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Big Miami Transfers PT next season


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Ever hear that commercial that's on during Zips broadcasts? The one about the kid who "chose a conference powerhouse that assured him playing time" and the one who "went to a junior college that allowed walk-ons." I have a funny feeling that mr. johnson will unfortunately think talent alone is enough to land him a significant spot on the Zips roster. if he works hard...he could be a wild card.

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The thing is, I have heard that Andrew was tearing it up in practice before the season started. he was supposedly the fastest guy on the team, and smoked the defense regularly. His talent alone might be enough to earn him the starting spot over Allen and Williams. This is all just speculation since I haven't watched him practice, but I think we have something special in Mr. Johnson. Rasor has seen him practice with the team, and has said on his blog that he is clearly the best option at RB for next year.

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The thing is, I have heard that Andrew was tearing it up in practice before the season started. he was supposedly the fastest guy on the team, and smoked the defense regularly. His talent alone might be enough to earn him the starting spot over Allen and Williams. This is all just speculation since I haven't watched him practice, but I think we have something special in Mr. Johnson. Rasor has seen him practice with the team, and has said on his blog that he is clearly the best option at RB for next year.
:blink: is running back a particularly pressing need? two guys named Williams and Allen were doing a relly nice job there already...
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:blink: is running back a particularly pressing need? two guys named Williams and Allen were doing a relly nice job there already...
IMHO, Akron lacks anybody more than an average MAC RB. We could really use a burner. Bring on the guy in the pink coat if he can be a playbreaker. :wave:
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i hope this guy is the real deal.i think jd has to be careful not to wear williams out.he not that big of a guy.hopefully him,johnson,allen should make some noise.can you imagine if harvey and lindsey come back also.whever the qb is will have some seroius weapons.on the other hand if rogers is no better than cj we our in trouble.

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Alex Allen was absolutely killing people at year's end, and Williams was consistently netting yardage in big chunks. If Johnson can shake off the rust...and we add Gary Pride to the mix...we should have the hands-down best running back corp in the MAC. It will be interesting to see if Johnson can run back kicks too? Although no one has mentioned it, Tuzze has developed into a nice FB too.In the end it will boil down to "Do we have a QB that can make plays and sustain drives?" I only have to go as far as my beloved Minnesota Vikings to see: If the QB is ineffective, opponents will stack the box and stuff the run. Even Adrian "All Day" Peterson gets 0.8 yards/carry when the QB is no threat.

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Alex Allen was absolutely killing people at year's end, and Williams was consistently netting yardage in big chunks. If Johnson can shake off the rust...and we add Gary Pride to the mix...we should have the hands-down best running back corp in the MAC. It will be interesting to see if Johnson can run back kicks too? 2 Questions: 1. Do you think Gary Pride may be used at slot receiver, since our backfield is so stacked? It'd be nice to get an athlete like him out on the field even if we have to make up a position to do it.2. So many people keep mentioning Harvey and Lindsey returning next season. Is this honestly a realistic hope, or just a pipedream?
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2 Questions: 1. Do you think Gary Pride may be used at slot receiver, since our backfield is so stacked? It'd be nice to get an athlete like him out on the field even if we have to make up a position to do it.2. So many people keep mentioning Harvey and Lindsey returning next season. Is this honestly a realistic hope, or just a pipedream?
1.) I don't know where Pride will play. I guess we'll get a preview at the spring game. From what I can tell, Jeremy Bruce is expected to be #1 on the slot receiver depth chart.2.) As of 1 month ago, Harvey and Lindsay both were working towards being on the field in an Akron uniform in 2008. Maybe it happens, maybe it doesn't. But no one on Carrol Street is banking on it.
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