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Reslife4Life last won the day on December 8

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  1. Again this schedule layout is bad, we are now playing 2 games in 13 days. With one being at princeton, we need to win and have some positives to build on in today's game.
  2. If all of those cascade plaza buildings get turned into apartments that will be a really cool complex right there. Hopefully someone can bring in a desperately needed grocery store to downtown
  3. As someone that works on main street this would be fantastic. They really do hit the nail on the head with describing downtown. Right now you've got from Cedar to Canal Park as a "section". Then mostly empty parking lots, the Mayflower, and main street side of polsky as another "section". Then Lock 3 and the Civic along with the businesses on the other side of the road. If you were to walk from Diamond Deli all the way down to Subway in the APS building, you encounter like 5 different sections of downtown. If new polsky can blend those sections together that would be huge
  4. Vermont ties it up in the 81st minute. Good final
  5. When was the last time an akron team let a team score 58 points in a half
  6. Maybe it’s good I can’t see the score
  7. Why is there a replay on every basket, driving me crazy
  8. It has been 2,184 days since John Groce has lost a home non-conference game
  9. First half appearance for Evan Wilson 🚨
  10. Special at the concessions stand today, with a new coney dog
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