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New Stadium


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Hi all...it's been a few months since I've posted. I think the last time I was on here was some wrap ups for "the snub." Anyways, dont think about that. I just came across this article and hadnt seen it posted on here. Not much new info, hence me not starting a new thread, so i figured i'd put it up here. READ ME!P.S. It does include quotes from Director of Athletics "Mark Rhoades" and does reference the owner of the "Out Corner" business being willing to sell his property. Wonderful journalism. And it makes me wonder how it's so difficult for future professional writers, such as myself, to break into the business.

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Hmm. Originally the plans were to be completed by June 15. Now they are revamping the plans and are due August 1st. Wonder what that amounts to? My initial reaction is that any revamping that would have to be done would be a good thing. It probably means they're being a little more ambitious then at first. At least that is my hope!

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I would love to see a Buchtelite article on the students reaction to the new stadium plans.Are the students excited about it? Do they even know about it? Will they now take an interest in Zips football?Will they go to the game now? Feel free to take this idea, but when you do, please come back and post it here.

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I'm having flushbacks to my student days, when Rhoades Arena was completed.Let us hope that we are not too "ambitious", and do this right. Some things would have been done better, and we'd be in better shape today, if we had not been in such a hurry to have a new basketball arena. I'd like to see a different outcome this time around.

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Has anyone taken the time to look at the new stadium being built at UCF? They are also building a new convocation arena right beside the football stadium. Basically, they are building a new athletics village. The football stadium is 45,000 seats and it is costing $55 million. I attached a web address if you guys want to check it out. I would take it in a heartbeat.http://ucfathletics.cstv.com/facilities/ucf-brighthouse.html

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Someone posted a link to some pics of the UCF stadium a while back. I DO NOT want a stadium like that. To me, it looks like they stretched their dollar as far as it would go to maximize seating. It appears to be a steel superstructure, aluminum seating, with a little bit of brick to give it a less flimbsy appearance. http://www.orlandosentinel.com/sports/coll...adlines&index=1I will take 30,000 seats, with a bell tower and something that looks more substantial.

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Someone posted a link to some pics of the UCF stadium a while back. I DO NOT want a stadium like that. To me, it looks like they stretched their dollar as far as it would go to maximize seating. It appears to be a steel superstructure, aluminum seating, with a little bit of brick to give it a less flimbsy appearance.
True, but you must consider that if the price of scrap alluminum increases, UCF may simply recycle the stadium and make a profit.
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I am thinking your stadium will look like this one down in Chattanooga. It is home to the I-AA National Championship Game. Seats 20,000 or so.Your Stadium would be like this, just with 2500 or so more on each side? Your stadium will probably seat around 25,000 with room to expand.finley-312x236.jpgimage069nu0.jpg

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On a related note to the stadium...it appears our lovely state senate has just FAILED in an attempt to make it even more difficult to get this stadium done.  Let's get going guys before these idiots can throw a wrench in things next year. :screwks:
Eventually, I think it will be good to limit powers of eminent domain. If done right, it will just protect a private citzen from local governments that simply want to requisition their property to swap out for other private developers so politicians can take kickbacks on deals or so their friend's development companies can get rich at the expense of the mom & pop shops.
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I am thinking your stadium will look like this one down in Chattanooga. It is home to the I-AA National Championship Game. Seats 20,000 or so.Your Stadium would be like this, just with 2500 or so more on each side? Your stadium will probably seat around 25,000 with room to expand.finley-312x236.jpgimage069nu0.jpg
And what do you base this opinion on....do tell?
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the chattanooga stadium looks like a smaller version of what could pass as a typical mac stadium. its pretty generic. akron's stadium could very well end up looking something like that. i hope it has a bit more character and some distinctive features. i do like the loges as a $$ maker, although i've heard sitting in a loge is a crappy way to watch a football game.

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i personally like the new stadium at UCF alot better then i do the one that hosts the D 1AA national title game. I have always loved the bowl design, and from what i have read it was only 55 million to build that UCF stadium, compared to the 54 million it will take to build the large scale HS stadium that EGUIN showed pictures of.

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Hey in renderings I saw, whether it be in the article a few weeks back or a PDF posted on here a few months back, that is what it looked like, but more-so 2 tiered whether then just one set of seats.That stadium really is nice and the football facility in the one endzone is really top notch. I think this looks nice from this view!147791285a9fb9d4e92bo2.jpg

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I'm sorry eguins, while that stadium is very nice, I will be severely dissapointed if it is not a bowl design. I just want to be able to walk from one side to the other with no interruption in seating. Even if it is open on one side I will be happy. Anything less and it shows that we are content with our position in the football world and have no aspirations of moving up. I hope another JAR situation isn't about to unfold, where we settle for what we can get after promising so much more.

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I do not understand all the negativity surrounding the new stadium. There are certain features and designs I would like to see but most of all I am just happy with a new stadium. Just to be able to drive to campus and see the top of the stadium and rec center as the sky line will be awesome. If you go back in time you will find most great stadium did not start out looking like the do today. They started out small and then were added on too and upgraded. I am just hoping for a nice unique looking stadium with more brick than steel visible. I do have a question for all the people demanding the stadium fit a certain model. How much money have you sent in to help the funding? And if you are asking yourself well they have not asked the public for money yet. Then ask yourself how much I will send in when they do. Being a season ticket holder does not count. I will be honest I have not sent in a dime yet and really do not have the income to send in hundreds of dollars but I will send some amount on an ongoing yearly basis.

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