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and then their were 4...


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If it's true, it's not suprising. Someone was bound to transfer. Or become ineligible. I can't see Matt Rodgers leaving, he can redshirt and start when the others graduate. If true, It is probably either Jackson or Jacquemaine. One would have to change positions or ride pine for the rest of their career.

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i heard it was not either CJ... so that leaves Rodgers, Hakes, and the new transfer KC.  I doubt Kc since he just transferred or Radgers since he's an incoming Frosh... That only leaves one....
I forgot about him. Hakes really is the odd man out. A team needs to condition a starting QB every two years, or four if they are really good. Otherwise it's not worth it to sit for three/four years just to start for one. Getsy was QB for 2 years, Frye for four. It makes the most sense to have the QBs on a cycle like that. If not, there is always someone who gets screwed out of playing time (whether they deserved it or not is a different story). I'll count this as a rumor until I hear it straight from JD's mouth.
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Hakes is definitely the odd man out if we go by the every other year rule. He was a pretty big deal wasn't he coming out of Texas? 2 State Championships and all in D2. I wonder if he wasn't getting the time under center he was expecting. I wonder how much truth is actually to this rumor! Someone call JD!

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You have to realize that Catholic schools don't play in the post season with public schools in Texas. If you get on any Texas forum they will laugh at you if you talk about the Catholic playoffs because they are a much lower level than a typical Texas public school program. It isn't the same here in Ohio obviously.

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Better than talking about Practice. We gonna talk about Practice? - Allen Iverson Seriously though...lolI just got done talking to some Texas people just to clarify my comment. They said some of the better catholics league schools (TAPPS) are equal to top level 3a schools in Texas, so that isn't always a bad thing. They just can't compete with the top shelf 4a and 5a schools.

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That sucks. I liked Hakes the most. I guess JD's choice just got a little easier. We will have a #1 QB and a backup, or possibly a 2 QB system like Florida had last year with each one bringing something different and playing more depending on the situation. KC and Rodgers will be in the mix next year, so I expect another QB to leave after this season.
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What I want to believe is:JD saw how badly Luke got stiffed by Walt Harris when he left Pitt (Harris strung Luke out until the last possible second, then wouldn't grant him his release) and JD didn't want to do the same to one of his guys.He knew Hakes wasn't going to wn the job so he told him early, to give him a chance to catch on elsewhere while camps are still ongoing (1-AA, maybe?).True? Beats me…but it kinda makes sense.

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the only thing is things can change quickly on football.if your third team qb you are only two spots away from starting.with injuries,and academic problems you never know.i wish the kid well but sometimes it's better to work through things in life.look at our rb situation last year.kennedy was beat up last year,and allen was out for the year.thing can change quickly.

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I really like Sean. I met him the first time at last year's "meet the Team"; talked with him after the Spring game and final spring practice; and was really looking forward to talking to him again on Sunday. He is a very enthusiastic guy; I was really hoping to see him lead the Zips one day. I wish him the best and hope he can catch on somewhere.

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That's gotta be tough to beatout 2 guys who have a year on you, and are battling for the starting spot. I think Hakes probably had some offers elsewhere to be #1 next year or possibly this year. If that is the case, it was a good choice for him. As someone mentioned earlier, he needs more than 1 year as QB.

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this was bound to happen but i thought it was going to be jac not hakes. as for this being a family issue, sure it's that his family thinks he should play. go to the iowa threads and read up on bain's transfer and you see it pretty much the same thing. to me this cements CJ as the starter. he has the best tools of all the Akron qb's and as long as he's not turning the ball over a ton he'll be the starter for the next three years. Jac is the perfect backup. He's not going to blow you away with his ability but he tends to do everything well. if something goes bad i won't worry about putting him in. that leaves Rodgers who will have two years left once CJ graduates. I haven't seen much of him but he seems to be an athlete with a short armer throwing style ala Danny Warfuel SP. I wrote a similar thread about the running back situation but look for that next year when pinky and Williams are ready to get carries. for those who look at this as negative, don't. this shows that there is plenty of talent on the rostercan't wait for Cleveland! :screwks:

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Hi all; glad to join this chat room! What I heard about Hakes is that JD threatened him, and a few others, that if they don't impress, he will take away their scholarships! This can start a bad precedent! Can you imagine high schoo; coaches counseling their players, saying that Akron will take away your scholarship if you don't start? Wonder how many kids will sign? Also, rival coaches telling a kid that? Wonder how many top recruiting classes we will get that way!

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What I heard about Hakes is that JD threatened him, and a few others, that if they don't impress, he will take away their scholarships! This can start a bad precedent! Can you imagine high schoo; coaches counseling their players, saying that Akron will take away your scholarship if you don't start? Wonder how many kids will sign? Also, rival coaches telling a kid that? Wonder how many top recruiting classes we will get that way!
Wow... that's crazy!!! I'll have to ask my buddy if that's true, cause I don't even think JD even has the power to do that. If he threatened a 19yr old Freshmen who was pushing for the starting job to perform or he would take his scholly, JD might need to re-evaluate his coaching methods.Either way we're gonna be alright at QB, but I would have liked to see Hakes stay. Best of luck to him where ever he goes unless it's in the MAC hahaha.
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Hi all; glad to join this chat room! What I heard about Hakes is that JD threatened him, and a few others, that if they don't impress, he will take away their scholarships! This can start a bad precedent! Can you imagine high schoo; coaches counseling their players, saying that Akron will take away your scholarship if you don't start? Wonder how many kids will sign? Also, rival coaches telling a kid that? Wonder how many top recruiting classes we will get that way!
I would say that is 100% bogus. If it were physically possible, it would be 110% bogus.Thanks for checking in, Doug Martin. :wave::screwks:
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