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csims0917 last won the day on February 18

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  1. Probably had this in the drafts from last week lol
  2. Just trying to see something. React if you are going to the game!
  3. Probably was the most entertaining Mac game I’ve watch this year
  4. They do it every year. It’s such a waste of time. Students athletes don’t care about being there and hide in a corner until they get their name called and then book it home cause they’d rather do anything else
  5. Accidentally posted the Kent NET. Needed the Akron one
  6. Akron is at 88 for NET right now. How many wins to make the NIT is a realistic scenario to think about
  7. Yale and Omaha are read hot. NET stocks are up
  8. The women need one more win to clinch the women’s
  9. MAC has went 7-4 which means we can’t outright win the classic but we can still tie if CMU wins
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