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zippy-claws last won the day on October 29 2023

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    Hammock Dunes, FL
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    Aging Gracefully, Trying to follow "pure" sports

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  1. Now we're talking! The Sun!!! The old "original" B-Dubs was a great place after they tore up the Sun's side of Exchange. I. Am. Ancient.
  2. I don't think there's a single coach currently on campus that would allow themselves to be "poached" by Chuck. Not. A. Single. One.
  3. And remember, Friday night's game will be up against the Al Campbell Invitational Track meet in Stile! That'll knock attendance down by about 20 people 🙃
  4. Well done! Looks like they picked up Ellen Kinnaird from the volleyball team, she got 60 seconds PT at EMU according to GoZips.com (isn't that 1 minute?). So we're up to 8 on the available roster. Winning with 7! Wow.
  5. How ‘bout dem Zips?!?! What a HUGE win for our women in the MAC opener on New Year’s Day! Beat OU after a “ehh” first half. The Big Lisa is really starting to play her style and dominated the paint today. Way to go Zips WBB!
  6. The "system" has drained whatever interest I've had for NCAA football completely from me. I'm hanging on by a thread to NCAA DI basketball, men's and women's. Two threads for college soccer. @Blue & Gold is right, how do you do your job as a head coach - why do you want to do the job of a head coach - even at a MAC level school? I've always poo-pooed the comments made here regarding dropping football, dropping back to lower level football, etc. But maybe there's a point where you say, "why not?" Especially while we are in the "budget crisis" we've been in since God knows how long? Maybe there's a point where you just say "Enough!", tell the MAC see you later, and explore dropping down? It's not like it's going to hurt attendance at games, maybe season tickets and sponsors money, and seat holders that want to say they belong to a DI program. Maybe the Good Ol' Days of seeing your team in a FCS or DII, DIII Championship race would bring in at least the same number of fans and make it fun again. This post-season of NIL and Transfer portal news is simply insane and unsustainable. When it all collapses, and it will, where will the Zips stand? Just like @Blue & Gold, this is just my humble opinion....
  7. Ran into former Kent State track coach at the airport this week. He mentioned the MAC Indoor Championships had been moved from Akron to Eastern Michigan? I know it shows on GoZips.com that it is at Stile Fieldhouse on Feb. 28 and March 1, but the MAC website says it's to be hosted by Eastern. EMU website says it's in Ypsi. Anyone know what's going on here? He thought it had something to do with Akron not having an AD yet.
  8. @Hilltopper is correct! This piece of punt lint is and should always be known as an opportunistic slut. What he did at/to U of A should have been a bigger deal, but the Press as we know it doesn't exist around these parts. Too "anger-inducing" to re-visit. Hot Dog Thrown!
  9. It was a case of fatigued D at the end, but the striker showed great patience on the winner, Catamounts!
  10. May not be a match or moment, but decorated our "tree" today, and hung this beauty our daughter cross-stitched/needlepointed for us way back in 2016...
  11. I agree Clark, but what about their "other" alma mater? Why not schedule a home/home with the Zips in the future?
  12. That is so cool! Where did you find all of that info? Like @72 Roo, I thank you for this. I think we need to do a better job of publicizing this for next season, great story.
  13. Glad to be back in chilly FLA, but not freezing in Akron. Saw the results on-line of the Zips first home meet, and a few standouts popped up. Joy Nwokike, I'm assuming the sister of Adaeze,, popped the 3rd fastest indoor time in school history in the 400 and the 5th fastest in the 200, and this is really early in the season. Can't wait to see how she progresses as the year unfolds. Also Brook Boes had the 5th best weight throw in school history. Coach Bojalad and Overby producing results so far. Looked at the schedule, and just like my un-answered question about who the Haynes Lancaster Open is named after, I ask this question: No dual meet on the schedule with Kent State? That's a first....
  14. Where is this "Akron University" he speaks of? If he doesn't know the proper name of the institution, I don't want him!!! 😉🤪
  15. I concur with both of these posts. Being retired from the plastics and polymer business as a chemist in my "previous life" I have witnessed a steady decline in the original intent of this department and program. What was originally designed to train not only PhD candidates but undergrads and associate degree seekers to help populate a need for engineers, chemists and technicians slowly changed to a highly PhD driven program with most candidates from overseas. My company, as well as several other prominent Polymer companies donated cash and equipment, plus co-op opportunities and internships, hoping to see a return in employable, polymer science trained candidates for our industry. Even the American Chemical Society and it's Rubber Division, as well as the local Rubber Groups professional societies endorsed the programs and also provided financial support. But that supply dwindled as did support, as a lot of the rubber, plastics and polymer companies left the area. When we attended our daughter's graduation 5 years back the Polymer Science doctoral stoles were awarded, and reading the abstracts of their doctoral theses I was bemused at the subject matter and research, and thought how far away from the original intent they had strayed. And Hilltopper is right, it was a school top-heavy in Profs.
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