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T-shirts for the Can't game


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I wish we'd break out gold uni's. The white are fine, but nothing special; kinda ho-hum boring. I love the gold uniforms look. Very cool. Every school in America has a white uniform. Gold? Not so much.
Those gold uni's from two or three years ago were nice. I remember being pissed because they gave them to all the RAs and I never even saw them for sale anywhere. BTW, the good guys will probably be in blue tomorrow.
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I wish we'd break out gold uni's. The white are fine, but nothing special; kinda ho-hum boring. I love the gold uniforms look. Very cool. Every school in America has a white uniform. Gold? Not so much.
Those gold uni's from two or three years ago were nice. I remember being pissed because they gave them to all the RAs and I never even saw them for sale anywhere. BTW, the good guys will probably be in blue tomorrow.
Two thingys: 1) We've recently had 2 nice versions of the gold uni's: firstly during Rome & Dru's junior season - I believe they wore them for most of the home games. They were great! And secondly, for the Nevada game last year; that's the only time I remember seeing them. It's not like the gold jinxed us - we played Nevada tough!2) Did you guys happen to see Can't's black uni's on tv Saturday night? At least they're trying to think outside the box, but I thought they were a little much. Pretty ugly. But I think Can't is actually embracing ugly/gaudy right now - kinda like the Oregon of the midwest? I heard that for one of their home football games this year they went w/ the all yellow look. Hard on the eyes; but again, I think they're embracing that?
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I figure since Can't has the ugliest yellow in all of college and a purpule(ugly blue) colors we should seperate ourselves from them. Maybe all akron fans should wear white shirts. lets set ourselves apartwhat you think?yes i know that means no ak-rowdy shirts...oh well
how about we worry less about what colors we wear and more about what profanities we yell at those tree hugging, rock throwing at our troops, anti american assholes.
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how about we worry less about what colors we wear and more about what profanities we yell at those tree hugging, rock throwing at our troops, anti american assholes.
Appreciate the enthusiasm, RootforRoo, but remember we have to prove ourselves better then the Can't fans. We can cheer and inspire our team for victory without profanities.
Well...I don't think we can stoop to the level of the chants we heard last year...."F*** You, Akron Clap,Clap Clap-clap-clap"
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how about we worry less about what colors we wear and more about what profanities we yell at those tree hugging, rock throwing at our troops, anti american assholes.
Appreciate the enthusiasm, RootforRoo, but remember we have to prove ourselves better then the Can't fans. We can cheer and inspire our team for victory without profanities.
Well...I don't think we can stoop to the level of the chants we heard last year...."F*** You, Akron Clap,Clap Clap-clap-clap"
And look how well that turned out for them.I Believe that We have won! (again!)
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