basketball player. Maybe the next time a reporter catches him on the sidelines of an OSU football or basketball game, they could ask him what he is going to do to support his old JCC and St. V. coach.

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