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Prayers Go Out to NIU


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I think the graphic from the ACC supporting Virginia Tech summed it up best. To paraphrase: Today we are all Huskies! ... Damn right.I feel horrible for NIU, its students, parents, faculty and staff. You are all in my prayers.

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crazy crazy world...it's hard enough trying to remind yourself that when you are driving down the highway you are engaging in one of the most dangerous activities to take human lives each year, but you still feel safe if your rolling coffin.... but when you are on campus at school, you should never have to keep it in the back of their mind that your number be up in this way. It's just not the way it should be.

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What's happening to our society? Columbine seemed to start a new and troubling descent. In the past month there have been 7 shootings at public gatherings. Sin is definitely alive and well in this world and in the hearts and minds of men. It makes you cry out like the apostle John in the next to last verse of Revelation, "Come quickly Lord Jesus!" But until that day my humble prayers go out to the entire NIU community and especially to those families who will be forever changed by this tragedy.

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Thanks mighty zip. Great job!It is sad and the scary thing is that this is becoming a trend. It seems that anyone who is unhappy about their grade in a class or mad at their professor, or maybe their classmates or even girl friend can just start killing innocent people.Isn't it time to consider banning the public possession of fire arms?

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Isn't it time to consider banning the public possession of fire arms?
Can of worms.If you are pro-gun control, these campus incidents are you WORST argument.Most campuses are gun free zones, and not only does this policy not stop people from going on shooting sprees, many people contend that gun free zones encourage it because there is no one else on campus concealing any personal protection to defend themselves with.
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I've spent some time on Virginia Tech's campus over the years, both traveling to that area on business, and going to some football games. And believe me, it's hard to imagine a tragedy like this happening there either. It's such a peaceful place.These kinds of events certainly make a silly basketball game seem...well...silly.My thoughts and prayers are with all those affected by this tragedy at NIU.

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Isn't it time to consider banning the public possession of fire arms?
Can of worms.If you are pro-gun control, these campus incidents are you WORST argument.Most campuses are gun free zones, and not only does this policy not stop people from going on shooting sprees, many people contend that gun free zones encourage it because there is no one else on campus concealing any personal protection to defend themselves with.
My sentiments exactly (and I don't own any firearms).Killing, maiming, and taking one's own life as a "solution" to Life's disappointments, frustrations, problems and demons - wow ...What a world we live in today. Personal responsibility and regard for one's actions go by the wayside more and more every day. My heart and prayers go out to the families of everyone involved.
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You guys can leave you thoughts here: http://www.ncaabbs.com/forums/forumdisplay.php?fid=468It's the Huskie's fan message board.It's chilling to read the thread that was going on during the shooting in real time.
Thanks uakronkid. skip-zip phrased it well when he said these are just silly games we all, for whatever reason, seem to enjoy watching. My thoughts and prayers are with the entire Huskie nation. As a parent of a 1st year college student, in Chicagoland no less, I cannot even begin to imagine what those families are going through.
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From the only Huskie Alum you guys know..............The only way to stop this crap, here and elsewhere, is to line up the immediate family of the assassin and shoot them all...............dead. That might slow down this BS. These guys think nothing of sacrificing themselves, but might think twice about sacrificing their entire families.

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That's obviously not going to happen. Dude had mental health issues and was on medication which he then quit, probably abruptly which may have been what set him off. Sometimes people have trouble getting the help they need, sometimes the treatments are not effective. IMO, everyone in society should be screened by a mental health professional to find all the ones that need help but aren't getting it. Maybe the schools that can afford it will start putting an armed security guard in each building. I don't think any schools are going to start allowing students to carry weapons on campus. It must be scary to be a parent with kids off at college.BTW, one of my UA profs was a NIU alum...Dr. von Meerwall.

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That's obviously not going to happen. Dude had mental health issues and was on medication which he then quit, probably abruptly which may have been what set him off. Sometimes people have trouble getting the help they need, sometimes the treatments are not effective. IMO, everyone in society should be screened by a mental health professional to find all the ones that need help but aren't getting it. Maybe the schools that can afford it will start putting an armed security guard in each building. I don't think any schools are going to start allowing students to carry weapons on campus. It must be scary to be a parent with kids off at college.BTW, one of my UA profs was a NIU alum...Dr. von Meerwall.
Being a person who was born and raised in a third world country, allow me to add an international perspective.You are saying that the problem with this dude is that he stopped taking his medication and he needed more medical attention. Let's move to somewhere in central africa where people die because of the flu and take tylenol for cancer (if they're lucky). Those people, have no idea what mental health is, but you still don't hear about someone shooting the others for no reason. You know why? because they don't have access to guns.
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