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New Transfer


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Yeah whatever, that's what we said about Nate Robinson, the #1 DL in the nation coming out of high school, and he can't even start over a walk-on. My experience with transfers is this: there's always a reason they are transferring, and if they can't play at a BCS school, then they aren't going to be a star in the MAC. I'll get excited when he actually gets on the field and does something.

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i think the difference between the two is that bain saw the field a decent amount at iowa were big nate didn't play much due to health and attitude issues (sound familiar?) both were big time talents that seem to think that they are owed playing time. even if bain is ok it will be a great pick up as it's very hard to find quality DL as a mid major. as long as this kid can stay out of trouble and someone puts a mussel on his father i think he'll produce more than nate. also, even if nate didn't live up to the hype he's still productive and probably will get drafted due to his size. it's always been up to nate and how bad he wants it. lets hope he figures it out this year. :screwks:

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Just a thought. People shouldn't believe everything they read. Papers like to over dramatize things and some people enjoy saying things they know nothing about.Bain did see the field quite a bit at Iowa, in fact even started some games. And did a good job. I have never read anything indicating that Bain thinks playing time is owed to him, in fact that is the opposite of what I have read of his interviews.Sometimes things aren't a good fit and athletes do transfer for a variety of reasons. Due do the transfer rule of sitting out, if you want to transfer it's a good idea to do it when you have a couple years of eligibility left. I don't think coaches would give a scholly to a transfer athlete unless they thought it was a good fit and I don't think an athlete would transfer to a school unless they thought they could contribute to that school.I think that Bain just wants to play football, maybe more than he was playing at Iowa. What's wrong with that? I think that is the reason for a lot of transfers, the athletes just aren't happy. Maybe we should just be happy about it.

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My experience with transfers is this: there's always a reason they are transferring, and if they can't play at a BCS school, then they aren't going to be a star in the MAC.
Yeah, that crappy Luke Getsy transfered, he really stunk. All of his dumb school records, big deal.Andy Alleman too. Just because he got drafted high and is playing in the NFL, so what!?!I mean what are we thinking? Your right transfers stink. I'm not sure why we even try. :rolleyes:
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I disagree with part of what InTheZone says. I think someone that has BCS talent, and maybe had someone better playing in front of them, CAN indeed be a star in the MAC. Sometimes, a guy like him just needs an opportunity to be on the field regularly to show what he's got.On the other hand, there can be underlying issues with a transfer. But there is no indication so far that this guy falls into that category. And, of course, he still needs to actually get on the field.Lets just hope this is not another good deal "on paper" that never materializes on the field.

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Let's not judge this young man charactor to quick. He is coming to Akron with a fresh start.If we ever see the University's name with his on the front of the Beacon then we can start to talk. But I don't think we will have to worry.

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Nate just needs to decide to play hard on every down. He has shown to me that he can get more "push" than any DL we have ever had here. We'll see if he can ever become more consistent. It'll take a change of heart, for sure, but you never know what motivation a looming NFL draft might provide.

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Not true. I'm sure if the Akron coaches thought he was a head case they wouldn't of offered him a scholarship. But I suppose there are always doubters so he will just have to prove them wrong. Too bad he has to sit out a year.Iowa people are saying that because he chose to leave their program. You have to realize that the Iowa Hawkeyes are the only 'big" D1 football team Iowa has (besides Iowa State) with a huge fan base. They are very parcel to their program and to their in state players. Bain had been considering of transferring for a year prior to making his decision. You can be sure Iowa wanted him to reconsider his decision and gave him time but he ultimately decided to transfer while he had two years of playing time left.

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Iowa people say Bain is a real head case. i hope the year off will calm him down and help him to be a force on the D-Line. We really need it.
A lot of times a transfer is the perfect solution to that. Sometimes no, but we have been complaining on this board about DL now for how long? Now we are doing something to address it. I say good luck to the kid. :thumb:PS And of course people from the team that the individual is transferring from are going to say negative things about him. I hope he is just "crazy" enough to get to the QB and pound him into the new turf on the corner of Exchange and Spicer!
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Just to add a little more on Ryan Bain:When when word got out that he wanted to transfer, by the time the Zips had caught wind, he was very close to a commitment to Colorado State. The Zips coach responsible for the Illinois region had a good relationship with Bain's coach at Bolingbrook and let him know the Zips had an urgent need at the DL. Bain checked out the Zips program and liked what he saw. The rest is history. He's going to be a huge addition to our team in 2008. He also had a lot of interest from Cincinnati.

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I am assuming you are referring to coach Callahan. Not only is he a great coach but he's done wonders for the program as far as expanding it's recruitment west into Ill. Prior to this coaching regime anything west of Indy was considered a far off land. glad to hear the hard work paying off for the staff! :screwks:

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